Tips for Beginner Surfers to Have the Most Fun in the Waves

Surfing is not only one of the most beautiful sports out there but also a wonderful way to relax, work out, and meet great people. Following these tips for beginner surfers will help you start your awesome journey and you'll be on your way to becoming a great surfer.

Do not learn surfing by yourself- It may seem easy, but never approach surfing by yourself. Either go on a surf camp for beginners or learn from an experienced friend which will help you avoid injuries or even putting your life in danger. Research the teachers in advance if you decide to take some surf lessons. They should be experienced and have good reviews.

Venice Beach is the home to artists, musicians, writers, skaters, surfers and everything in between, the Venice Boardwalk is one of the most eclectic areas of Southern California. Venice Beach offers wide sandy beaches, plenty of people watching and local stands selling art, food, and souvenirs along with waves suitable for beginners and advance students. Get in touch with Aqua Surf for .

Go for a big surfboard- Not only are they better floatation devices but also a large board will provide you a bigger surface to learn on. Soft-top surfboards also help with the learning process for some beginners which tend to be gentle on feet and posterior. Make sure you use a surf leash that can potentially save your life, so make sure you are never without one!

Carry out Light Exercises- A little warm up is essential before entering the water. So stretch out your muscles and tendons to decrease the chances of muscle cramps and increase heart rate which will oxygenate your blood and pump you up for the action.

Observe the Water- Don't rush in the water when you get to the beach. Do your light workout and check your costume, leash and board before entering the water. Look at the waves and study them prior to making your way into water. Set your eyes on other surfers and see what they do.

Don't be Scared- Learning a new stuff can be overwhelming but never lose your calm and composure. Keep in mind that it is something you'll enjoy doing for a long time.

When in the water, pace yourself to avoid injury and tackle small waves before you attempt larger ones. Stay away from where the experienced surfers are surfing. Master the prone position and once you get the prone position, learn how to pop-up which should be swift and seamless. Learn to keep moving your feet while in water. Paddling is another thing you'll need to practice and learn to avoid nosedives (for that you need to learn how to position your surfboard to the waves). You'll be involved in a lot of wipeouts so get used to that. It is imperative that you bend your knees and not your back when you're on the wave. Head to the shore and relax if you are tired, bored or you simply aren't feeling the surf session anymore.

No matter what you do and where you are, just have lots of fun.
