•• 3 ••

"Hurry up, everyone!" Jin was very tense, to say the least. 

"I'm not gonna shower." Grumbled Taehyung. Poor thing, didn't expect raising a baby would be a difficult task.

"At least, go brush your teeth for goodness' sake." Yoongi said, his already small eyes dropping in lack of sleep. 


It took them a while, but the boys had managed to get themselves and as well get Charm ready. Packing bags for themselves and the baby was the most irritating thing they've done so far. 

"How the heck did we get all this?" Jimin asked a little puzzled. 

"I ordered them off Amazon a week ago for my friend's baby as a gift, guess I can give something else later on." Jin smiled as Jungkook nodded.

"Oh, the package you received yesterday but wouldn't show us?" Jungkook called as Jin nodded with a smile. 

"Who's a good girl?" Hoseok coo'd as Charm pouted, surpressing a giggle.

"Ah, kawaii!" Hoseok let out as the members let out a laughter. 

It was almost impossible to resist Charm at this point though it has been only less than a day since the little one had entered the Bangtan household.


"Huh?!" Bang PD-nim kept his composure while BTS' manager hyung-nim SeJin lost his crap.

"You have a baby? Right now? With you?" The manager screamed as Hoseok nodded, pointing towards Jin who was holding the baby while she was asleep.

Bang PD-nim stood up, only to walk towards Jin who was calming the baby who was stirring in her sleep.

Looking at the beautiful baby, not only his heart soften; the man held a furious expression but once looking at the little bundle of adorable fluff ball, he was at awe.

"What's her name?" His voice was warm; relief spread across the members.

"It's Charm!" The 95 liners chirped as Bang PD-nim let out a warm smile.

"She's adorable." He said in a tired voice.

"But," he paused, studying the members' anxious expressions.

"I can't let you guys raise her. It's too much work." The older man let out as the younger males let out a sigh of frustration.

"We'll manage! We really like her! Plus, she's our lucky charm! We lacked luck and once she came in, we even got nominated for daesung awards! All three, that too!" Hoseok tried explaining as Bang PD-nim shook his head.

"Ah, why PD-nim?" Jungkook pouted as Bang PD-nim massaged his neck.

"Listen up, kids. I'm fine with you raising a baby. But, you guys are  neither in an age to do such deed nor are you guys have seen success. You're main goal is to win the daesung, wasn't it? Why don't you do that firs-"

"Will you give us Charm then?" Yoongi called out quietly.


"Will you give us Charm then? If we were to win any one of the daesungs, would you allow us to raise Charm?" Yoongi elaborated on his request as PD-nim thought for a while.

The man looked like he aged twice his actual age in that one night.

"Yes. Yes, I gladly will." The older man said as everyone in the room pouted harder.

"We've gotta talk for a while, PD-nim. We'll be right back." Jin, the oldest of the members, said as  the members and himself excused themselves to go to their practice room.


"How could you request something like that, hyung?" Jimin whined as Yoongi sat still.

"No, what Yoongi did was the smartest idea amongst anyone couldn've come up with." Jin said.

Jungkook had no say in this so the boy was making sure Charm was having a peaceful slumber.

"How so, hyung?" Namjoon asked as Hoseok nodded.

"The MAMA awards are just two months away." Hoseok let out as Jin nodded.

"Exactly my point. The award show is just two months away. If we work our butts off to encourage armys to vote for us, then, we might win a daesung as well as our little bundle of joy. How does that sound?" Jin called, his lips curving up in a smile. 

"I think that could work. The voting doesn't start until later on so we have plenty of time too!" Taehyung agreed as all the members looked at Charm who was now awake and playing with Jungkook.

"Yes, it will." Yoongi smiled.


Gawwwwwww, lmao.
