Chapter 9: New Arrival

Four's POV

(This takes place after Four getting X back.)

X and I were talking, mostly about what to do for the next challenges, how we missed each other so much.. Oh, how I missed these conversations. The way he explains stuff is too fucking adorable for me. I just love him so much agh-
Then again this had me wondering, did Two have as much fun with X?? I wonder how that bastard felt when my X was around him.. I mean, I should try to brush this thought off, all that matters now is that I have X back.

Fuck. The more X keeps talking, the more I keep thinking about it. I'd hate to mention it but I'm curious as fuck so...

"Oh by the way, X.."
"Yes, Four-y?"
"What did you do with Two while you were with him?"
"Oh, nothing much. I mean, we did have fun playing patty cake.. He was super polite and nice to me too but he did tend to be rather.. flustered at times."
"He kept mentioning how you were such a lucky number to have someone like me and it was really annoying. He even mentioned how he was sometimes jealous of you and I asked him to change the topic every single time." X said, looking annoyed.
"I am going to fucking murder him."
"W-ait Four! It's alright, we're pretty far from him now so it won't really matter that much anymore. Don't hurt anyone please, you might end up getting hurt yourself."
"Ugh, fine."

We talked some more while snuggling on the host lounge couch, under a blanket. We hugged and constantly smiled at each other, muttering "I love you" every now and then until we drifted off....


Hi guyss
sorry for not posting too often, i got really caught up in roblox communities so like i forgot about wattpad
bfb 17 was the good shit man i loved that episode
bfb 18 was even bettter
i gotta admit that "you promised me no more screechy'' part was so fucking cute
also its nice to see how i started this story when i was like in the 6th grade lol
since i have like 101 followers now im gonna try and update my books more often
also thank you for 5k!!! i love you alllll and i really do appreciate your comments!! <3
