chapter 12: Lost in the Rain

Sam found himself alone on a bridge, his mind heavy with thoughts of giving up. The stars peeked through the clouds, but instead of feeling hopeful, he just felt lost.

He leaned against the railing, staring out into the night. The wind whispered through the gaps, the only sound in the empty space around him.

"Man, everything just feels pointless," Sam muttered to himself. The weight of the world seemed to press down on his shoulders, and he felt like he couldn't bear it anymore.

He thought about all the struggles he and Lana had been through, how they had both lost their way in the darkness of their own minds. The shadows seemed to beckon him, offering a twisted kind of comfort.

"Maybe it would be easier to just let go," he thought, the idea of surrender tempting him with its sweet release. 

As tears welled up in his eyes, the rain began to fall, mixing with his silent sobs. The bridge seemed like the edge of everything, a line between holding on and letting go.

salty tears. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, letting the water wash over him.

"Is this how it's supposed to be?" he whispered, feeling defeated. "Fighting and struggling and still ending up with nothing?"

Sam stood there in the pouring rain, feeling more alone than ever before. As the tears mixed with the raindrops on his face, he realized in that moment that he had pushed away the one person who truly understood him.

"Lana, I'm sorry," he whispered to the empty night. But it was too late to take back the hurtful words he had said in his moment of despair. Now there was only the silence and the rain. 

The shadows beckoned to him more strongly than ever. As lightning illuminated the dark sky, Sam saw only darkness in his future - a future without hope, without love. He leaned heavier on the railing as the weight on his shoulders grew unbearable. 

In that moment, he made his choice. With trembling hands, he hoisted himself up onto the cold, wet barrier. The city lights blurred through his tears as the rain poured down.

"Forgive me," he said to the night, his final words carried off by the wind. Then he let go. 

As Sam's body hit the water and was swept away by the current, the last thing he heard was thunder in the distance. Then there was only the sound of the rain, masking his silent scream. In his darkest hour, when he needed her most, he had sent Lana away. Now he was alone, and would face the long fall into darkness by himself.

The bridge stood empty once more as the storm continued to cry its tears over the city. But for Sam, the pain and struggle had come to an end at last. 
Thankyou for reading 💌
