Happy Birthday, Hiromu!

The date was May 27th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Hiromu Kajiwara (Tokio Funka) can be seen on her computer talking to her boyfriend Toshiaki Moriyama (Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len) on Zoom.

Tokio Funka: How come I didn't hear your or your sister's name at the graduation ceremony, Toshiaki?

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: It's because we still have one more year to go. We'll be 22 in September.

Tokio Funka: Oh... Silly me.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: No, you're fine.

Tokio Funka: Speaking of your sister, how is she doing?

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: She's doing good. And so is her girlfriend Citrine.

Tokio Funka: That's good.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: I'm just glad that summer's here.

Tokio Funka: Me too. Maybe I can attend the other Lunar Home graduation that's going to be happening on June 11th. Just for funsies.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: Are you curious about who's graduating this year?

Tokio Funka: Yeah, mostly.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: I see. Well, before I forget, happy birthday, Hiromu.

Tokio Funka: Aw, thanks. I'm turning 24.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: 24? I didn't think you were that old.

Tokio Funka: I was born in 1999.

Bamboo Cutter's Overnight Sensation Len: Huh.

And so, Hiromu and Toshiaki talked for a few more minutes until they both had to leave.

Judai: And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Tokio Funka and also happy 10th anniversary to the song of the same name. I'll see you guys next time. Sayonara!
