

We are driving towards the house dad mortgage out so this will be a permanent house for me. I look down to my lap, so that was the last time I see them.

No I will come back to them

I feel the car stop, I hear the door click signaling me it's open

I open the door and was hit by the cold, I shivered so I grab my jacket I placed beside me incase it gets cold. It was a beautiful purple color. I smiled at it remembering mom knitting it and why she made it when she could have just bought some.


When I turned back after being invisible I saw my clothes gone and I only had my Shoes and sock on

I tried to cover my body but thankfully mom came in clutch and wrap a blanket around me

We went to the hospital asking why my clothes are gone after being invisible "It may be because being invisible only makes your body invisible not your clothes" the doctor reasoned out

"But when I turn invisible my clothes would be invisible too" I inform the doctor

"Hmmm, maybe just maybe the fabric of the clothes you wore aren't suppose to be invisible causing it to go loss in God knows where. The fabrics you wore aren't something you should wore, maybe you have to wear something made of silk as your silk goes invisible with or without you" While rubbing the fabric of the sleeves I wore

I raised my eyes "Her silk does go invisible with or without so are you saying Hikari should wear something made out of her silk permanently?" Mom asked, while holding dad's hand

"I believe so" taking his hands off my sleeves to raise the glasses he wore "You should learn how to knit, Hikari"

Flashback ended

I put it on and walk towards our brand new home. Unconsciously playing with the bracelet Izu made. "Oh sweetheart" I turn towards the sound "your room is at the top attic I will also place a knitting machine for you to practice and learn with me. It's a quite spacious room for you to move and practice to yourself  " she happily inform then walks away to a room

I climbed up to the slight spiral-stairs seeing as this house is a 3 story house including the attic it would be a long way up. I speed up using electricity being careful and mindful of my movements as I found a circular window in the ceiling. I scan the area around me as I find myself in another circular space with a narrow hallway where I was passing through

I take another glance as I try to think what I should design it with

"I should place a ladder to climb up incase of friends coming over and I should just design it with some bookshelves and some stuffs" while shrugging, using my hands to add more points, I whip a thread out of my wrist, sticking it to the window, I pulled it then I jump inside the room and saw that it was INDEED a spacious room for me to practice

I turn around and saw a slight room for me to go into. "Maybe this could be where I place my bed yes, yes I can see it" While nodding

I move towards the other side and saw another trap door, I went up and saw another space "Maybe this could be a bathroom" I thought after looking down and saw a drain that goes outside of my room then to a pipe, I go down "Oh well let's start designing" although I was 3 years old I could just start drawing how I like my things place

So i begin drawing the place I place my bed inside of the slight room just infront of the window and I saw in the place there was a slight spacing for me to put a closet for my clothes and..."


After placing all the stuffs we had, we decided to buy some essentials and groceries although I couldn't buy clothes.

My dad and mom wasn't worried about getting notice since dad was working in the shadows and had a black cloak on while mom had a full on body suit so none of them had to worry about getting notice

After buying, we decided to treat ourselves with some fast-food after the work and travel we did *ehem they did* while eating mom and I watched some youtube videos about knitting. Dad was entertaining himself with a game I recommended for him, I could hear him grunt when he made a mistake and a few squeals and saying "yes" when he won the game

After that we got home and took it upon ourselves *ehem themselves* to place everything they bought in place. While they were talking about some more furnitures to place inside the house as it was still quite empty even though they placed some furnitures

I was playing chess in my dad's laptop. I scan the pieces my enemy had and saw a slight opening although it was a huge gamble, it was a risk I was willing to take. I took my queen to check the king then a pawn took my queen, and it provided me a chance to move my bishop after being cornered due to not having any moves I knock the king out of the game. Not surprise I won against a robot. I drink my water "I'm going to bed, Goodnight Mom and Dad"

"Goodnight, sweetie love ya"
"Goodnight baby, sleep well"

I climb up towards the stairs and went to the narrow hallway and saw some bookshelves I recommended to my dad, a ladder, a small desk for my mom and dad to place when they don't want to climb up, and a whiteboard at the side for little notes when dad and mom are in patrol

I jump inside my room and went to my bed there was a cinch where I can put my tablet to charge since dad placed an outlet, a clock, some books to keep me entertained on bed and a cute panda lamp

I go up to the shower and took a small bath, then I went to bed


"Hello" in a dark menacing tone, Endeavor welcomed us into his house, he move to the side to let as in

