New story Update...

Posting this today! A new story!

Sneak Peak!

I was standing on a garden that was full of many different roses... All have wonderful and beautiful colors. It was a magnificent scenery.

I looked somewhere and saw a piglet (is that what they're called?), aggressively biting a demon headband. Beside the cute baby pig was a brown fox plushie and a controller.

At the center of the garden was a white rose, standing proudly. One of the roses beside the white proud rose suddenly stood up, it's blond color was so... Unique and Unnatural.

Suddenly, The white rose was slowly colored to a yellow colored one, but the colors slowly fade as the blond rose bows.

In the shade of a tree is a blue carnation, bowing down. A puppy began to growl and angrily barking at the blue odd flower. The flower was almost lifeless as it's leaf and stem were slashed.

I saw the dog, still barking, but this time... On a black rose standing tall, far from the bowing colored flowers. The black rose stood up tall as a small robot, probably remote controlled, snapped the stem of the rose, causing it to fall.

The robot rolls to somewhere, hitting a small milk box and a book on the way. It ended up beside a panda bear and a puffer fish on a fishbowl.

Suddenly, a familiar ringing echoed through the garden as everything slowly vanished... Except the blue carnation in the shade of the willow tree.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Beep.

'Shitty Annoying clocks!'








"Are they gone?"


"Thanks Ria."

(Possible Book 2?? Maybe after this new book... Wait for that peps...)
