Chapter 6

After I woke up again in the infirmary, I was told to go home. I tried to say that I was alright and that I had to see Len-chan and talk to him, but... they didn't let me. The school nurse said that I needed to rest and get my mind of of Len-chan for a while. So, now I was walking home. That's right, after (B/F/N) showed me that poster, I've been thinking about Len-chan 24/7. But I just couldn't help it. After all, Len-chan was and still is my beloved best friend and love. My love for him has changed, not one bit. He has always been my love. Of course, I was actually happy that Len-chan was back in my life, though in a different way. I haven't talked to him properly how he has been doing or did he went to that competition after I left nor that I loved him. More than anything I wanted us to be so close that we were back then. I missed him, more than my parents. "Did you find him?" "Yes, he said he'll be walking a while to clear his mind" I looked around me and saw two girls talking. The other one had blue hair and the other one blond hair. Those girls seemed like the vocaloid girls from that concert yesterday. "Hey, are you (Y/N)-san? Len-kun's friend?" The blue haired girl asked coming next to me. "Y-yes" "I'm Miku Hatsune and this Rin Kagamine. Len's twin sister" They both looked so beautiful, sexy and amazing. Wait, is it really okay for me to think like this?

"Miku, I can introduce myself. Yes, I'm Rin Kagamine, Len's sister. It's nice to finally meet you. Len has been talking a lot about you. I remember him always telling me he was going to meet someone. I guess it was you who he was going to see" Rin-san said happily. She's very talkative person. Hang on, Len-chan has been talking about me? So, if he always told Rin-san he was going somewhere, then that means he didn't live near me. Did he travel from somewhere to come to me? "Rin-chan, that's enough" Miku-san said calming Rin-san. Both of them were so beautiful and cute at the same time that I was kind of getting jealous being around them. I wonder why Len-chan wanted to become friends with me when he had girls like these around him. If I could only remember. I wish there would be a time machine, so I could go back in time and see those early days of our friendship. "YOU DO?! Miku-san and Rin-san asked happily and surprised at the same time. I guess I said it out loud without noticing. "Well, yes. I don't remember the early days of mine and Len-chan's friendship. I just remember us always being friends. So, if there would be a time machine, I could go back in time and see the day when we first met" Both of them looked at each other few times and then back at me smiling devilishly. What did they have in mind? "Come watch our rehearsal in the evening today" "Yes, come. Please?" That might be fun, but I can't. The school nurse told me to rest and I collapsed today. And Len-chan would be there. I would certainly try to get him to tell me the truth again and It would be too much for my mind to bear. "I-I can't" "You do want to see him don't you?" Of course I did, more than anything. Ever since (B/F/N) showed me that poster Len-chan has been my mind. I haven't even talked to him properly, like asked how is he or did he went to that competition and that I loved him. "I guess a visit wouldn't harm" "Yey, I'll tell Kaito to come pick you up in the evening. Okay? We'll see you at the rehearsal" Miku-san said before leaving  with Rin-san, both of them waving goodbye big smiles on their beautiful faces. They were so friendly and happy people. But only one question popped in my mind  after continuing my walk home: how would Len-chan react? "I'm home" Even though no one would replay me back. Just then my phone vibrated. The text was from (B/F/N).

From: (B/F/N)

To: (Y/N)

Hey, just to let you know that next time mind not leave your best friend alone in the concert house when we'll go to another concert together. I was alright, I got a hug from Kaito and his signature and a picture and.........he took me home <3 but yeah, don't leave me behind

- (B/F/N)

I'm such a terrible friend, I had totally forgot (B/F/N) at the concert house yesterday. My mind was so full of questions and Len-chan that I left her at the concert house. So, I quickly replayed back.

From: (Y/N)

To: (B/F/N)