After I took it upon myself to scan the house it had some patterns of a japanese house due to the interior and exterior of the house, we walk into a long hallway

"As we informed you, we requested to have Hikari practice with you" Dad said, breaking the silence, the mixture of hot and cold was biting and burning into my skin but I just place my hands into my pocket not wanting to cut into dad's and Hero Endeavor's conversation about it

"Hikari? You mean this petite child walking behind me" I froze when I heard my name come out of his mouth

"She doesn't stand a chance to the No. 3 Hero" he glared at me, trying to mentally trap me in a corner by his hellish gaze

"Oh trust me, she can be very menacing in practice" Dad happily smirked, emphasizing she in his words

But Endeavor shot back "And I believe my son, Shoto will surpass her"

I look up to him "S-shoto?" I stutter out, my teeth chattering from the cold increasing when we went to that door

It had a thick border made of spruce wood with designs of what look like a spiral flower

Endeavor open the doors, holding the handles of the door with both of his hands

"My youngest son, Shoto" he replied

"I believe my other son Toya surpasses you"

I remain silent, walking towards the practice room I thought

"No wonder, dad gets annoyed when he hears Endeavor"

A small tick appeared on Dad's forehead "Enji, you may be older than me and the No. 3 hero, but I don't like you talking to my daughter that way" releasing a bit of his blue aura which was his demon form begging to lunge at the man

I shuddered at the cold, thankfully mom took notice of it, she holds my hand rubbing her thumb at the back of my hand providing comfort

We made it to the room and saw 4 kids around an adult who appears to be tired with her eyebags and her hair seemed unkept she has straight shoulder-length white hair with rather long bangs over her face

"Rei-san" Mom lets go of my hand and walks towards the adult

"Enji, your wife's a bit unwell don't you think she should be-" dad was cut off by Endeavor "I believe this is none of your business besides she is taking care of our children"

Looking at mom kneeling down to the woman, I could see in her gray eyes that she is physically "No, mentally tired of something" My eyebrows creased, seeing the woman smiling though it seems forced

I had study about human psychology as it peaked my interest, to know what this woman was feeling

Her smile, didn't quite reached her eyes, I grip the hem of my shirt seeing this view made me hate the man

I wonder what he did to the woman, Aunt Rei as I heard, Mom would occasionally pull out her yearbook when she was in UA

She was in the same class of Aunt Rei together with dad, though dad decided to stay in UA as a staff for ten years but he sometimes take patrols, which led him to meet Mr. Aizawa

I remember seeing Aunt Rei in the yearbook her smile was bright not like Izu's but surely enough to tell she was happy, really happy

"Anyways, let's go Hikari show me how capable you are" Endeavor calls out, before walking towards the room I assume to practice

I quickly took of and went to the man but made sure he was still walking infront of me to keep him in my sight

"How old are you, Hikari?" He questioned

"Four, Sir" he may be a bad husband unlike Dad, but he does deserves respect for being a No. 3 Hero though I can't forget it easily

"I see your older than Shoto, well then come at me Hikari" gesturing with his hands

I come at him full speed I could see in his eyes he didn't see it coming

Speed was dad's specialty he didn't see it from my mom since she relies on her webs

I gave him a kick but was blocked by his hand "I have miscalculated forgive me" he bows down but only a little I jump backwards

"You may be fast but that's all you have right now, you still need to build some muscles to punch hard"

Giving me pointers while blocking my hits, I whip out threads from my wrist towards the wall behind him, I hold the silk and wrap it around my hand to grasp it tightly, I pulled back and shoot myself like a catapult

"You've miscalculated again, Sir"

I could see him confused on what I meant "Let me show you then" I balled my right fist with my left infront of me

"SHANNARO!!" I punch his face, which was now contorted by my fist on his face "God I wish I could take a selfie and caption just punch the No. 3 Hero"

He flies towards the wall which was now broken creating a crater, imprinting him on the wall

"THAT'S MY GIRL!" Dad cheered me on from the top

Endeavor gets up "I see, instead of inheriting your father's quirk you inherited your aunt's powerful punches that are on par with All Might's" wiping the blood of his nose

"Well, you've got me fired up would you mind if I add some fire into it"

I hesitantly nod "If this is how I practice to control my quirk, then so be it"

His smirk growing, he lit himself into flames but I could see it was the bare minimum "Geez, I could still feel the harsh heat from here"

