Chapter 15

Kotoha was grateful to Kami for letting Douma hug her for as long as he did. Rocking her as the chaos of the castle unfolds. He would shuffle a bit to be out of view, back to a wall next to the doorway. Her tears are hot as she presses against his chest.

She can hear the sound of thunder. Douma's hand comes to the back of her head to clutch it closer as he curls around her. A slayer and demon come crashing through. The feel of electricity could be felt as the two left as quickly as they came.

"Kotoha, we have to go." She can only nod, letting the demon try and take her to safety.

Her ribs were surely shattered and her breathing was on the edge of unconsciousness. Now if she was going to die in the next minute or the hour is what matters.

She needs to kill the one that had murdered Kanae.

Shinobu, even with her shaky breathing, gets to her feet. Her arms were heavy and it was a struggle to lift her sword.

It doesn't matter how she feels as long as she has another chance to murder the rainbow-eyed bastard.

First, she needs to deal with his ice clones.

Douma didn't like this. He didn't like the tears that fell from his eyes and how his heart thudded against his chest.

How can someone feel so weak while a demon?

He didn't understand.

He probably won't figure out all these confusing feelings till they are out-

Douma, where do you think you are going?

Veins are popping up as Douma continues his sprinting, holding Kotoha close.

Muzan has taken notice of one of his remaining kizuki fleeing from the most decisive battle in history. The final stand for the progenitor of demons and one of his most powerful demons is running.

Douma, you are to kill any slayer you see. Most importantly, that Hashira you left alive.

Douma leaps to another platform, intending to get away, perhaps leaving from a door that he will force open with sheer will.

This wasn't a request Douma.

Douma's vision will go dark.

Kotoha jolted as they came to a sudden stop. She lifts her head from where it was tucked in Douma's shoulder. The sound of battle was loud in her ears.

"Douma, why did you-"

"Kotoha." Her heart stops as she is gazing not at those colorful eyes that are sometimes filled with mischief but rather at those crimson eyes of Muzan. In Douma's body, Muzan began to move Douma remotely, beginning to leap. Backtracking to where they had been. At least that's what Kotoha thinks.

"You have been an adequate partner when it comes to my research." A glance at her as she shrinks back in Douma's arms.

"You have changed Douma. An unwelcome change." She flinches as a battling duo of slayer and demon arrive in their path. Using Douma's fan, Kotoha is shuffled with remarkable speed to one arm as Muzan slashes with it to kill both beings.

"My last mercy to you is that you live." Douma would leap and they must have twisted and landed on a side platform because the demon would arrive at a platform that was in view of the Lotus Palace. It was upside down and Kotoha's mind was spinning.

"Now-' Kotoha is looking back up at those crimson eyes. ' Don't interfere again."

A prick to her neck and she is slumping into Douma's shoulder.

Muzan would look down at the woman for a moment before patting her on the head.

If he had more humanity, perhaps she would have been nice to have as a younger sister.

However, his life was not nearly as fortunate as that.

He lets go of his hold on Douma once he leaps to the lotus palace.

Douma lands with a thud on the wooden platform of his area. His lotus palace looms before him.

Douma blinks and comes to realize Kotoha is limp in his hold.

Finish the Hashira, Douma.

His shoulders lower as his gaze goes to the bitter eyes of the Hashira.

He would lay Kotoha on the floor, mentally promising to come back to her.

Douma would ready his fans once more.

Kanao ran into this new area, a rush of cold meeting her, and her heart stopped.

She would watch as Shinobu, her last sister, sank into the flesh of a demon with rainbow eyes and war fans.

The demon would spot her and his eyes were dulled for a moment. The demon sighs as the last of Shinobu disappears under the demon's red shirt.

"Not another one. Again with the butterfly theme."

Kanao ignores the demon's words as she does a quick scan of the area and sees the limp form of a woman in green.

"Please slayer, do die quick." The demon would lunge soon after he states that, fans ready to strike her down.

Everything was so heavy. A blur as Kotoha tried to open her eyes.

A clashing of metal and shattering of ice was echoing in her ears.

Then there was a sound of breaking would and a small pause in the battle as a cackle is heard.

She knows that voice!

Kotoha tried her best to get up, and awaken more but her limbs were numb.

"Oh~, it's you again! I've been wanting to look at that mask of yours!"

"You can try and take it from me you rainbow-eyed bastard!"

A pause again and-


Oh, how Kotoha had missed -

" lived?" The unmistakable voice of Douma could be heard.

Wait...Douma knew Inosuke?

Douma couldn't believe it.

Inosuke lived...

"He...hehe...hehehe." Douma felt terrible, something sinking in his stomach as he realized what he had almost done.

His claws were digging into his skull, blood already spilling from his head. Tears once again run down his face as the bubbling emotions get the best of him.

"I almost killed Kotoha's son."
