Let Them Eat Cake

Third Person's POV

"Our story begin's high over New York City in the luxurious penthouse apartment of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known. Oh, sorry you caught me doing my yoga. You were expecting "downward dog", perhaps?" A white dog with glass and a red bow-tie asked with a smile as he was on his head while looking at the forth wall. He jump up and landed on his feet. "My name is Mr. Peabody. And since we're going to be spending time together, I'd like to tell you a little about myself." He said with a smile. 

"You see, ever since I was a pup, it was clear that I was different. I tried to fit in...but never could. As I grew, I saw more and more of my littermates being chosen by their new families. But for some reason, I never was. So, without a family of my own, I dedicated myself to the pursuit of knowledge, culture and athletics. I received my degree at Harvard. Vale-dog-torian, of course. That's also where I met my very dear friend, Y/N. She's more of the singing and artsy type." Peabody said as Y/N walked over. 

I know it's Angel but this will be what type of dog you look like, but with your hair color as fur and your eye color. And also walk on two legs like Peabody. For clothing I'm just going to do a normal white tee with jean shorts. 

"And then he devoted himself to helping mankind. He pioneered new technologies into alternative energy. Resolved geopolitical conflicts around the globe. And in his spare time he invented the fist bump, planking, tear-away pants, auto-tune, the backside ollie and Zumba." She said with a smile. 

"Nice memory, my dear. But what I'm most proud of it my son Sherman." Mr. Peabody said with a smile and gestured to a flaming red head boy with glasses who comes into view. "Hi, Mr. Peabody!" Sherman said happily. Peabody gestured to the "forth wall" causing Sherman to jump and hide behind him. 

"Have you told them about the WABAC?" He whispered. "I was just getting to that." Peabody whispered back with smile. "When I adopted Sherman, I vowed to be the best father I could be. To prepare him for all of the world, present and past. And so Sherman inspired the greatest invention of my life...a time machine." Peabody said as the three of them walked into an elevator. 

"Of course, time travel can be a bit unpredictable. There are bound to be a few mishaps along the way." He said as they entered a room with a moving floor to a red futuristic orb. "Let's just say, the Leaning Tower of Pisa wasn't always leaning." Sherman said as Y/n giggled. "But there's nothing like learning history first hand. Right, Sherman?" Peabody said as stairs appeared.

Y/n's POV

"Where are we going today, Mr. Peabody?" Sherman asked as we started to enter. "Not 'where', Sherman. 'When'." Peabody said as I smiled walking with him. We sat in our seats as Peabody hit the big red button, sending us flying us into a timeline. We arrived in the time of the French Revolution-1789. We got on the timeline clothes so I wore a dull f/c (favorite color) hoop dress as the boys had white button up shirts with the white ruffles as Peabody had a jacket with a white bow tie instead of red. 

We walked out as Sherman stared in awe at the house. "Whoa. This is the biggest house I've ever seen!" He said as we entered into the palace with a party going on. "It's the Palace of Versailles, home of Marie Antoinette." Peabody said as I smiled. "You know, she was mostly famous for one thing." I said as we stood next to a table with a large cake looking at Marie Antoinette. "Cake! I love cake so much." She said happily as her servant gave her a slice.  

She took her fork and put the whole cake in her mouth with one bite, eating it like an animal. "Marie Antoinette sure likes cake, Mr. Peabody." Sherman said as he looked at Marie Antoinette like she was nuts. "Indeed she does. Marie was a woman with a prodigious appetite for all things covered with frosting." Peabody said as he handed Sherman a slice. "But her expensive taste made her the target of much criticism." I said as Peabody nodded. 

"Why?" Sherman asked as the servant snagged the cake from him, causing him to look around confused. "Because, Sherman, during Marie's reign, the common people of France were exceedingly poor." Peabody explained as Sherman nodded then faced Marie with excitement. "Now can we have some cake?" He asked with a big smile. 

"Mais, oui." Marie said as I held my hands together. "Oh, yeah, sorry. 'May we' have some cake?" Sherman corrected himself as Peabody nodded with a smile at his son correcting himself. "Mais, oui!" Marie said as I giggled softly at Sherman's confusion. "Maybe she can't hear me through the hair." He whispered softly to Peabody. "Sherman, what the queen means is-" "Let them eat cake!" She said as she held out two plates while her servant gave me a plate. 

I took a few bites before setting the plate down when a brick hit the window, landing in the cake and squishing it. "Smashing party, Your Majesty. But now, I'm afraid Y/n, Sherman, and I must be-" Peabody cut himself off when he noticed Sherman wasn't with us and started to panic, as did I. "Sherman? Sherman? Sherman?!" He called out, grabbing my paw as he pulled me through the crowd as we started to look for him. 