I'm so sorry, I promise not to leave you behind next time

"You have one new voice message" After sending the text, I decided to listen to the voice messages before deciding what to wear to the rehearsal. ".....Hello dear. Are you doing alright? Is school going well? Do you have friends? Father and I have been very busy with work lately. So, we haven't got time to come visit you. Although, you are a big girl to take care of yourself. We'll come visit soon, we love you dear.......end of voice message" "I love you guys too, mum... dad" My parents weren't really much home, because their work. No, they weren't leaving me or getting divorced. They loved me and I loved them. Their work just took a lot of time. Besides, their hard work made me to be able to go to school. And they did come visit me every now and then. When I got in my room, the first thing I saw was my Len doll laying on the ground. A small smile came to my lips while I went to pick it up, hugging it tightly against my chest. "I'm sorry, I won't throw you again" I gave it a small kiss and placed it on the night table beside the picture of Len-chan before deciding what to wear to the rehearsal. After few hours I was ready. I decided to wear a cute but a comfy outfit, I had even put little bit of make up on. Again, I was feeling nervous and flying butterflies in my stomach. While looking myself at the mirror, I got this weird feeling that.......this wouldn't be a good idea after all. I mean had just collapsed twice today at school and my head still a hurt a bit. Was this really a good idea? The school nurse even told me to rest and get my mind off of Len-chan for a while. What if I'd try to get Len-chan to tell me the truth again? What if I'll collapse again?Should I really go" "...... I...... I shouldn't go"With that being said, there was a knock on the door. There was a tall blue haired guy with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Kaito Shion and I've come to pick you up to our rehearsal. Are you ready to go?" Wow, he was very happy person and so calm and.....cute. Maybe I shouldn't go, I should really stay at home and rest like I was told to. But before I could say that out loud to Kaito-kun, I was pulled outside and the door getting locked. Luckily I had my bag with me, where I had put my phone and keys earlier. "I'm really sorry, but Rin and Miku told me to get you to the rehearsal not matter. So, you can blame them" Kaito-kun said after we started walking, he still holding my hand and leading the way. "So, have you confessed to Len yet?" "Eh?" How did he know about that? My cheeks getting hot and red at the sudden question. He laughed when I looked up at him. "I guess that's a no then. Don't worry, I figured that out by myself. The way you look right now and the way you spoke to Len yesterday at the concert house made it clear. But I'll suggest you to do it soon. He won't wait you forever, you know?" He said smiling and winking at me. What was that suppose to mean? Did Len-chan have feelings towards me? Other that friendship? No, that couldn't possible be true. Len-chan never showed me any sings of those kind of things. He has always treated me like a little sister. Yes, he seemed like a little brother to me but I loved him. More than anything and it would tear me apart if he'd already have a girlfriend or someone he likes. "Here we are, others must be already on the stage getting ready" Kaito-kun said when we arrived at the concert house, the same one I had came to watch their performance yesterday. "Thank you, Kaito-kun.......for dragging me here" "No worries, after the scene yesterday we all wanted to get to know you better. And you can call me simply Kaito" He showed me that smile off his and opened the doors. "Hello (Y/N)" Miku-san said through the microphone waving her hand. Rin-san were behind the electric piano, a girl with purple hair was behind the drums and a girl with brown hair was holding a bass. Yes, I had already forgot the other vocaloids' names. "You came (Y/N)" Rin-san came to hug me when I got to the front row. I guess we were already getting close. "So, you're the secret girlfriend of Len's who he has been hiding from us. Hmm?" The girl with brown hair said winking and smiling. "E-eh?" "Aww, she's so cute. I totally get why Len has been hanging out with this girl" "Meiko, don't make her feel uncomfortable" Kaito said getting on stage and grabbing the electric guitar. "I'm sorry (Y/N), I'm Meiko Sakine. It's nice to finally meet you" "You too Meiko-san" Suddenly all of them looked at me before smiling happily. "Please, no need to put -san. Okay?" Meiko-sa.....I mean Meiko said. Well, I better get used to leaving the -san. "Hello (Y/N), I'm Luka Megurine. Let's be great friends, okay?" The purple haired girl said behind the drums. "Sure" I answered showing my smile. I was getting the feeling that everyone already knew me, but I didn't know them. Maybe Len-chan had really talked about me to them. Also, I felt really happy and comfortable around them. They were so happy and kind people....... just like Len-chan, who didn't seem to be on stage. "Is Len already here?" "Yes, he's getting ready. I'm sure he'll be here soon. (Y/N), why don't we watch here?" Miku said getting off of the stage and going to sit in the middle of the first row. "I'm sure Len wants to start singing" I went to sat next to her and then my eyes widened at the amazing sight. I felt my cheeks getting red and I couldn't take my eyes off of the sight.

It was Len-chan wearing a sexy and amazing outfit. WAIT? Was it okay for me to think like that? Even though I loved him, he still was my best friend. For the first time in my life I actually wanted to tough his body. I found myself asking the same question I had asked myself some time ago: when did the become so handsome and.....manly? "I'm here, did Kaito already came ba...." Len-chan and I soon got a straight eye contact. I guess that's why he didn't finish his sentence. "(Y/N)-chan?" My heart seemed to start beating fast while my cheeks turned redder and redder. Soon, I had to look away covering my cheeks. "Len, which song you want to start with?" "'Snow white princess is'" Len-chan said as soon as Meiko had finished what she had said. I looked up at Len-chan who was still looking at me a smirk on his face, I found myself starting to smile as well. "But your outfit won't fit the song, why don't you go cha...." "I'll start with the 'Snow white is'. Right now I'd sing it no matter what outfit I'd had on" Then len-chan did something he had ever done around me and my heart totally melted and skipped a beat to that one.......... he winked at me. "Okay, then" What would the song be like? What would it be about? Would his singing voice be as wonderful as I remember it? I couldn't wait to hear it.
