Christmas fun-Tom

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and I already knew that I needed to get the day started. Today was going to be a kind day because me and Tom were having a Christmas party so I needed to get a whole bunch of items for today.

I got up and headed to the bathroom turning the knob and searching for a hair tie so I could start tying my hair up to do my face routine.

Once I was done I did the sign of the cross and put a comfy fit, and as I was headed downstairs I see Tom and bill chatting. Tom stopped his convo and started walking towards me—- leaning in to give me a kiss, then asking where I was heading. I told him that I needed to run errands. After that he gave me more kisses and let me go as I head out the door.

Y/n was ready for a day of Christmas shopping for her friends Selena, Ashley, Camille, Georg, Gustav, and her best friend Bill, not to mention her boyfriend Tom. Her first stop was the local boutique where she found a gorgeous pair of earrings that she knew would look perfect on Selena. Next, she headed to shoe store where she found a pair of heels for Ashley. Camille was a bookworm, so Y/N spent a good amount of time in the bookstore, selecting a couple of bestsellers she knew Camille had been eyeing. For Georg and Gustav, she visited the tech store. She knew Georg had been talking about a new set of wireless headphones, and for Gustav, a computer set caught her eye. The final stop was the music store for Bill, where she found an exclusive vinyl record of his favorite band. Y/N piled her purchases into the SUV, her list almost complete. She took a moment to check her phone for any messages from Tom. There was a text: "Missing you already. Can't wait for you to get back." She smiled and sent a quick reply, "Almost done! See you soon!"After a final stop for some festive wrapping paper and ribbons, she headed home, her heart light and excited.

Pulling into the driveway, she left the gifts in the SUV for now, deciding to surprise everyone closer to Christmas. She hurried into the house, the warmth immediately embracing her. Tom was lounging on the couch, a warm smile spreading across his face as he saw her. "Hey, you," he said, opening his arms. Y/N dropped her bag, making her way over to him. "Hi," she replied, settling into his arms. "Missed me?" "Always," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "How was your errands?" "Exhausting, but totally worth it." Tom looked down at her, his eyes twinkling. "Mhm." She laughed.

Later y/n started setting stuff up and everyone was dressed and already had music going, so as the alcohol pouring. Everyone was passing each other gifts, having a giggle and laugh.
(This is what I would imagine the party looked like!)


I might be back 😩🫰🏽🫰🏽
