tbs - late


"That dress is a little risque for a wedding, isn't it, princess?"

I look down at my dark blue dress, glancing at the slit running up to my mid-thigh, before looking back up at him.  "I don't want to look like the bride," I say with a shrug, before looking back into the bathroom mirror, finishing with my makeup.  "Plus, Tom, I think it looks fine."

"You got me all wrong," he murmurs, coming up and standing behind me, wrapping an arm around my waist.  "You look hot."

"Look at yourself," I murmur, leaning forward slightly to grab a tube of lipstick.  "You look like you stepped off a runway."  I turn in his hold, looking him over with a smile.  "The blazer, buttondown, and of course, the jeans to wrap it up.  Ki's the groom but I feel like you look better anyway."

He laughs.  "Don't want to upstage the groom, now do I?"

I turn back around as he wraps his other arm around my waist, his chin settling on my shoulder as we watches me apply the lipstick.  After a few moments, I recap the tube, running a hand over my hair.  "Let's go, cute boy."

He grins, pulling away from me and walking out the bathroom and into the hallway.  "I still find that term rather endearing."

"What," I ask, "cute boy?"

"Yeah," he nods, slipping on a pair of sunglasses.  "I think it's sweet."

"Better than what I called you last night?" He glances at me in question.  "You know, when I called you d-"

He leans forward, pressing his lips quickly to mine.  "Cute boy is sweet, but what you called me last night was sexier than you could imagine.  So if you finish that sentence I guarantee that we're going to be late to Ki's wedding."

"-addy."  I raise an eyebrow in defiance.

His lips press into a thin line as he pushes his sunglasses up over his hair.  "Our lateness to this event is on you," and that's when he pulls me in, hands at my waist as he presses his lips firmly against mine.


"I cannot actually believe you made us late to this."  I glance at the mirror on the car's sun-protector, quickly reapplying my lipstick.

"You asked for it."  He shrugs nonchalantly, looking for a parking.

"Thomas."  I glare at him.  "How was I supposed to know a simple word would get you so worked up?  It wasn't all me, though, the fact that you had the top couple of buttons on your shirt undone made it seem like you wanted me to kiss you there."

"Which you did."

"Mhm," I murmur, popping my lips slightly as he pulls into a parking.  I watch as he pulls off his sunglasses, slipping them into his blazer's pocket.  "Come here a sec?" I ask.

He glances over at me, and I reach up, smoothing a few still-messed hairs into place.  "There," I murmur, my hand resting flat against his cheek.

He watches me for a moment, before leaning over, tucking a kiss to my cheek before pulling back.  "Okay, I'd tell you how great you are and how much I love you right here, right now if we weren't gonna be late.  But the event starts in fifteen minutes and Dylan is literally going to murder me for not being there for Ki on time."

"I love you too," I say, unclipping my belt and stepping out the door.  He glances at me, extending his arm with a lazy grin.  Taking it, we walk into the church, glancing around at the people walking around the pews and chatting quietly amongst themselves, sharing drinks and stories.  I can't help but feel like there are stares going around, and I glance up at Thomas.

Before I can say anything, though, he shakes his head.  "They aren't staring because we're late - which we aren't - but because you look fucking hot." 

He doesn't look down at me as he speaks, instead he keeps his head raised to spot Dylan.  I grab two flute glasses from a passing waiter, before eyeing Britt standing with the tall brunette over by the wall.  I hand Thomas a glass.  "Found them," I murmur, slipping his fingers through mine and leading us to the couple.

Britt grins at me, leaning forward and hugging me.  "You look great, holy shit!" She laughs.

"Thanks," I say with a grin.  "So do you.  How are you?"

We fall into small talk before Dylan glances at his watch.  "It's go time," he says.  "We should grab seats."

(sorry guys i've never been to a christian wedding / a wedding @ a church, so idrk what happens, tv only tells you so much but i've never experienced it first hand bc i'm muslim lol soz - imagine ki and hayo's wedding here sorry -- mayya)

After the exchanging of vows, I do's, and congratulations, we find ourselves in a hall, round tables set up with a buffet served along the sides of the room.  Thomas sat next to me, Dylan and Britt sitting across from us talking quietly between each other.  Ki and Hayo were supposed to come sit with us as well, but the happy couple was currently being mobbed with cheerful relatives.

I glance at Thomas, his eyes on his phone, before turning away, sipping from one of the fluted glasses arranged on our table.  Suddenly, I feel his palm against the visible part of my thigh.  "Check your phone," he murmurs softly, pulling his hand away.

I slip my phone out of my clutch, glancing at the screen.

cute boy 💖: I saw your dress pooled around your waist before we left, but right now I'd rather see it on the floor of our bedroom.

My eyes widen.

cute boy 💖: your reaction 😂😂

cute boy 💖: but seriously

cute boy 💖: blue's a good color on you, but it looks better on our carpet

I look over to him, eyes still wide.  "Stop," I murmur with a breathy laugh.

He slips his phone back into his pocket, grinning.  "Fine."

Not even a moment later, his hand finds its way onto my thigh again, thumb tracing not-so-innocent patterns that made my knees feel weak.  I grab his hand as he inches upwards.  "Aren't you tired?"  I ask.

He looks at me, an eyebrow arched lazily in amusement.  "Of you?  Never, princess."

My eyes narrow as I release his hand, allowing him to keep maintaining his torturous strokes.  I let out a soft gasp as his finger grazes over me.  "Tommy-"

"Shh," he whispers softly.

His fingers - plural this time - trace slowly over me through my panties, and my knees felt nonexistent.  "Oh my god."  I gasp quietly, covering my mouth with my hand and casually disguising it with a nose scratch.  I glance over at him, and to anyone else he would look like a normal man looking around and drinking his champagne.  But to me - god.

Britt looks over to me.  "So, Y/n, Thomas, how was your trip to the Big Apple last weekend?"

She is not actually starting conversation with me right now.

I expect Thomas to pull away, but instead, he slips a finger into me casually.  My mouth drops open.  "Uh..."

"It was absolutely wonderful," Thomas finishes for me.  Little shit.  He continues to pump his fingers slowly, and it takes everything in me not to moan.  "We took plenty of pictures."

"Yeah," Britt smiles.  "I saw the photos on Y/n's instagram.  I haven't been in a while, though."

Dylan looks over to her.  "I've already got some ideas for your birthday," he grins.  "I'll be right back, just gonna check on Ki for a sec."  He stands, and when Britt says something about congratulating Hayo she stands as well, following after him.

Thomas' fingers curl inside me, and I let out a slow, ragged breath.  He makes an approving noise.  "Not bad, princess.  You were quiet the whole time."

I glare at him.  "I swear to god if I don't jump your bones when we get home-"

His fingers slip out suddenly, wiping on the underside of the tablecloth.  My mouth drops in surprise. "Well, I mean, then we can wait, can't we?"  He says, a teasing and knowing grin written all over his face.

"I don't know why I haven't broken up with you yet."

"You love it.  Now do you want to go congratulate them?  The mob of relatives seems to have lessened."

"Shut up, I can't even feel my legs right now."

He laughs loudly.  "That good?"

"Shut up."

