Chapter 9

Hiccup's POV

It was already thirty minutes into the flight, and we should be reaching the caves in five, when I noticed Astrid shivering, and pressing closer for warmth.

"We should be there soon. You can warm up there." I tell her.

"Thanks, this dress wasn't designed to keep out the cold." She mumbles.

Soon the island was in view, and Toothless lands in the cave entrance. I dismount, and help Astrid get off the saddle. Toothless blasts the fire pit, and warmth begins to spread in this part of the cave. There were some dragons resting in the entrance cave, mainly some Gronckles, and Terrors but I saw Astrid stiffen as she saw them.

"Hey, don't worry. They won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt them." I gently tell her. She nods still a bit wary. "Just don't point any weapons at them, and you'll be left alone."

"Toothless, bud. Could you warm up the other areas?" I ask. Toothless takes one last look at Astrid before making his way deeper into the caves.

I gently grab her hands, and inspect the knot in the rope around her wrists. "I'm going to have to cut it." I say as I take out my dagger. Astrid tries to back away, but I have a firm hold on her. "Easy, I won't hurt you. I just need to cut the rope. You need to hold still." I tell her.

As I'm cutting the ropes I hear Astrid speak for the first time since the ride over. "I'm Astrid. What do you wish of me M'lord?"

For once my mind goes completely blank....

"W...What?" Is all that I say as I gaze at her through my mask. Her eyes were downcast. I say nothing more as I finish freeing her wrist.

"I keep my promises." I hear her say. "I'm a woman of my word. My friends are save, and I'll keep my promise to you." She says stiffly.

Then it suddenly clicked. The offer she made when I rejected the alliance. 'How could I forget that.'

I nervously rub the back of my head. "Look,... Ehmm.... I forgot about it." I tell her.

Now it is her turn to look at me with a wide-eyed stare. "You forgot!" She nearly yells.

"Can we talk about it tomorrow? I still need to get your friends." I say as I begin to lead her through the passageways. We come to a passageway with a lot of doors. "This part of the cave system holds the bedrooms." I tell her. I point to the first right door. "That is my room. Please don't go in there uninvited." I tell her seriously. Astrid nods, then asks. "Why so many bedrooms Milord?"

"Eh...... For now you can just call me Ryder." I tell her. "I usually have some friends visit who like to stay for a few days." I tell her. She looks at me curiously. "You are considered the bane of every Viking. I just don't see you holding any sleepovers."

At this I have to chuckle. "Aye M'lady, but I do have some friends. You'll probably meet them during your stay. All I ask is that you keep their identities a secret." I tell her seriously. "I don't want them getting into trouble."

"I...I promise." Astrid says shivering slightly as a cold burst of air blows down the corridor. I point to the room opposite to mine. "That will be your room Astrid." I say to her, and open the door. As we step into the room I see that Toothless has already lit this fire pit. "Please make yourself comfortable." I tell her, and take a fur blanket from the little alcove in the room. I drape it over her shoulders, and say "This shall keep you warm Astrid. I shall return with your friends, and we shall discuss what to do tomorrow."

Astrid nods while saying "T..Thank you Ryder", and proceeds to sit on the bed. She begins removing the flower crown that was woven into her hair as I make my way out.

"Now where did that lizard go?" I mumble.

I find Toothless in the kitchen helping himself to a basket of fish. He looks up as I enter then promptly goes back to eating. "One of these days you're going to get fat bud." I say as I pat his head. Now all I need to do is find one or two Scauldrons, a Thunderdrum, and a Typhoomerang.

After searching with Toothless around the island for half an hour, we set out again to get our new guests. A red Typhoomerang, and green Thunderdrum are keeping pace with us. Two Scauldrons were following close behind. Soon the little shape of a longboat could be seen on the open sea. We descent, and I have Toothless land on the bow. The Scauldrons have surfaced, and are patiently waiting along with the others in the air.

"Hello again." I say. The occupants of the ship are staring wide-eyed. I see Snotlout reach for a mace. "Don't draw your weapons. They won't hurt you." I tell them quickly. "They are your transportation."

"Wait you want us to ride on a dragon!" Tuffnut said. "Cool!!" That statement earned him a head slap from Snotlout.

"We just thought you meant that the dragons would tow the boat or show us the way." Fishlegs states while looking at the assembled dragons with curiosity.

"You can only get into my home on dragon back." I state. Suddenly I see a small child walk towards Toothless, and I.

"Brigid what are you doing!!" Ruffnut yells.

The girl Brigid stops in front of Toothless, who gives her a gummy smile making the child giggle. "See mommy! They're not scary at all!" She says, and begins to pat Toothless who is now crouching low.

"Alright. While you are on my island you will not harm any dragons." I tell them. "That means no weapons." As I say this some protest can be heard.

"But you carry a weapon." Snotlout says, and gestures towards my daggers.

"Yes, but the dragons trust me. They don't know you lot. So no weapons for now." I state. I suddenly feel a tug on my pant leg. I look down to see the little girl.

"Mister, how do you get this stuff off?" She asks me, and then I notice that she is covered in dragon slobber. I turn, and send a glare at Toothless. "Bud, you know that doesn't wash out" I mumble. Toothless simply gives his version of a laugh.

"Did that dragon just laugh?" I heard from Fishlegs.

"Don't mind the overgrown lizard." I state as I proceed to call down the dragons, and help Ruffnut on the Thunderdrum. Fishlegs proceeds to sit behind her. "Brigid come on." He says.

I hear a giggle, and see that Toothless was busy nuzzling her. "Daddy can I ride on him?" she asks. I see Fishlegs's eyebrows shoot up. "Eeeh...." Was all he said, before Ruffnut interjected. "Dragon master would that be alright?" she asks as she watches Brigid play.

"I see no problem with it, and for now call me Ryder." I reply.

I watch Snotlout, Heather, and Tuffnut take a seat on the Typhoomerang. "The Scauldrons will tow the boat to the island. It could still be useful." I tell them as I pick up Brigid, and put her on the saddle before getting on Toothless's back myself.

I give the sign, and we take off into the night sky.

After almost ten minutes of flying Brigid decided to ask a question. "Mister, are you my uncle now?"

"Whaa..." I say in surprise. The others who are flying next to us also look at the little girl in surprise.

"Mister, you will be auntie Astrid's husband right? I heard what she asked you. Then you will be my uncle now too." She happily states, and snuggles closer without a care in the world.

"Awkward" I hear Tuffnut snicker, and notice that all the others are trying to hold back fits of laughter. 'Just what have I gotten myself into?'
