(WARNING: may not be suitable for minors)

 Sophia's leaning against the wall where Adam had left her. She touches her lips softly with her fingertips reliving the moment. She sighs in glee, Adam had never taken her breath away quite like this before. She smiles as she recalls his wondering gentle but strong hands caressing her body, making her neck grow hot. Smiling to herself, she walks downstairs towards the kitchen. She stops short at the living room door as she spots Adam having a conversation with some women from town. She stops in the doorway, and watches him.

She can't believe how lucky she was for not staying with Daniel, not that she had much of a choice, but the fact that she decided to move on, made her realize that all this was meant to be.

Adam laughs, his manly chuckle makes her smile. He looks tired, Sophia realizes. The circles under his eyes were fairly new, and the stubble on his face, though it makes him seem more handsome, told her that he skipped his shaving routine, which was unlike him.

Adam looks up and catches her eyes, Sophia gets slightly nervous. Adam gives her the most beautiful smile, Sophia smiles back, she can't wait to be alone with him.

She enters the kitchen to find her parents sitting on the table eating from a platter.

"What happened?" Sophia asks confused as to why they isolated themselves.

Her father shrugs, "Too crowded. I didn't know you were friends with all these people."

"They're more like Mrs. Lancaster's friends," she replies bashfully.

"Oh god what is that?" her mother exclaims startled.

Sophia looks around her trying find some insect on the floor. "What?"

"That!" she pulls her closer to her and points at her neck.

Sophia has no idea what she's talking about until her father pokes her neck and it feels tender. She immediately covers her neck with her hand, it was where Adam was kissing her.

"Is that what I think it is?" Mrs. Lancaster asks unable to hide her smile.

Sophia turns red and doesn't reply.

Mr. Lancaster chuckles. "Newlyweds Mrs. Willis, I'm sure you remember some of that."

Her mother can't contain herself and giggles. "Oh do I!"

Feeling conscious about her neck, Sophia decides to leave her parents and join her husband. She spots him easily for he's height makes him stand over the crowd. She walks quietly behind him as he listens to whatever the mayor was saying to the group of five men surrounding him. She gently lays a comforting hand on his arm, he turns and smiles obviously pleased to see her, he discreetly reaches for her hand and interlocks his fingers with hers. No one could tell they were holding hands, and if they did, Sophia doubts that Adam would let go, just as she won't let go of him.

҉ ҉ ҉

Sophia closes the door of the drawing room behind her and she sees Adam already out of his traveling clothes, looking out the window deep in thought, Sophia wonders what he's thinking. She walks towards him as she tries to make a conversation so she can get Adam away from those dark thoughts that are making him so unhappy.

"Everyone is gone, thank goodness."

Adam turns not realizing she was in the room. "That took a while," he replies. He's sad eyes disappearing behind a teasing smile.

"I do believe that they wanted to stay the night."

Adam chuckles and holds her hands, not saying a word. Sophia doesn't like his sudden distance with her, so she tries a different approach.

"Can you help me loosen my corset?" she asks as she turns her back at him. "I'm having trouble breathing."

She feels his big hands undoing her dress, she notices how gentle he is, like not wanting to hurt her. Then he starts untying her corset. Her heat races as she feels his warm hand touching her back, she leans back on him as his hand grips her hip and makes its way to her stomach.

"What was the argument about?" Sophia asks not being able to ignore the questions crowding her head.

His hands stop exploring her under her dress. "What argument?"

Sophia turns to face him, he holds her hips possessively. "In your letter, you mentioned you had an argument with your father, and that's why you decided to come back early."

Adam's face turns gloomy. "He has changed," he replies after a moment of silence. "I used to look up to him, and now, I don't know who he is."

Sophia doesn't reply. She could tell he had a lot in his mind, she didn't want to intrude.

He tightens his grip around her. "I don't want to talk about that, I don't want to talk about my father, New York, or anything about this trip."

Sophia nods. "Can I just say that it was very sweet of you to write to your mother?" Adam gives her a puzzled look. "She was saying how she never received a letter from her husband from the times he had traveled since they were married, she was very sad. The next day, she gets a letter from you and her face changed completely."

