All those explanation and Flash back!

I almost missed my train back home. Fridays are the most crowded day of the week at the railway stations. You got to have special skills to get a place to stand somewhere in the compartments and to get a seat, you would have to be in a parallel universe where South Indian Railways providing trains or metro-trains like that in America or Europe.

After giving a fight to get in and out of the train, I have to go to the parking area to get my motorbike. The only friend I got in the train was Gokul and we were friends from the KGs, twenty years of friendship! That's great. But I never had a best buddy, almost all of my friends were besties for me.


Walking towards the parking lot, I was thinking about the guy who collects money for every parked vehicle.

Why should I give money, once when I asked him about keeping my bike over there for two days, he told me he doesn't take responsibility and there was no guaranty for the safety. Then why should I pay him at all, the parking area has got no walls or any sort of enclosure. I could neglect the guy like I can't see him while he collects money from others and escape with my bike.

But when I reached near my bike, I killed the rebel inside me and pulled out money from my pocket and gave him.

Oh, god I have became part of that laid back society which neglects anything and everything when it comes to their comfort. And I promised my self not to be part of this at all when I was in college.


'I won't tell you anything. What ever is there you father will tell.' My mom said when I was searching to find a best spot to place shoes. I went upstairs like I was neglecting her.

Entering into my room was like you are in a deserted city. There was my bed occupied with dresses both washed and the other...! Books and magazines are scattered over the table, few of them are from first year! I made some space for my laptop, dragged the chair near to table and sat there. There was something missing, like I forgot something.

OMG... I took the phone,

4 missed calls from Diya.

Babe, didn't saw your calls, call me when free. I messaged her over whatsapp. I would have been in the train, me inside the train is like I never existed in this world.

Few minutes later, Diya called me and I was explaining to her about the conversation with my mom, which is actually going to decide the future of our relationship. She was very worried but kept telling me everything is going to be just fine! In between the conversation, my phone vibrated showing Dad calling.

The next few minutes where the time of my life where my talking skill has to save my future. Talking to dad in such dense situations were tougher than having a phone interview and your interviewer talks to you in an alien language, hmm say Chinese or Japanese!

It was like I was preparing for the conversation for the last couple of years. As a matter of fact, this conversation had to happen. I attended the call.

'Dad..' I said.

'Son, where are you?' Dad asked.

'At home.' I replied.

'How is your work? And what's between you and your mother?'

It's bit confusing, things are not going the way I expected. That was definitely not the way dad used to react when mom tells bad news about me.

'Work's fine and I hope mom doesn't like me going for this job. She kinds of hate it.' I answered.

'Are you satisfied with everything in your life?' Next question from my dad.

That was a question! Always dreamt of doing something different than those who I have known in my life. I joined for B-Tech and took Applied electronics and instrumentation thinking I could get a job in some space research center. But within two years of college proved I was wrong. My interest changed to coding and application development. Since then dreamt of becoming a developer having a life time bond with my laptop. For this I almost gave up my degree. Now I am a junior developer working for a startup company with salary as a dream ( gets salary in 2 or 3 months). Even then I said to my dad.

'It's like my dream job. Yes I am happy with my life.'

'See..son,every mother worries about her children. It's their nature. Even I am not satisfied about your pay scale comparing to your effort. She wants you to be happy.' Said my dad.

'Dad, my career just started. Everyone has to go through this. And mom is behaving a bit different this entire week.'

'She is just worried about you. She is afraid that you are in a wrong way of life and doesn't want you to make mistakes.' He said this and paused.

I knew exactly what mistake he was talking about. Why is love even considered a mistake by these people. We are having such a messed up culture. I replied like I knew none of this.

'What mistake dad, don't you people believe in your son or does mom thinks I have started smoking or drinking?'

No idea, from where I got the guts to talk to my father like that.

'No, she doubts that you are in love or something.' Dad replied.

No more thinking and words dropped of my mouth, 'yes dad I love some one.'

'Who is that? Is some one from your office?'

'No, dad. The old one.' I replied.

After a moment of science dad said, ' If you are successful in your life..I will be proud of you and if you make a mistake now and even I won't be there to help you.'

'I know dad, and I am ok with that.'

'Son, why you have to love.'

Jeez, why can't I love. I am not killing anyone. I love since I feel so.

'Why is it wrong to love? Don't you love mom?' I asked.

'Yes, your mom is everything in my life. But we are married.' Dad answered.

God, who said you could only love after marriage. Why is that so? Err...

Dad continued, 'It's not our culture, you are making a mistake son. We got better dreams for you.'

Finally I replied. 'Dad, all my life you were the only person who understood me so I have to tell this. I love Diya and if I am going to marry anyone, it's her.'

'OK son, it's your life.' Call ended.

I felt a heaviness on my heart. I sat on my bed and slowly laid down. What have I done in my life? Why do my people consider love to be a mistake. If then what changed me?

I closed my eyes thinking about my life from the beginning.
