Not an update-Please read!!!!!!!

Hello everyone! I have some REALLY important news. I am getting a new phone soon and the problem is that I can't find out/remember what my password is for this account. I have another account that I made while looking for fan-fiction. It is @iliketoesubdjb . I made another account because I wanted to change my username. Whenever I try to change this account's password it changes my old account's password. I'm afraid that I will have to copy all of my stories into my old account or else I will be unable to update ever again. If you know how to help me PLEASE comment how, otherwise I will be forced to delete this account 😥. So if you see my stories in @iliketoesubdjb 's account don't worry, they did not steal my stories, it is me....reincarnated. Just kidding! And remember, stay odd!😜.....😭😭😭😭😭😭