"Well, I just thought she wanted to know how the trip went," he replies shyly.

She cups his face with her hands. "It was exactly what she needed. You're a great son," she says and pulls him down into a deep, long kiss.

Adam pulls her against him taking hold of her dress and pulls her skirt up slowly. Sophia lets go of his face and lets him. He runs his hand down her rump and in one swift motion he pulls her up, her legs wrap around his hips making her gasp in shock.

"What are you doing?" she whispers hurriedly as he walks with her in his arms and leans her against the wall.

"Making up for lost time," he replies as he starts devouring her neck.

Sophia can't believe what he's doing. "Here? Now?"

Adam doesn't stop and replies in between kisses, "We have the house to ourselves, don't we?"

"But . . . what if . . ." but she can't finish her thought, he takes over her lips and does not let go, she's struggles to breathe but she enjoys it. She gets a firm grip on Adam's shoulders and gasps for air as his hands explore her legs, he sucks on Sophia's neck, Sophia can no longer keep her composure, she feels him inside her and she moans loudly.

Sophia hears him moan slowly as he moves her rhythmically, he places her hands behind her head and takes hold of her hair undoing her elaborate hairstyle, he looks at her in the eyes, she gives him a mischievous smile, her smile gives him motivation to continue.

Sophia's pleased that he does.

҉ ҉ ҉

She wakes up alone in their bed. When they made their way to their bedroom, she can't remember. She finds her breakfast on the night stand, she drinks her juice and decides to look for her husband. She pulls her night gown on and finds Lily dusting the guest room.

"Good morning Mrs." Lily greets her cheerily.

"Good morning Lily, did my husband leave?"

Lily shakes her head. "No ma'am, he's taking a bath."

"Thank you," she says trying to hide her happiness.

"Umm Mrs.?" Sophia stops and turns. "I was wondering," Lily starts nervously. "If I could have the day off? I already did my chores, I was up at the crack of dawn doing everything."

Sophia thinks about it. Adam's home, and they might have the house to themselves, again.

"It's just that it's my mama's birthday and she wants all her children together, that's her only wish," Lily continues. "I promised I would be there."

Sophia smiles. "Go right ahead Lily. You deserve it."

Lily jumps in excitement. "Thank you so much Mrs. Lancaster! Thank you thank you!"

Sophia laughs at the child's eagerness. "You are so welcome, now go, don't worry about finishing, go," she says but she doesn't have to say it twice. Lily's out the door in seconds.

Sophia turns to the bathroom and smiles at herself picturing her husband taking a bath. She opens the door slowly, Adam turns to look at her from the steamy tub, his muscular chest rising with his breathing.

"I gave Lily the day off," she comments casually as she leans on the doorway.

Adam smiles. "What a coincidence. I decided to take the day off today as well. What do you suggest we do?"

Sophia grabs a long strand of hair and twirls it in her fingers flirtingly. "I was thinking maybe go out to dinner, in a nice restaurant."

He nods agreeing. "What do we do till then?"

"Anything we want, I suppose."

Adam grins and stretches his arm out. "Join me."

Sophia could feel her cheeks turn red. "In there? I'll get wet."

"That's the idea," he replies with a wink.

Sophia laughs, her shyness slipping away.

"Please," he says convincing her.

She starts walking towards the tub slowly, building up the anticipation. "Just because you asked nicely." She accepts his hand and he holds it firmly. She lifts her night gown as she steps inside, the warm water welcoming her. She sits on him facing him, her legs bent neatly underneath her. He pulls her gown over her head and tosses it to the side carelessly. She shifts a bit until she feels him, he inhales deeply as she rocks herself on him. His breathing raises and he wraps his arms around her bare back. Sophia moves faster and moans under her breath. Unable to contain himself, he grabs her firmly, she doesn't dare to move as he's gasping for air. After his release he holds her in his arms, his breathing coming back to normal.

"You're driving me insane," he whispers in her ear. Sophia gives him a tender kiss on his forehead and a peck on his lips. "I love you so much," he says.

Sophia smiles. "I love you too." 
