the end

part of me

wants to stop myself

now before it's too late.

part of me

wants to make it seem

like an accident, so

i can finally be

a beautiful tragedy.

part of me

wants someone to notice,

and reconsider my decision

before time runs out.

but part of me knows 

there's no going back now,

so i smile as the cold blade 

slowly parts my skin and

cuts through arteries to finally

let the blood kiss my skin as it

flows out, its original passage

now destroyed.

i lay in the bathtub, watching clear

water leisurely turn into crimson

as i think of all the times i thought

the world was beautiful, but oh

how wrong i was.

as my eyes calmly close, i can tell death

had planned this all along;

the twinkle in his eye

shining brighter than any

star in the sky and i let the world

let me down,