We entered the kitchen where a load of cakes were being made. "Sherman?" I asked as I tied up my dress to make it easier to move in. "Sherman! Here, Sherman." Peabody called out and started whistling. "I found him." I said and pointed to Sherman sitting on the table as he was shoving his face with cake. "Hey, Mr. Peabody." He said happily. "What are you doing in here?" Peabody asked, getting over protective. 

"Trying these other cakes. There's one in here with whipped cream and strawberries that's...pretty fantastic!" Sherman said happily as I looked around. "Sherman, don't you remember why I told you to stay close to me during the French Revolution?" Peabody asked in a stern voice. "Because after the French Revolution, it was gonna rain?" Sherman asked as Peabody held his head. 

"Close. I said, 'After the French Revolution comes...The Reign of Terror!'" Peabody said as on cue Marie ran in with servants, screaming with a mob behind them. "Vive la revolution!" The peasants said as Peabody looked at them then gestured for us to hide. I grabbed Sherman and pulled him down, under the table then shushed him. "Round up the aristocrats!" A man said as they started gathering everyone up, even Peabody. "Mr. Pea-" I covered Sherman's mouth and gently shushed him. 

Once the palace was cleared out, we moved out from under the table. "Come on, Sherman! And stay close!" I said as we ran out and followed a crowd. I grabbed Sherman's hand and helped guided him through, pushing some people's legs aside. We reached the front and saw the guillotine. "The queen and her aristocratic cronies must pay the price for their gluttony. We will slaughter them them like the dogs they are. Starting with this one!" Robespierre said as Peabody was put in the guillotine.

"Mr. Peabody!" Sherman shouted as he and I were both panicked. Sure, we've head a few troubles, but never head-being-slice-clean-off moments. "What should we do?" Sherman asked as the crowd cheered. "Nothing, Sherman. Just stay right there." Peabody said as I looked at him like he was nuts as we saw the executioner crack his knuckles. "But, Mr. Peabody!" Sherman said as the executioner grabbed the rope, pulling up the sharp slicing thing. 

"Everything is going to be fine, Sherman. Just stay right there." Peabody said as I realized he had something planned. He looked over at the sun as it setting (It was the next day at sunset). "Off with their heads!" The leader said as the executioner let go of the rope and blocked his eyes as Sherman fainted while I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to see Robespierre reached in only to pull out a half-cut cantaloupe.

"A cantaloupe? The lowest of the fruits. Who dares to insult me with this melon?!" He shouted as I felt a tap on my foot. I looked down to see Peabody with a smile as I sighed in relief. "Come on, my dear. We don't have much time." He said, holding his hand out as I took it. He helped me into the sewage and pulled Sherman in, causing him to come out of his faint as we began running. "How did you escape?" I asked as we ran, this dress making it really hard. 

"It's simple, my dear. I noticed the distance between the sewer lids, reasoned that there must be one directly under the guillotine platform, noted the loose board under the basket, computed the angle at which the setting sun would bounce off Sherman's glasses, momentarily blinding the executioner, and chose that moment to swipe the executioner's melon, giving me the added weight to tip the boards, facilitating my exit." He said proudly as we turned a few curves.

"That's amazing!" Sherman said in amazement. "It's not amazing. It was just a matter of keeping my head." Peabody said with a wink towards me as I rolled my eyes with a smile while Sherman chuckled. "'Keeping your head.' I don't get it." Sherman said as we stopped. "There he is! After them!" Robespierre said as the soldiers and him ran over. "Come, guys, quick!" Peabody said as he slid through a tunnel with us following.

I braced myself when Peabody caught me bridal style. "Nice catch." I said and patted his chest as he sat me down. "Thank you, my dear." He said as Sherman face planted into the sewage water. "This water tastes terrible!" He exclaimed as we started running again. "Interestingly, that's not water!" I said with a giggle as Peabody smiled. We go to a corner when we were cut off by Robespierre. "I've got you now." He said as Peabody looked at his fencing sword, unimpressed. 

The soldiers came in as we were now trapped. "Indeed you have, Monsieur Robespierre. And what a mater of the chase you are." Peabody said as I glanced at the soldiers. "Oh, you noticed?" Robespierre asked with a proud smile. "Of course. Doubling back on me like that. That was genius." Peabody said and looked up as I glance up to see a sewer lid. "Thank you." Robespierre said as he showed he liked the compliments. 

"I just hope you don't take my little confederate here. I depend on him so completely." Peabody said as Sherman looked shocked and confused. "Get over here, you!" Robespierre said and grabbed Sherman. "Drats! You're devilishly clever." Peabody said as I figured he had a plan. "I know, and much quicker than you as well." Robespierre said as he pointed his sword at Peabody. "But are you quick enough for this?" Peabody asked as he swiftly pulled half of a cantaloupe from his jacket and tossed it at him. 

