"Ok so have you two picked a wedding cake yet, DREW asked me and CHAD. "Yes we have I think we are gonna go with the strawberry vanilla cake, I said to him before wiping some icing off CHAD'S face.

We found a spot to have the wedding and Im in the mist of moving out my old house also. It was time for me to let it go and enjoy my new life with him. And lately Ive been just getting the feeling that someone is following me. I didnt tell CHAD though because I didnt want him to freak out and do some crazy shit.

"Ok well I guess our work is done here for the day I will see you both two days from now, DREW said before raising off the couch as CHAD and I stood up also. "Ok great we will see you then, I said before DREW shook CHADS hand then mines. "So baby what is it that you wanna eat tonight, he asked as he grabbed me.

"What about some chicken, I asked before he kissed my lips. "Ooh baby keep talkn, he said before kissin me again. "With some mashed potatoes and gravy, I said as he rubbed my ass. "Mmhmm baby keep it comin, he said before kissin my neck. "Some mac n cheese, I said to him as he pulled me in closer as he rested his forhead on mines. "Dam baby throw down then, he responded as he held me close. "I was also thinkin some cornbread with greens, I finished before he dipped me down as one of my legs went into the air as if it was a dance move. "Dam STAC how did I get luckey with you, he asked as I laughed a little. He rose me up by the back of my head as he stared at me.

"It feels like I am the luckey one, being that you saved my life with something so passionately rare and real to offer, I said to him as I kept eye contact. "CHAD I dont see nothing but positive energy coming from you and the way you make me feel when were together is a feeling I can't deny.

"I don't wanna go another day thinking and wondering if your for me because you are and this is all I need right here, I said pointing to him then me. "We're did you come from STACY, he asked before kissing me slow. "Shit from a place they don't make me anymore, I said to him as I smiled as I batted my eye lashes at him. We both just laughed as we enjoyed our time together while the kids we're at school. Dam I can't wait to Marry this man.


Since SHANAY has company I decided to sleep in the back house just in case if she needed me. I was chillin in the house smokin a blunt when I heard the door open up. I heard foot steps approaching the living room then revealing SHANAY. "Hey baby was up you good, I asked her as I rose up to greet her. "Yeah jus decided to come and check up on you and make sure that you was str8 is all, she said as I bent down to kiss her lips.
"You double lock that door and put on the alarm system like I asked you to, I asked as we sat down on the couch. "Yes DADDY I did anything else you wanna ask me, she asked bashing her eye lashes at me. I jus shook ma head and smirked a lil bit.

I passed her the blunt as she took it from me. "Yeah I'm str8 baby you don't have to worry about me are you ok in the front havin fun without me an shit, I said to her as I pouted a lil bit before sittin down on the couch. I never knew this couch was so comfortable because I don't be in here much.

"So what's up, I asked her again while touching her thigh. "I kind of want chu to meet my girlfriend if your up to it, she told me before touching my face as she hit the blunt. "Ok no problem but why the change of heart cus you didn't want me to meet her at first, I asked as she passed the blunt to me.

She paused for a second then smiled. "What, I asked before hitting the blunt again then passing it back to her. I came closer to her face as I smelled her breath getting a wiff of the Hennessy on her breath.

"You over there drinking huh, I asked as we looked at each other. "Yes I have my love I'm on our second bottle I'm jus chilling, she said smiling a bit. Oh yeah she havin big fun but I do wanna see what her bitch look like though I'm curious about what kind of women she into.

"Ok fine let's go, I told her as I stood up before grabbing the blunt from her hand.
She lead the way with me following her to the main house.
She stopped for a second and turned to look at me before leaning on the door. "Was up shauty, I asked as she closed her eyes then opened them up to look at me. "RICO if you knew this girl would you tell me, she asked. "Of course I would SHANAY I'm on the path of being more open and honest to you I'm not losing you over nun bae, I responded touching her face.

"Good because with this one I don't want to know in less she is a serial killer, she said smiling. "I'm in love with her RICO and I don't want you to spoil it for me so please hold back everything until I have my mind str8, she said before pulling lightly on my shirt. "And your sure about this SHANAY, I asked her with an eyebrow up. "I am baby, she said back before biting her bottom lip.

I'm at a lost for words on this one because this shit right here is something new coming from her. Shit hopefully I don't know this bitch tho cus I'm trying to get shauty back. I'm not Goan think negative at all I'm jus goan enjoy myself seein her counteract wit her girl.

"You ready, she asked me smiling??
"Yeah love I'm ready, I said to her grabbing for her hand. She turned to open the door with me behind her leading the way inside the house. I closed the door and continued to follow her path while still having a hold of her hand. We went into the living room and I saw a woman sitting on the couch smoking a blunt with a bottle in her hand.

"Hey baby I want you to meet someone, SHANAY said before the woman turned around and stood up. And to my surprise it was REBECCA. FUCK........


"You hella funny we are not about to do this shit baby farill we have to go, I told CHAD laughing a lil bit. He was trying to fuck one last time before we left my house for good. I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna miss this place because I have so many memories here it's not even funny. From me first moving in to my kids running around and so much more.

I was in a daze when CHAD broke me out of it. "You ok baby, he asked me. "Yeah I'm jus admiring this beautiful house I'm leaving behind baby is all, I told him truthfully. "Just think of it like this you have a even bigger house than this and on top of that you have a new husband that loves you dearly. He said as he put his arms around me and kissed my neck.

I smiled so big because it was true, I'm leaving my past life behind to begin a new life with the man that I love so much whom I will be calling my husband. My kids love him and he loves them just as much, I can honestly say that I'm the happiest when were together.

"Well if you won't let me fuck you one last time in here you have got to let me fuck in the new house tonight, he said. "Tonight??? I asked him smiling as we headed to the exit he held me from behind. "Yes and you can't run either if you do it's Goan be hell to pay, he said as I opened the door. We were laughing and looking at each other then I turned to look in front of me and I thought I saw a ghost.

"OH MY GOD SERGIO, I yelled to my husband I thought was dead. OH MY GOD................