"OI ENDEAVOR, DON'T GO THAT FAR" Dad yelled, afraid for my safety

"Don't worry, Yukio" he simply replied

I took my stance and waited for him to come to me

He moves towards me in a zigzag motion just like I did with dad, I whip out silks out of my wrists coated with electricity trying not to keep showing my powers at bare minimum

I shoot the webs towards him, he dodged while still coming at me, I took notice the fire was building smoke in the room but the room was ventilated so I did the unexpected I punch the ground creating debris and increasing the smoke to appear

I wrap my mouth with some webs and ran around the room with Endeavor on my tail

I tried to make it unnoticable of me wrapping the vents to keep the smokes in to create diversion or ultimately making him cough up the smoke

I lunge towards another vent and wrap it with silk then went to another then another

The smoke was getting bigger and I could see Endeavor holding his breath now knowing what I'm about to do

I land towards the ceiling after sealing every vents I could still see the fire emitting from Endeavor making him an easier target although it was a little dim "He must have realised his the one putting himself in this situation, he made his fire dim enough to not create more smoke and also enough to give him light"

I jump off the ceiling and made myself invisible

I shot invisible webs on the wall making a trap for Endeavor, shooting webs around the walls while trying to be sneaky


"Right here, Endeavor" trying to buy more time

Meanwhile Endeavor was scanning the area searching for me then something catches his eye the smoke was moving as if something hit it, he smirked

"I see you've inherited your mother invisible webs I wonder if you are invisible now"

"He caught on, but he's too late now"

After shooting the last web by now I have my forearms covered by all silks I shot excluding the vents I've wrapped

"Well done Sir, but I'm afraid your too late"


I made the webs reveal themselves and are now showing the blue hues of my electricity

I dropped down, pulling the webs with me now wrapping Endeavor with the silk, now cocooned with the electricity paralyzing him

"Gotcha" I walked towards him making myself visible for him

"Your strong I understimated you" Endeavor admits it

"WOOHOOO" Dad celebrated but Mom slaps his arm Aunt Rei and her kids had left after we entered the room

Mom opens the door of the room we were in, she was also wrapping her mouth with a web and dad's but only a little light so that they could still speak but if she did add a more thicker web on dad, we might not hear him still celebrating on my win

I go up to the vents and got rid of the silk I made

After removing every silk, we could now see Endeavor trapped in a cocoon

Dad cackles and went by his side to take a selfie "Look into the camera"

Endeavor grumbles and looks away, I remove the silk off of him after dad was done taking pictures of him but I could see he was waiting for me

Just like dad, Endeavor spins around but didn't dare move knowing he would embarass himself infront of dad and I also think he couldn't move since the paralysis is still in motion but I'm sure he can move after a few minutes judging by his durability

He clears his throat before speaking, he must have inhale some smoke

"Anyway, Let me state some facts about your quirk" I nod at him, my parents on my side looking at him

"You have the ability to cast webs out of your wrist, you can crawl on walls, you have invisibility and elecricity in your arsenal, you can make your webs invisible and let it emit electricity"

"You also have your Aunt's brute strength, do you also have her healing?" He asks, but I couldn't provided him an answer as I didn't know it myself "I don't know, all I know is that I have healing attributes in my silk, it acts like a bandage" I informed, he puts his chin on his hand "Naruhodo" he mumble

"Anyways, your weaknesses is that you rely on your quirk too much I presume, you might have to learn some hand-to-hand combat skills without using your Aunt's quirk"

"But judging by the practice I could see you have some knowledge of it, especially when using your aunt's quirk I would suggest not to apply her quirk too much to better enhance your capability of fighting hand-to-hand more efficiently"

"And also you must consider your surroundings, you must keep the damage at minimum if people are present in the area" looking at the place the two craters I've made, the first one was punching Endeavor too it and the second was to create more debris"

"Well the practice is done, but I should offer some food after the harsh training I put you through"

"You mean I put you through but you were pulling back your punches"

We went to the kitchen smelling the sweet aroma of soba, Endeavor and I was still in the same clothes, it was tattered but we wash our hands and faces to atleast look decent

Mom took it upon herself to wrap my hair in a small bun and place a towel behind my back

Aunt Rei and the four kids was present on the table with Endeavor and Dad at the head but Aunt Rei left to her room I think, after serving the food

I take a glance on the kids as I didn't quite see them clearly before

One had red hair and blue eyes like Endeavor, the only female had white hair with flecked red higlights and grey eyes, one had white hair and grey eyes like Aunt Rei, and one I think to be Shoto half of his hair is white and the other is red with beautiful heterochromia eyes one grey one blue each place with it's significant colors from his parents

