CHAPTER 4 : Regret

A/N: Hey guys! So recently, I was so obsessed with movie trailers especially the mystery fantasy hybrid sooo *drum roll*.... I will make a trailer for this book!

You will get to see a bit of the action, what are the characters voices and their relationship. I made a teaser poster for the trailer (up in media), please tell me what you think of it.The trailer will be in the next update so stay tuned ;)

Italics = past memories

"Why? Why do you love him Florina? What is so attractive about him? He is a Gryffindor and you are a Slytherin –"

"What are you saying David?" Florina frowned "I am not allowed to be with a Gryffindor because I am a Slytherin? And how is that relevant to my question? This animosity between you and him must be stopped, it is getting childish at this point."

"You don't know anything!" he shot standing up in anger "HE is not telling you anything. Why don't you direct that question off to him instead of me?"

Florina sighed and looked down at her feet. " doesn't want to tell me. As a matter of fact, mind."

David laughed bitterly, "He told you not to be associated with me either, didn't he?"

The witch avoided the wizard's gaze cursing herself for making him aware of it. She really wished she could solve things between him and his brother and now that he knows his brother doesn't want her to see David, things will get even more complicated.

After a while, she got closer to him "Listen David. I...honestly I cannot think of a reason why you two hate each other so much. I don't know your lives but what I do know is both of you are wonderful people. Both of you were amazing and kind to me. Both of you are smart and can do wonderful magic. And both of you are childish."

David raised a brow but didn't interrupt her. She smiled back, "I mean it David, this has to end. You trust me, don't you?"

He looked at her dimly lit blue eyes and gulped. Quickly, he looked away from her and nodded.

"Then put your faith in me. Tell me what's wrong and I promise I will do my best to solve it."

The emerald eyed wizard didn't face the witch who was eagerly awaiting his response. He slowly nodded to himself and eventually faced her, "I will tell you my side of the story but promise me one thing."

"Anything David."

"Please don't hate me after. Let me explain myself until the end."


The fairy was zooming away as fast as possible spreading her ashy silver fairy dust wherever she went. Her heart was racing with exhaustion and fear not minding that her energy was decreasing rapidly.

Only one thought enveloped her mind at that moment, I need to find Florina. I need to warn her.

Arriving a top of the astronomy tower, she sat down on the cold concrete floor to catch her breath. She expected Florina and Davies to be staying there waiting for her return and was quite shocked when they weren't.

"Where could they be?" she whispered to herself panting slightly "They should be here, even that Human David is gone."

After her depleted energy gradually returned, she immediately flew up and went down the tower. "Well, if there is any other place she could be in, it would certainly be her living quarters."

Flying through Hogwart's floors, she entered the dungeons and finally arrived at the witch's quarters. After she whispered the password, she went in and shut the door behind her. Florina's quarters were calm and seemingly empty which worried the fairy even more.

Taking a deep breath, she began checking every room even going as far as checking the bathroom too hoping that Florina was behind the shower curtains. When there was no evidence of the witch's presence anywhere, the silver winged fairy felt panic rising within her.

Could... could they have gotten to her? She thought.

"I knew I should have come here as soon as Nixie gave her orders." She banged her hand against the wall angry "Florina could be anywhere right now! Nixie wouldn't want to waste a second. Knowing her, Florina could be in the Fairy land by now."

She pulled a chair from the witch's desk and sat down frowning to herself. Slowly, she began taking calming breaths to not fuel the anger arising within her. After a few moments, that maneuver was helping her slightly or at the very least was helping her think more clearly.

She sighed loudly, "Before I left the fairy land, Nixie told me to fetch Florina for her. She wouldn't have said that if she already had Florina."

Taking another deep breath, she looked down at the desk focused, "So my mission will be to find Florina before they do. Stella was right. I am a fugitive! Going against my Queen's orders results in banishment, but I am already banished. It won't make a difference."

She looked over her shoulder at her silver wings and palmed her ashy silver dust in sadness wishing they could turn to their healthy happy gold again.

Rose nodded to herself and got up slowly hovering over the desk. "The question now remains, where did Florina go?"

Flying softly around Florina's quarters, Rose was deep in thought as she paced around.

She suddenly stopped when an idea popped in her head, "Maybe Davies wanted to go against Nixie's orders as well and hide Florina? That's what he wanted me to do after all."

Rose jumped in excitement, "That's it!"

She quickly ran to the door opening it with enthusiasm, "He knew they were coming for Florina and that's why he came to warn me. So he must have taken her to a safe place after I was gone."

Passing through the dungeons, Rose flew as quickly as possible back to the astronomy tower.

"If I am correct, after he planned to hide Florina away from Nixie, he come back to the astronomy tower and wait for my return. Smart ghost! He always was more brilliant than his brother."

A few moments later, the fairy arrived at the astronomy tower hoping she would find either the ghost or the witch.

When she found neither of them, she whispered quietly, "I am not going to give up hope just yet. It must have been hard for him to find an appropriate place to hide her. He obviously wants to be vigilant in case Nixie sends her troops tonight."

Sighing, she covered herself with her wings bathing herself in their warmth as she sat down.

Hours passed with the fairy waiting for the ghost's arrival in silence. Her mind began to wonder to the many memories she had with Florina. The memories that she was certain most of them were forgotten by the witch.

Sudden guilt began to develop within her.

"How I wish I could finally let you remember Florina," she whispered to herself smiling sadly "I wish that when you finally do, you would give me time to explain. Please don't hate me for it. Please –"

Rose's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden vision that came to her. She let it fill her mind as she began to navigate through it.

She was standing at the heart of the forbidden forest. At an empty circle of land with no trees growing on it or around it. Squinting, she saw two people at the distance, one laying on the ground and another crouching beside them.

She got closer.

'Davies! Florina!' she exclaimed once she was closer to the two.

She wanted to shout at them but she knew they couldn't hear her. She was aware that all of this happened in the past. However that didn't stop her from sitting beside Florina smoothing out her hair to soothe her.

But the witch couldn't feel it. In fact, she couldn't feel anything at all. She was shivering as she looked up at something. Following her line of gaze, she saw a pair of two blood red eyes staring back at her with hunger.

Their eyes had membrane slates that opened and closed like a snake's eye.

Their taurine eyes were glittering with hunger as if the witch was their prey about to be devoured.

The Fairy could sense their animalistic hunger slowly growing inside them. A powerful laugh erupted from the two shaking the ground and nearby trees.

Slowly, everything began to disappear, the two hungry beasts, the sympathetic ghost, the empty land and finally... the terrified witch.

Arising from the vision, the fairy turned white beyond terrified. She couldn't get stand up on her feet and her wings weren't cooperating either. She was petrified in place enable to formulate a single thought.

Who were those two things and why were they looking at Florina like that? She asked herself.

The fairy didn't catch a glimpse of their faces, only their eyes but that wasn't enough to know who the two beings were. After giving it a very hard thought however, she concluded that only one being can distill horrifying fear in humans.

Demons! She thought angrily. And I bet that gigantic beast behind them was Lucifer.

"How could I have been so careless?" she lowered her head "I... I should have been with her when Lucifer descends. Now... now she... no. NO!"

The fairy finally found her footing and got upat once. "NO! SHE IS NOT GOING TO BE HIS SERVANT!"