Robespierre let go of his sword and caught the fruit. "Haha! See? Quick!" He said proudly as Peabody caught the sword. "Quick, yes, but not too smart." He said with a smile as he inspected it. "Oh! Another cantaloupe! Your sword!" He told a soldier as he caught the sword, letting Sherman and the cantaloupe go as I ran over to Sherman. He goes to strike Peabody, but Peabody easily blocks his attack. "Alright, Sherman, looks like it's time for a little pop quiz in the art of fencing. Go!" He said as he began fencing Robespierre. 

"Attack! Parry! Thrust! Repeat!" Sherman said as I shook my head at the last one. "No." Peabody simply said as he dodged attacks. "Try again." I said to Sherman who thought for a moment then got it. "Remise!" Sherman said as Peabody slid under Robespierre and next to us. "Good boy!" He said as he swung his sword and cut Robespierre's pants. They fell to his ankles, showing the classic white briefs with red hearts as the soldiers laughed. 

Robespierre got upset and went to attack as Peabody blocked his attack and sent his sword upward, hitting the sewer lid. He then jumped and flipped over Robespierre as Robespierre looked up at him only to have the lid land on him. He got squished as I winced while Peabody landed with one paw (hand) behind his back, perfectly of course. The soldiers gasped then growled at Peabody, causing him to look over his shoulder at them. 

In one swift movement, he tossed the sword, sticking it into the board behind the soldier as they ducked. They got back up and looked at the sword before smirking. "Haha! You missed." One soldier said as he pointed his spear. "I never miss." Peabody said, adjusting his sleeve with a smile. There was rumbling as the boards broke, allowing sewage water to spill, covering the soldiers. Peabody grabbed me as we pulled Sherman onto the lid and started surfing.

Sherman as having a blast while Peabody was guiding the lid through the tunnel. "Do you smell that, Sherman?" Peabody asked as it was the horrid smell of the water. "It wasn't me, Mr. Peabody!" Sherman said as I giggled softly. "I know it wasn't you. It's the the methane gas in the sewage system. And given the fact that it ignites at 306 degrees Fahrenheit, we're about to use it to blast out of here!" Peabody said as he took the lid and grazed it on the wall, creating sparks and an explosion as I held on tightly. 

We were blasted out of the sewer and was sent flying through the air. We were faced towards the explosion as it looked like fireworks coming out of the sewage as Sherman and I looked in amazement at the explosions. We slid down the side of a tree and skidded on the ground. We stopped as Peabody held his paw out as I gently grabbed it as he helped me up. "Nice landing, eh, Sherman?" He asked with a smile as we started walking back to the time machine. 

Sherman stood up and went to walk when he clumsily tripped as I giggled softly, Peabody's smile grew more. "So, what did you learn today, Sherman?" Peabody asked as I looked around at the lovely scenery the woods provided. "That French Revolution was crazy." Sherman said as he walked along a dead tree. "How come?" Peabody asked with an amused smile as Sherman used a stick like a sword.

"All those guys getting their heads chopped off, and nobody standing up and saying it wasn't right." Sherman said as he tossed the stick up, getting hit in the face as he shook his head then fixed his glasses. "And think, Marie Antoinette could have avoided the whole revolution if she'd simply issued an edict to distribute bread amongst the poor. But then, she couldn't have had her dessert." Peabody said as Sherman jumped from rock to rock. 

"Why not, Mr. Peabody?" He asked with curiosity. "Because, Sherman, you can't have your cake and edict, too." Peabody said as I shook my head with a smile. Always filled with puns. Then again he is a dad. Probably has all the dad jokes and puns in the world in that brilliant head of his. Sherman laughed then became confused at it. "I don't get it." He said as I giggled a bit. The time machine became visible as we walked in. 

"Where are we gonna go tomorrow, Mr. Peabody? Ancient Rome? The Wild West? 1492?" Sherman asked as we entered. "No, Sherman, tomorrow we won't be going to any of those places." Peabody said as the time machine took our costumes that was covering our normal clothes. "Aw, why not?" Sherman asked as we sat down in our chairs. 

"Because tomorrow's adventure is one that you're going to be taking all on your own." Peabody said as he calculated our time line. "What do you mean, Mr. Peabody?" Sherman asked with confusion. "Don't you remember? It's your first day at school." I said and smiled a bit. "Oh. Can I drive?" He asked Peabody with a smile. "Of course not." Peabody said as he hit the red button, sending us back to our time. 