I notice he didn't ate his soba "You should eat while it's hot Shoto" Endeavor must have saw me looking at him and practically left after then everyone left after eating leaving me and Shoto

"Why do you wait for you soba to get cold?" I ask not thinking of his feelings

"I don't like it hot" he simply replied "Geez it's like Endeavor without the harsh glare" I sweatdropped

I got up from my seat and went to his side, I hold out my hand for his soba he complies without a word "Ita, ita so hot" he smiles as I fumble the soba on my hand waiting for my hand to get used to it "Wait for me here" He nods

I went to the room where I think Aunt Rei is and knocked "Come in" I open the door with one hand slightly struggling

"Oh hello" Rei wasn't expecting me to come into her room "Hello" as I stand just outside of the door "Don't be afraid" she smiled this time it was a real smile

I go up to her and ask "Could you please make the soba cold?" I could she's confused by her facial expression "It's for Shoto, he doesn't like it hot"

She flinch slightly noticeable but I could see it thought I didn't dare questioned it "Of course sweetheart" She holds the soba and used her quirk on it "Wow" My eyes sparkled

I could hear her chuckle, I look up to her "It's so beautiful Rei-san your quirk may be Frost, I was actually silently complaining about the cold weather but somehow your quirk was warmer than the weather" Aunt Rei was happily listening to me rant

She looks at me from my words, she pats my head "Your such a sweet child" rubbing my head "Your hands are soft" I mumble

"Now, now you should give this to Shoto you wouldn't want him to wait would you" Aunt Rei said, my head perks up "Oh, I almost forgot" I grab the soba from her hands gently

I walk towards the door with Aunt Rei's eyes following every move I made, I turn towards her before turning the knob "Thank you Aunt Rei" Smiling brightly at her "Your welcome"

I walk towards Shoto "Here" I hold out the soba he grabs it and begins eating but after the first bite he stops for a second, he turns to me "It's good" while food was in his mouth I laugh I go towards my food it was still hot

We ate the food together him smiling a little and me talking by his side waiting for him to finish his food


I'm now officially bored on my bed after having the practice session with Dad and Endeavor ending with me in a cast which now leads to me in my bed Dad argued to Endeavor for taking it too far while mom was holding me while I cried

My arm was burnt and I wrap it with my silk but it wasn't doing too good the practice session was over

Mom called Aunt over to heal my arm "What happened?" Aunt Yumi ask Mom and Dad who was by my right

"Practice with Endeavor" dad replied

"WHAT?!" Aunt yelled, my arm was now healed, now sitting up, Auntie puts her hands on her waist

"You had the No. 3 train Hikari, I can't believe you Oni-sama" hey left me in my room but I could still hear them from the heighten senses

No one's POV

"We had to-" Mom tried to talk but was cut off by Aunt

"Don't, I know about her quirk but is it really that necessary for her to train with the No. 3 Hero" Aunt asked

"Yes, you know that Yumi, especially when there is a high chance of her getting my quirk" dad reasoned out

"My quirk was deadly when not trained my other half was getting hard to control and I almost killed you" Aunt flinched, remembering it all too well

"We had to train her at a young age as the doctor told us"

"You went to that doctor?!" Aunt Yumi said "I warned you about him he is not to be trusted, he killed a patient"

"We were there Yumi we can protect her, besides we could see he is trying to repent" Dad replied

"Oh yeah, then what if you weren't there so many things could happen if your not there for her, but it is also not right for her to be train by the No. 3 Hero you must quit her session with him" Aunt Yumi tried to convince them

"Fine, but who will be training her?" Mom complied "Me, I heard she was having a hard time with my quirk" Aunt Yumi replied, the two women looked towards Yukio

He sighed "I'll call Endeavor"


Training was hell as I lay down on the ground somewhere far from the city

The place was a mess "What happen to keeping the damage at bear minimum?" I close my eyes from looking at the sun too much

Auntie really took this seriously or was she even holding back I can hardly tell specifically because I haven't experienced being punch that hard "Did she even know I was practically still 6" I sweatdropped, I haven't seen Shoto after that day

"Oya, Hikari are you tired already?" I open my eyes seeing Auntie placing her hands on her hips while blocking the sun from my face which I'm thankful for

"I am Auntie" I sighed out

"Let's take you home I believe I tortured you enough" she walks away from me

I sit up looking at my suppose mentor "YOU WERE TORTURING ME?!!" "I can't believe I have you as my favorite hero"

