21 || Epilogue


I know that you're angry and hurt right now,

And for all that you believe, you're right to feel that way.

But I have to believe that, for as much as you're inclined to trust what your eyes see, you believe in me too.

I love you, Clarke.

And I feel ill at the thought of writing it here before I can even have the chance to say it out loud first to you.

But it's the simple and undeniable truth of how I felt for a quiet some time now.

I'm writing you this letter from another plane that will take me to you, another journey that I hope will end with you waiting for me.

I never hid the fact that I was afraid of what our relationship would be like since we would have to be apart a lot, I almost lost you before we could even be something.

And now we're here, and I'm losing you again...

Clarke, I want to be with you, I really do, you have no idea how much you became important to me, and it's because of this that I'm ready to let you go if you think that you can't do this. That it's too hard.

I understand. I've already been there.

I truly believe that you're someone that deserves only the best, and if you think that I can't give you that, I won't hold on to you, I'll let you go, if that's what you want.

But if you'll give me a chance to prove myself to you,

If you'll give me the chance to show you that I will learn how to be the best for you, I swear I'll do anything in my power to stay true to this promise.

I love you, Clarke.

And I think you love me too, so I'm asking you to believe in me.

Believe in us.

Because I do. What about you?



Dear Clarke,

I'm an idiot.

I don't know what you're still doing with me, to be honest.

I've been trying to find the perfect moment and each time something comes up and ruins all my plans. Apparently I'm not as good with preparations as Octavia is, that gene must've all gone to her, since everything she does turns out perfectly.

I'm actually jealous of my sister's organization skills. And she's also the messiest person I know! Her work station is a disaster...

Okay, I'm digressing though, as I said before. Me? An idiot.

An idiot in love with the most amazing woman in the world.

Every important moment of our life together has been marked by letters.

We found each other after five years thanks to a letter. And then we fell in love writing letters to each other. So, I thought that maybe I should do this through a letter, too.

Clarke Griffin.

We fight. A lot.

You drive me crazy sometimes, for how much you make me feel. Nothing with you is mild or insignificant.

Everything with you is heightened.

Every time you're angry at me I feel like I want to be angry at you too but at the same time I'm completely and helplessly at your mercy.

Since the moment we've been together, you've stood by my side and never once made me feel like you didn't believe in me, or in us.

You've become my muse and the light of my life.

You, with your infuriating stubbornness and contagious laugh.

You, with your almost creepy fixation with my freckles and your hands always, somehow smudged with charcoal. You and the way you look at me that never ceases to amaze me.

Clarke, I've known for a while now that I'm yours. Forever.

I thank everything that made me catch that train just in time. Faith? Serendipity? Coincidence? I don't care. I'm just grateful that I met you.

So, in this letter, I'm asking you, Clarke Griffin

Will you marry me and be the princess on our wedding day and the queen of my heart for the rest of our lives?

My Dearest Clarke,


Everyone has them, without dreams, humans wouldn't be able to live. They would just exist.

Or that's how I think about it.

It took me some time, but I realized that all of my three biggest dreams have become reality.

1) I had a music career that gave the band and friends I've been performing since we've been ten-year olds, the possibility to share our music with the world ... Don't )know if you remember, putting it here just in case...

2) I finally took my master's degree in history and became a professor. And enjoyed spending great part of our life together telling you awesome anecdotes.

And 3) I made come true the biggest dream of all, the most unexpected and the one I wanted to make reality more than I ever wanted anything in my life.

Be married to you and building a life, a family with you is the greatest thing that I did in my whole existence.

And no, don't roll your eyes, I'm not being overdramatic, here.

Okay, maybe a little.

Oh damn, twenty-five years and I still am shit at writing love letters, aren't I?

Well, now I cursed too. This letter couldn't get any better.

Moving on, where were we...

Dreams. And my love for you.

Do you remember that letter where I told you that I'd let you go if you wanted, because if that was what you wanted I'd do anything to give it to you?

I still stand by those words.

But in those years together, my love for you has changed enormously.

My whole being, my heart and mind and body and soul is filled with love for you. I never loved you like I love you right now.

And I will never love you like I will love you tomorrow, and so on, because day after day, after every challenge, every night spent making love, every fight and tears I will love you even more than the day before.

Not one day has passed that I haven't been infinitely grateful for the fact that I was the one that you chose to make you happy.

I love you. You're the Queen of my heart, and always will be.

Yours eternally,


To our beautiful baby girl,

"You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. We're okay."

We were changed in an instant,

We became so much more, our definition of perfect was written when you were born.

You drew your first breath, I learnt what love meant,

And my heart reconciled all the darkness and light inside my chest.

As you fist held tight, and your eyes met mine, I saw the future unfold in silver and gold. And I'm already proud.

Beautiful like your mother, you are grace you are light.

A better version of our best.

As you grow up we will too and we will learn from each other,

There is so much to tell you.

There is so much to see.

We will show you the oceans and everything in between.

What a privilege to love you, to teach all that we know,

To watch you build a collection of dreams that you can call your own.

You are beautiful like your mother,

You are grace, you are light.

A better version of our best from your starting line.

We were changed in an instant,

We became so much more.

Our definition of perfect was written when you were born.

Forever yours,

Mummy and Daddy.

[Life by Sleeping at Last]

To my baby Augusta.

I can't believe you're going to college.

I feel like it was yesterday that I held you in my arms the day you were born.

And, don't roll your eyes, lady. I'm your mother, let me be emotional over the fact that you're so grown up.

For me though, you'll always be my little girl. The one that always demanded for me to tell her new and exciting stories, the girl that would come home with a new scrape every day after having climbed that damn tree in the garden and the one that would listen to my little advices completely raptured.

So, today I'm going to give another piece of advice. Something that your great-grandfather, my grandpa had always said: Whatever you do or wherever you are, if you find love and happiness, don't let them go, for those two are the essence of our life.

I think he was a very wise man. And I absolutely agree with him.

You always shied away from the idea of love, and I suspect that your dad and I have something to do with it. You know our story, we've grown up together in the same neighbourhood and been best friends for a long time before we finally got out heads out of our shells and got together.

You've never had someone like that, and with time I noticed that you sort of gave up on the idea of love, because you think that if you didn't find it during your childhood like we did, you'll never find it.

And well, I wanted to remind you of your grandparents.

Clarke and Bellamy, my mum and dad had a beautiful love story, far more exciting than the one between me and your dad...

And they didn't know each other like your dad and I, they met on a train like the one you're probably reading this letter on.

And then? Then they didn't saw each other for 5 years.

But both of them have never stopped thinking about one another. Five years, and they somehow found their way back to each other.

It was hard.

But you know all this, I sure talked about them a lot, and you also listened to the stories that aunt Octavia would tell you...

You know that your grandpa was a famous singer at the time, he was part of a band (!) and he had to spend a lot of time apart from grandma, but they made it work. Because of how much they loved each other, and how much they were sure that there wasn't anyone else for them but one another.

I know you miss them dearly too as I do, there will never be a day when I won't miss them...

Their story... It all began in a train coach, they met the love of their lives but not only that, as their lives intertwined people in one's life became family to the other's too.

Maybe you won't meet the love of your life in that coach, but remember that there isn't just that kind of love. You could find the love of a friend such as Raven and Wells, Murphy and Jasper; all these people were touched and united by different aspect of the same love.

This story of friendship and love is no more special than any other, it's just another story of relationships between a group of people. Unique, only because of their uniqueness.

Maybe you won't find exactly this, but I hope you'll find another version of the same love that tied all of these people together.

I love you forever,

Your Mummy,

Aurora Carstairs-Blake.
