
Slowly waking up the next morning I pause immediately feeling somethings off. I then realize that the bed is cold and Mingi isn't in it I sitting up in confusion only to look curious when I spot a note. Grabbing it I read over it immediately blushing.

Dear Cecil, I'm sorry I wasn't in bed this morning but I just wanted to get a head start on planning a first date for us. Dress in something nice but I know you'll look amazing no matter what. I'll pick you up around six be ready.


My eyes widen in shock and excitement I quickly scrambling out of bed and rush towards Yunho and Danny's room. Knocking on the door I hear a faint "come in." I step into the room seeing Danny laying in bed he immediately looking curious as he moves away from Yunho who gives a little pout. "Hey Cecil did you need anything?" I give him a little nod. "Yeah Mingi's out planning our first date and told me to dress nice so I need your help with outfits and make up and everything." Danny's eyes widen as he scrambles out of bed. "Finally! It was painful watching you both dance around your feelings. Let's go get you ready." He skips over to Yunho giving him a quick kiss then we head towards my room I taking a seat on the bed as Danny starts going through my clothes. After awhile of looking he picks out a dress with a white long sleeved top with a black spaghetti strap dress over the white top there a pattern of planets and stars all over the skirt. I immediately take it and gently set it aside before I'm dragged over to a chair where Danny starts brushing my hair and grooming my ears and tail. Once he's done getting my tail all smoothed out he starts pulling out makeup and I reluctantly let him dress me up I feeling a little like a Barbie doll. Thankfully he doesn't put much makeup on me just a little bit of eyeliner and we fight over him using lip gloss I thankfully winning. Once my makeup and hair is done I grab the outfit and quickly go change I staring at my reflection when I'm dressed a slight frown forming on my lips feeling pretty but a little too fancy. Slowly making my way back to my room I give Danny a slight frown. "I feel a little uncomfortable in such a fancy dress." He gives me a soft encouraging smile. "Well you look amazing. I wonder what Mingi has planned." I shrug a little then check the time and my eyes widen when I see it's almost six. "I better go to the living room." Danny nods giving me words of encouragement and I make my way out to the room heading towards the living room where I see Mingi standing there in a suit with a bouquet of roses that make up the rainbow. My eyes widen slightly as I shyly approach he giving me a small shy smile back handing them over to me. "Thank you they're very pretty." He smiles looking a little relieved and Danny steps forward gently taking them from me. "I'll put these in your room in some water. Go have fun you two. Mingi I want him home by ten." I grimace at Danny's stern look Mingi immediately nodding then holds his hand out to me I gently taking it and follow him outside to a car we getting in the back and I raise an eyebrow when I see Yunho but don't comment. After we buckle up I turn to Mingi curiously. "Where are we going?" He smiles intertwining our fingers together. "You'll see." Soon we stop at a really fancy restaurant my smile waning a little but I quickly hide it as Mingi gets out and opens my door for me. I silently get out and let Mingi lead me inside he telling the person out front his name and we're lead to a table towards the back. We sit down and I look through the menu cringing at the ridiculous prices it immediately making me feel uncomfortable. Keeping a fake smile on my face I order something cheap from the menu when a waiter comes then I look at Mingi about to say something when I hear a bunch of people whispering about how a disgusting hybrid is in their restaurant. Immediately curling in on myself I look down at my lap my ears flattening against my head. I hear more whispers about me from the other guests they talking about how I shouldn't be in here and they wonder how much Mingi paid for us to be there. Swallowing I mumble a soft excuse about going to the bathroom I getting up and head to the very back where the bathrooms are and enter going over to the mirror and stare at my reflection. Just as I turn to go back to Mingi the door opens up and two men walk in they immediately coming towards me. Feeling scared and anxious one of the men smirks at me. "Well hello there pretty." My eyes narrow slightly I trying to say bravely. "Whatever it is you want I'm not interested." They give each other looks and just as one gets closer to me I kick my foot out hitting him in the groin and quickly run for the door throwing it open then rush back to mine and Mingi's table he looking up and immediately gives me a look of concern. "Are you okay?" I bite my lip really not wanting to ruin Mingi's plans but I feel really uncomfortable. "Some guys tried to attack me in the bathroom. Look I'm sorry Mingi but can we go? Please?" He frowns but sees my expression and gives a little nod before getting up and leads me outside so we can wait on Yunho. As we stand outside I mumble softly. "I'm sorry for ruining your plans. But I didn't belong there and everything was super expensive and overwhelming." He looks at me with a frown. "I wanted to do something special." I smile softly and gently wrap my arms around him snuggling against his side and nuzzle against his shoulder. "Mingi I don't care about money. You could have taken me to the park and I'd have loved it." His expression softens and he cuddles me into his arms we waiting for Yunho. When he finally appears we get in and head back to the dorm where we get out and head to our room I seeing a box on my bed. Looking curious I walk over picking it up and read the note seeing its from Danny and that I should wear it for Mingi since it's a special night. Smiling a little I go to the bathroom to open the box seeing a teal baby doll nighty dress I quickly changing into it thankful it goes to my knees. Smiling I peek my head out of the bathroom making sure the coast is clear then I quietly rush to mine and Mingi's room I opening the door and enter closing the door behind me. I then turn around and smile softly when I see Mingi struggling with his tie. Making my way over I start to gently undo his tie and smile up at him while he looks down at me wide eyed I immediately feeling nervous. "What?" He swallows his eyes seeming to look over me before a slight groan escapes him. "You're going to kill me wearing things like that." I raise an eyebrow at him then I'm suddenly being backed into the wall and Mingi leans down pressing our lips together in a firm kiss. I whimper and kiss him back eagerly clutching onto his shirt. He keeps the kiss soft but passionate until he starts to gently play with my tail I letting out a whine of pleasure when he runs his hand over it. We slowly pull away a little to breathe and I look up into his eyes with a little smile. "You should probably go change into something comfortable." He slowly nods it seeming like he pulls away reluctantly then grabs his pajamas and leaves I taking a breath and urge myself to calm down. I then make my way over to Mingi's bed and climb in waiting for him to come back. Once he comes back into the room he heads over climbing into bed beside me and I snuggle close sighing happily. It's quiet between us before Mingi speaks up softly. "Cecil? I.... I love you." I look up at him wide eyed and feel my cheeks turn red I saying a little shyly. "I love you too Mingi." He smiles seeming relieved and I lean up pecking his lips before pulling away. "We should get some rest." He gives a little nod cuddling me close to him as we both fall asleep happy and content.