I perk up "Oh right" I was wearing a white t-shirt tucked in to my pants it was my go-to practice clothes, I had my hair in a high ponytail I had bangs with two strands of hair by the side

I pat my pockets looking for two things I then felt something in a pocket, I pulled it out and it was the bracelet Izu gave me and the card Valorine Bakugo gave me

"Still miss you guys" I look up to the sky "I should visit Shoto" I

"OIIII Hikari do you want me to leave you behind?" Auntie said already in the car

"Oi oi MATTE MAT-TE AUNTIEE!" I jump inside the car, driving into the city the long ride home was peaceful

"Oya, we spent the entire afternoon there, cause it 's already dark outside" Aunt Yumi stated

I looked outside and it was indeed dark but not to dark because of the christmas lights, the lights from the city was so sparkly from afar

"Happy christmas, Hikari" I look towards her and feel the car stop by the red light

She grabs something from the backseat, it was a big red box with a black ribbon tied to it

"Open it, your parents and I put our gifts inside it" I carefully untied to ribbon and open it, inside was a body suit costume just like mom's suit butbinstead of her signature colors it was red, black, and white

I took it outside of the box, I feel the car move again "That's from your mother" "She made that early so when you grow up, you have a suit already" she informed "but I should let you know that some students have their costumes made from someone, so just have that costume as a practice or an extra"

I put it back and grab a sky blue backpack "That's from your dad, he insisted on you having a backpack"

It had 4 zippers three in the front one at the back, it had two pockets at the sides to place my bottles I open the main zipper and saw something I didn't expect from dad It was a three-headed kunai with a black handle and had carvings in it

"Um Auntie should I even have this?" I asked, she took a glance and had her eyes wide "Jeez, Yukio"

I nervously laugh, I place it back inside and went for the other gift it was a small bag instead of blue it was black it didn't have any zipper it only had a button inside was things for healing

"That's from me, I know you don't have my healing but you do have some made bandages so I though I should give you some other supplies when someone's is in need"

"The bottles are labeled and I am willing to teach you how to operate" She smiled at me

"Merry Christmas, Auntie" I softly smiled


I went to visit Shoto to give him a gift for christmas but the gate was closed "Of course it is" my head perks up from the voices inside

I got curious so I went invinsible and climb up to the gate and saw Shoto holding a All Might plushie in his left hand while his right was being dragged by his father I tried to see more closely then I saw a scar on his left

I had more hatred towards Endeavor than I ever had I can't stand this anymore I jump down and sped towards Shoto while running I grab a stone and hit Endeavor with it which made him let go of Shoto for a second, I ran up to Shoto and made him hide with me I turn visible as I saw Shoto shaking from shock

"Oh Shoto" I tried reaching towards his face but he flinched, but when he realized it was me I could see his shoulders loosen

"H-ikari?" Shoto stuttered

"Yes, it's me I'm so sorry for leaving you" as I hug him rubbing his head trying to provide comfort

I feel his hands wrap on my waist with his plushie "I'm scared"

"I don't want to train anymore" I pulled back to look at him "What do you mean?" I tried touching his face but I could he was insecure by the scar "It's okay Shoto it's just me" I cooed out, trying to remain silent

He hesitantly put his head towards my hands and I could feel the heat radiating from it "Did you get your quirk?"

"Yea, now dad won't stop training me for it, half-hot and half-cold"

"SHOTO WHERE ARE YOU!" Endeavor yells from outside

"I gotta go, Hikari I don't want him to see you here" he stands up

"Wait are you sure?" I queried also standing up, he only nods and proceeds to walk away but I grab his arm and hugs him for a little while

"I was gonna give you this" I gave him an adjustable black bracelet with a symbol of a blue half moon

"I have the necklace one" I grab the necklace with also a symbol of a blue half moon

"I know this isn't the right time but Merry Christmas, Shoto" I state, while wrapping the bracelet to him

"Merry Christmas, Hikari" he replies, giving me his All Might Plushie

I look at him "Take it, I want to give you something" I grab it "Thank you, Shoto"

He turns the knob "Bye, Hikari" he waves at me with a sad smile he leaves the door open for me to get out

I sighed, now holding the plushie

I turn invinsble but I made sure the Plushie didn't or else it would be just gone

I ran out of the house and made myself a promise "I'll free you, Shoto"

I went home, shower and went to bed placing the Valorine card, the bracelet and the All Might Plushie in the cinch at the top of the headboard
