The Attack

"Fine, but you have to carry me," Y/N smirked. She used up a lot of her energy and really didn't feel like walking to the woods. And perhaps his close presence would help her against the fear tantalizing her very soul. Alastor seemed surprised but agreed. Then it was Y/N's turn to be surprised. She didn't expect him to agree.

Alastor knelt down and motioned for her to get on his shoulders. Y/N did so but was a bit clumsy and accidentally pulled on one of his antlers.

"Sorry!" she quickly apologized.

"It's alright, my dear," he said. His tone was sincere but his face looked like he was in pain. Y/N quickly let go of his antler and managed to use her tail to balance herself on Alastor's shoulders. With that, they started to make their way towards the woods. Y/N used this time to think and look around at the scenery.

She watched as the area around them changed from city to street to forest to the deepest parts of the woods. Y/N wouldn't have been so bothered if it wasn't so dark. Her arms that were resting on Alastor's head, tensed. He noticed this immediately.

"Are you alright, my dear?" he questioned.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine," Y/N lied. The Radio Demon didn't seem to believe her but did not question it any further. Her ears were flat against her head and her tail pressed itself against Alastor's back as it tried to move between Y/N's legs. Alastor's concern seemed to grow.

"Do you want to go back?" he asked, his cheery tone was replaced by one that sounded more sympathetic and worried.

"No," she replied immediately. She didn't want to seem like a coward.

"I won't let you die here if that is what you are afraid of. If I wanted you dead you already would be," he said. Y/N could tell he was trying to be comforting but he didn't really do well.

"I know that," she stated. Alastor's smile turned somewhat sad.

"I promise I won't let anything kill you here," he tried instead. Y/N gave him a small smile.

"Thanks," she tried to say but her voice came out as just above a whisper. Though Alastor's promise was kind of comforting, fear still lurked in her mind.

They continued to walk through the dark woods. Very little light passed through the leaves above them and everything had an eerie shadow. Y/N swore she could see faces laughing at her in the tree bark.

Y/N rested her head on her arms. She closed her eyes and tried to forget. Alastor started to hum. It was a melody that she knew but it surprised her that Alastor knew it. He was humming the tune of Once Upon A December. It was a lovely tune and it helped calm Y/N down. Her limbs relaxed. Her fluffy tail simply swayed with each step. Her ears stayed down but weren't flat against her head anymore.

She was calm until a howl echoed through the forest. Y/N ears and head shot up. Alastor stopped and looked around.

"Over there," he pointed a bit to the right. About five or six wolves had surrounded a large deer corpse. They were feasting on its flesh like they hadn't eaten in weeks. Y/N's ears once again went flat against her head.

"How about we take that deer from them?" Alastor suggested. Y/N looked down at him like he was crazy. He probably was.

"You really want to mess with wolves and their food? Do you have a death wish?" the wolf demon replied. Alastor knelt down and let Y/N get off him. He gave her a smile.

"Come on, it'll be very entertaining!" he said in his cheery tone. The look on his face was impossible to say no to. So Y/N defeatedly nodded her head.

"Wonderful! Now here's what we'll do.." Alastor explained that he would be a distraction while Y/N dragged the deer corpse away in her wolf form. Y/N changed form and got into position. After a few moments of listening to the wolves feasting and fighting amongst themselves, Alastor made his appearance.

He stood to the left of the wolves and cleared his throat. The pack turned towards him, growling and baring their sharp teeth. He backed away, secretly luring them away from their meal. Y/N slowly and silently made her way to the corpse. Alastor suddenly turned and ran, the wolves followed him closely. However, the wolves were smart and left one wolf behind to guard their meal.

The remaining wolf turned and saw Y/N as she tried to pull the corpse away by the leg. It immediately started to growl at her. Y/N growled back but her tail was between her legs. The other wolf swiped at her and repeatedly tried to bite her. At some point, he had bit her tail. She quickly pounced onto the other wolf and tried to bite at his throat. He swiped and bit at her until she got off. She instantly started her attack again and bite at his hind legs while he was still on the ground.

She managed to grab hold of one and she shook her head violently. The other wolf howled in pain and let out a cry for help. Shit. Y/N quickly turned her attention back to his throat and crushed his windpipe. He hadn't called for help long but it was enough, Y/N knew it.

She tried to grab the corpse and drag it away. She hoped she could get it before the pack returned. Something bit her wing before she could get to the corpse. She turned quickly, teeth bared. Before her was the entire pack of wolves. Where was Alastor? Did they kill him? Worry and panic grew in her mind. She knew she couldn't take on an entire pack of wolves.

The alpha wolf jumped at her and the rest followed. They bit at her sides and swiped at her legs. The attacks came from every direction. She swung her head upwards and was lucky enough to hit one wolf in the chest with her horns. She flung the wolf over her head like a sack of potatoes. Two wolves down, four wolves left.

She used her wings to push the wolves away, for just a moment at least. She turned to the alpha and tackled him to the ground. She bit and clawed, trying to grab hold of anything, but the alpha pushed her off. She flew directly into a rock and smacked the back of her head into it. Y/N slumped to the ground. The demon tried to get up but her legs wobbled. Her vision was blurry but she could make out the shapes of each of the wolves slowly approaching her.

She let out a weak growl that turned into a whimper. She was going to die here. The alpha scratched her side. Y/N whimpered. He bit her leg and Y/N collapsed onto the ground. The alpha's jaws came closer to the demon's throat. This was it. Y/N was going to die. Killed off by some wolves. Just like- WHACK!

The alpha wolf was sent flying into a tree. Y/N weakly looked up to see Alastor, wielding his cane like a bat. She let out another weak whimper. Alastor looked over his shoulder at the crumpled form that was Y/N.

"I told you I wouldn't let you die here."

The last thing Y/N saw before she blacked out was Alastor's form start to attack the remaining wolves.
