🦋 ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ 🦋

Double update 'cause the author's summer vacation will be starting soon and she's happy af ;)

Taehyung slowly shifted into his human form. He was sitting infront of Junghyun, who was checking his wounds carefully. After a few glares from Koo, he was ready to take the injection. Scrunching up his nose, the big bulky tiger hybrid hugged Koo's small frame tightly, while getting the injection. You might say thag he was scared. False. He just needed an excuse to hug his dear best friend. Though he was hugging Koo, the tiger hybrid had become really quiet after they came back.

"Dae, he'll sleep heavily for probably half and hour. I've given him an ibrofen and a paracetamol. Don't give him heavy food. But make sure it's healthy. His body needs nutrition to heal properly. And Taehyung, you might get some hallucinations and bad dreams, but don't worry about it, alright ? It's just a side effect", Junghyun said calmly.

"Alright", Daeshim sighed heavily, caressing Taehyung's back a bit. "Koo, you will stay here tonight, right ?", Hyuna asked Koo, whose palms were now being caressed by her son.

"Papa, can I stay here tonight ?", Koo asked his father with puppy eyes, earning a chuckle from the doctor. "Of course you can baby", Junghyun smiled, picking up his bag.

"Actually, I'm planning of staying here too. It'll be hectic for Hyuna to arrange everything, especially when Daeshim would be busy with press matters", Moonbyul spoke softly to her husband. "Alright then. Guess I'll sleep alone today", Junghyun fake cried, earning a done look from his wife.

"What do you mean by sleeping alone ? You'll be sleeping with me tonight!", Daeshim said with a proud smile, as if, he just saved his friend from dying virgin. "Ew no bro! Shut up!", Junghyun fake gagged. Daeshim kicked Junghyun's butt, earning another kick on his own butt too.

Hyuna saw Taehyung's droopy eyes, and smiled tenderly at him. "I think Tae is getting tired. It's still early. So he can get a bit of rest", Hyuna said, earning a few nods from the other old people present in the room.

"Taetae, let's go", Koo smiled softly when the tiger hybrid grasped his hand firmly. Taehyung clinged onto Koo's back, wrapping his arms around the younger's small frame.

"Tae, if you wrap your hands around him like that, he won't be able to move", Daeshim deadpanned at his son. "Let them be Dae", Junghyun laughed at his son's red face.

Taehyung ignored his father's comment and just clinged more onto his best friend. "Be careful with your wounds Taetae", Koo softly scolded Taehyung, while dragging the sleepy tiger hybrid upstairs.


"Slowly tiggy. You'll hurt yourself", Koo said to the whining tiger hybrid, who was latching onto his little frame.
Koo carefully made Taehyung sit on the bed, taking off his suit.

Taehyung whined loudly when he felt Koo's warmth leave his body. "Koo! Kookoo!", Taehyung whined with closed eyes, throwing a tantrum.

"I'm right beside you Taetae. Don't worry", Jungkook softly placed a kissy on Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung, with a pout on his face, lied down on the bed, extending his arms towards Koo.
"Taetae, lift your arms. Lemme apply ointment to your wounds", Koo said to his best friend, who complied to his order.

Dabbing out some ointment out of the tube, he softly pressed them around Taehyung's skin. Taehyung grunted, when he felt Koo's soft hand touching his bare shoulders.


"And you're done!", Koo smiled, wiping his hand with a tissue paper. Taehyung smiled mindlessly, searching for Koo's hand with closed eyes. When he finally got hold of Jungkook's soft palm, he held them on his chest, smiling internally.

"Koo will stay with me right ?", Taehyung's eyes were droopy and his voice, sleepy.
"Of course I will, Taetae", Koo too, lied down beside Taehyung, caressing his shaven cheeks.
Taehyung snaked his arm around Koo's waist and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

"K-koo won't leave Taetae f-for being a monster, right ?", Taehyung looked at Koo, with hopeful teary eyes.

Koo gasped internally at the elder's question.

