

Boram called all of us into a separate room as we talked about it.

Hyora: That's a lot of money.

Haechan: But we can't agree to that!

Chenle: Hyung... what if he is saying the truth... what if he really didn't do anything? 

The three eldest males shared looks. Jisung stood by Chenle, agreeing with his statement. I was not sure about their history with Taeyong but I was sure of mine. And at this point nothing could overshadow the money he was offering.

Garam: I will do it. 

They all looked at me as i glanced out at Taeyong then at the machine. 

Garam: I will go back in time. But i need to talk to Taeyong first. 

As i turned a hand held mine making me look back. Boram furrowed her eyebrows in worry.

Boram: If you go back-

Garam: I know there are risks.

Boram: Garam, you are getting involved with Mafias. You can die. 

Garam: But it's Taeyong... he won't let me die.

Jeno: Noona who is he to you?

I gulped, a montage of our past playing in my head. i shook my head getting rid of the feeling.

Garam: I have made my mind... Come on. 

They hesitantly followed me as I stepped out and stopped in front of Taeyong who looked up from his phone. 

Garam: I will do it.

A spark of hope glistened in his eyes, making me wonder about his reasons.

Taeyong: Oh my god, thank you. Thank you so much Garam. 

He hugged me tightly and i awkwardly patted his back. 

Taeyong: You have no idea how much you are helping me.

I hesitantly broke the hug and gave him a tight lipped smile

Garam: Well... there is a contract... and a few things you need to do. 

Taeyong: Go ahead.

I looked at Hyora and nodded. She seemed hesitant but she turned and left to another room, coming back with a file containing a few papers.

She handed it to Taeyong and I told him to sit down at a table.

Garam: You will have to record yourself. If something happens to me because of you in the past, you will have to compensate for it. 

He nodded.

Garam: The video will be shown to you later on so that it can be proof. You will pay the entire amount before hand and if by chance I don't do the job, you get to sue us.

Taeyong: I trust you and your machine. 

I didn't know how to take that so i ignored the comment.

Garam: Next... you tell me what you want me to do.

The man put the papers down.

Taeyong: You go back in time and meet me. Join my gang. Fix the misunderstandings and save... him. 

He glanced at the boys before looking back at me.

Taeyong: You just need to change the sequence of some events. It will fix everything else.

I stared at him. But he seemed serious. 

Taeyong: Garam i did not just come here because of your machine. Because its you. I know you. You are probably the only one who can do this.

I took a shaky breath.

Garam: What if the past you disregards me?

Taeyong: Then you convince me. I am sure you can do that.

He looked right into my eyes. I stared right back before looking away. He took a shaky breath and fiddled with the papers.

Taeyong: How does this work?

Hyora: Contract says it man. You pay and we explain how everything else goes down.

He signed the paper and stood up.

Taeyong: Fine. I will be back tomorrow with the money... in cash.

He went to the door, gave me a last look and left. The others let out a collective sigh as I stared at Taeyong's signature.

Jeno: Are you going to tell us how you know him?

I didn't answer right away, my thoughts consuming most of my attention.

Jaemin: Noona?

I glanced at them before turning and heading to my office.

Garam: No.


That day i went home pretty late. Boram was with me, sleeping on my shoulder. She was clearly exhausted, after all the test runs we ran today. 

My heart was uneasy as i thought of all the ways this could go wrong. But this would also bring another future to our invention. 

I grabbed Boram's hand tightly as i closed my eyes leaning it against the metro window. Changing Taeyong's past will most definitely change my present.

Tomorrow would be a long day ahead.