Cupping his cheeks, he said, "Of course not Taetae. And Taetae is not a monster. Taetae is the best hybrid. Tiggy is a good boy. Isn't he ?"
Taehyung nodded at Koo's question and pressed his nose against the younger's chin. He sniffed Koo softly, and kissed his chin.

Bringing him closer to his chest, the tiger hybrid slowly murmured before falling into a deeper slumber, "Please don't leave Taetae"

Koo's eyes turned teary at his best friend's request. He placed a sweet kiss on Taehyung's cheeks. The little one sat up, bringing Taehyung's head to his lap. "Koo will never leave you Taetae", Koo whispered into Taehyung's ears. Softly brushing his fingers through Taehyung's hair, he sighed in relief, seeing the tiger hybrid's body visibly relax. After a few minutes of petting Taehyung, when the little one was finally confirmed that the tiger hybrid was sleeping, he lowered the temperature of the AC, and dimmed the lights.

"Take rest Tiggy", Koo smiled tenderly at his best friend, who, by now, was snoring loudly. Making sure that there was a pillow placed between his arms, so that the elder doesn't notice his absence, Koo went out of the room.


"Jungkook, madam sent this soup for young master", Charlotte, one of the many maids of the Kim's mansion said, handing over the soup to Koo.

The little one was sitting at the balcony, outside Taehyung's room. "Thank you. I'll let it cool down for a while", he smiled at the maid, who bowed in response and went away.

Closing the book in his hand, he stirred the soup, and covered it with the dish cover.
He checked his phone, to watch the time, which brightly shone 7:16 pm.

It has already been an hour since Taehyung is sleeping. He sighed, fiddling with his sweater paws. Images of the hurt in Taehyung's eyes when people labelled him as a 'monster', flashed in Koo's mind.

Why are people so cruel ? They don't have to pay to be kind, do they ?
Koo huffed and pouted at his thoughts, which were soon cut off by a loud scream.

It was coming from Taehyung's room. Furrowing his eyebrows, Koo quickly ran towards the room. He had closed the room from outside, so that no one disturbs Taehyung's sleep. He heard loud banging on the door from inside the room.

Quickly opening it, he was met with the huge figure of his best friend.

Taehyung was crying heavily, frantically mumbling Jungkook's name.
Looking at the confused little one infront of him, Taehyung broke down.

"Why did you leave me ?", Taehyung cried out loud, sitting down on the floor, his legs giving up.
Koo panicked, seeing Taehyung wail. He quickly crouched down and straddled Taehyung's lap. Embracing the tiger hybrid's face, he asked "What are you saying Taetae ? I was sitting outside. Why would I leave you ?"

Watching the small droplets of sweat on Taehyung's skin and the hyperventilating tiger hybrid, Koo sighed. "Did you had a bad dream Taetae ?", Koo softly cupped Taehyung's face, getting a nod from the elder.

"I saw you leave me. Y-you said you don't want to be a friend with a monster like me. I d-don't want to be alone. Please don't leave me", Taehyung wailed, hiccuping loudly. Koo sighed helplessly at his best friend's state. He brought Taehyung's face to his chest, softly caressing his back.

"I will never leave you Taetae. I've already told you, didn't I ? You're the kindest person I've ever met Taetae. I was just sitting outside, Tiggy", Koo tried to reason his best friend. Taehyung said nothing and just continued crying in Koo's chest. He hugged the small frame of the younger tightly, as if, he'll disappear somewhere, any moment.

"There there tiggy. Shh. I'm not going anywhere", Jungkook smiled, placing soft, fairy kisses on Taehyung's hair.
"Hush. It's okay", Koo placed a small kissy on Taehyung's forehead too, pacifying the elder.

The tiger hybrid started hiccuping loudly, earning a sigh from Koo. He grabbed a bottle of water. "C'mon Tiggy. Have some water", Koo tenderly held Taehyung's cheeks, making the tiger hybrid open his mouth wide.

After a few minutes, when Taehyung had finally stopped crying, Koo wiped off the tears of Taehyung, which stained his cheeks.

He tried wriggling out of Taehyung's hold, only getting a whimper from the elder. "Wh-where are you going ?", Taehyung looked at Koo with his tear-filled puppy eyes.

"I'm going to bring your soup Tiggy. You need to eat healthy to heal faster", Koo smiled at Taehyung, softly rubbing the nape of his neck.
"N-no. I don' need anything. You just need an excuse to be away fwom me", the tiger hybrid whined, tightening his hold around Koo.

Jungkook sighed, knowing it would be difficult to make his stubborn best friend understand.

"If you let me go now, I'll pet you", Koo smiled internally at his bargain.

Taehyung's ears, which were out by now, perked up at the deal. "R-really ?", he asked Koo with wobbly lips. Koo nodded, giggling.

"A-and, will you scratch my ears too ?", Taehyung pleaded, showing his puppy eyes to Koo; his lips curved into a pout.

"You'll get that too Taetae", Koo smiled while nodding at Taehyung.
Muttering a small 'okay', Taehyung slowly stood up, with Koo in his arms. "Put me down Taetae. You'll hurt yourself", Koo tried not to wriggle in Taehyung's hold, so that he doesn't hurts the tiger hybrid.
Taehyung softly placed Koo on the ground.
"Good boy", Koo smiled, getting on his tippy toes, and kissed Taehyung's cheeks.

The tiger hybrid grinned, slowly wrapping his arms around Koo's waist.


"Tiggy, open your mouth. Say 'aah' ", Koo said to the tiger hybrid who was sitting on the bed, with crossed legs. Koo was sitting on a revolving chair, infront of Taehyung.

Taehyung slowly gulped down the soup, wanting his feeding session to be over soon, so that he can he petted by his dear best friend.

"It's done. Pet me now", Taehyung said with his best puppy eyes, earning a sweet giggle from Koo.

"Nu-uh. Wipe your mouth first", Koo said with a stern look. Taehyung whined, thrashing his legs, throwing a tantrum.

The big hulky tiger hybrid started sulkinh, while walking towards the bathroom, washing his face.

"That's like a good boy Tiggy. No-", Koo was abruptly cut off when Taehyung kissed his chin. A red tint of blush crept on his face, which reached upto his neck.

Taehyung chuckled, placing his head on Koo's lap. "Why did you kiss me ?", Koo managed to squeak out, nibbling onto his lips. "Couldn't help it Bunbun. You're too cute. Now pet please", Taehyung whined at the last sentence. Koo huffed, smacking his forehead.

The tiger hybrid smiled, when he felt Koo's dainty fingers on his scalp.

"Taetae", Koo softly called, earning a hum from Taehyung in reply.
"Happy Birthday", Koo's voice was too placid to not notice the sadness in his tone.

Taehyung looked at him, and then smiled melancholically, "Thank you Bunbun"

Koo smiled, resting his small head against the headboard, still caressing Taehyung's hair.

Suddenly, Taehyung remembered how the day was actually supposed to go.

"Koo, where is my suit ?", Taehyung asked Koo in a panicked voice. Koo was taken aback by Taehyung's sudden hurried tone. "I sent it to the washing machine. Wh-why ?", Jungkook stuttered, fearing that he might have destroyed something important.

"Was there anything important Taetae ?", Koo asked, his eyes tearing up due to panic. Taehyung nodded robotically, and said, "Very important"

"I'm s-sorry. Don't worry. I'll go and ask if anyone saw something in the suit or not", Koo said, before hurriedly running out of the room.

Taehyung amusingly saw the little figure of Koo run away from his hold.

He chuckled, before flipping himself and opening the drawer. When Koo was opening the buttons of his suit, to take it off, he had silently took away the rings and placed them inside the drawer.

Smiling widely, he turned off the lights and stood near the door, for his best friend to arrive.



Do you like it when the subs become the comfort place of the doms ? Coz I love it so much 🤧🤧
