I guess you don't love me anymore maila is that it huh and i give you my life and love and you i point to my sister and brother i guess you don't want me here well your wish came true i am going back to Afghanistan to finish my job i said while hold my bag and i go up and kiss my newborn daughter forehead i love baby girl dont you forget that i do i see the army guys wait for me and one think i hope yor happy with him maila and i hope your guys are happy without me i said and I walk toward thw car and hop and drove off..

We see my brother holding his newborn daughter and he said i will always love you baby girl dont you forget that he said and he said i hope your happy with him and without me and he walk away and drove off i fell and cry on the ground while my brother is rub my back i lose my brother i said while crying..

Two week

Come on solider dont die on me one of my guys yell at me and i am trying to keep my eyes open and he carried me and i was in the emt helicopter and we got to the medical field and they did everything and other doctor siad segent keep your eyes open for a while and i node and they transport me to bacon hill hospital..

It been week since my brother left and Lily just look like her father has his blue eyes and his smile and laught we trun on the news and they lady speak my name is Maddie we have an inform that segent black was transported by bacon hill hospital he in sugary but the doctor said he may not or may make it keep him in your prayers pleases she said and i tear up and i see his picture on the screen with his buddys smile and my dad and mom and brother are crying oh maila is marries to her boyfrined sam and she had his baby it a boy so anyways we are crying even four my husband and his sister lauren and her husband eric we are all crying...

It so dark and i see my nana and papa there walk toward ne and my nana siad i am proud of you sweetheart you did amazing job by saving your man she said and my papa nod and i smile and he said go back you have a daughter wait for you and i said okay..

We are at the hospital and the doctors walk out and siad stiles black we got up i am sorry he in a life support he siad and i broke down and crying what does that mean lynn said may not wake up he said what my friends and mom and dad yell i am sorry you can see him we all when we see my brother hook and he in a life support and my mom is crying on him and my dad is in tears so is my best friend christan and shan and mar and allison and lydia and kira and Lauren there all crying there eyes out and he begin to seiz and there doctor and nurse run in and kick us out and we see a paddle and there all in there and i see chris argent allison dad came in any news he said yeah he just sezi four said and he said oh so we see derek and cora and maila and sam in here and they see the doctor in there trying to save his life and we see maddie come in and said what happened to my daddy she said i got to her level daddy was doing well and he had a bad something and the doctors a d nurse are trying to make him feel better i said while tear came down and she said scream daddy and cryied and my familys are crying and we see a doctor came out he doing fine but well keep in eye on him and we nod and we go back and maddie go run to his room and she look at her dad and she cried when she see him and i begin to cry and I siad my brother well never see his daughter graduate high school walk down the aisle i said and i hug her and she hug back and she said i cant lose my daddy he my hero she said while crying i know baby girl i said..

Week he not going to wake up

It been week eveyone has been visiting stiles and me and maddie are going to see and we hop and drove to the hospital and we got to his room and we see a woman in there we walking and she crying hi who are you i ask hi i am jana i stiles wife and I look at her wide eyes he was married i ask yeah we meet at a bar and we start date and one day he ask me to marry him and we got married and now i am pregnant with his son who this ahe as this is his daughter oh he talk about her alot he love her so much he got her a neckless and she hand it and maddie open ot was beautiful it a picture of her when she was a baby and him holding her in his arm i put it on maddie and she said i am never going to take it off and she hug jana and thanks her and i siad thank you and me and maddie head home we see my family i look at them what happen siad urish he married and he expecting a baby i siad what they all siad when did he get marrid last month the day he left for war i said i show the picture of her she beautiful mom said yeah she siad he make her smile and he evething to her aww the groups said i smile and there having a boy i said.

I am at stiles room holding his hand i miss stiles you need to wake up because youe son is due anyday i said kiss his hand..

Two week later take him off life support 😭😭😭😭😢

Today we are take my brother life support and his wife just had her son name jame Patrick black and maddie is 10year old today we are plane his funeral and it heard for me and my mom and dad and his wife and it been a sad week and month so we are look at him when he was a baby he was the cute baby...

Today funeral

We are listing to the mastery talk and everyone is crying and sniff and maddie is holding her dad hand while crying so is my mom and my dad is holding jame and i am and hia wife is holding his hand we will miss you stiles black he just and we all start of cry i lost my brother and he will never meet jame and he never will see his daughter again i said.

Two year later

Aunt tris i miss dad i said and i am getting maried the day we buryed my father i said while holding my tears i know honey i miss him to so dose jame and he only 6 years old and he has stiles eyes and his smile and face god he look like him eveythime we look at him we all cryied and now we are walking down the aisle and i am getting married..

Three month later

I have a son name Matthew stiles sharwood he has my father name as a middle name and my brother is in high school and he has dad eyes and he act like him alot my step mom cry everynigt because he miss my father and i look at my son he is a sleep and i put him down and fell asleep and i said i miss you daddy and i hear someone i miss you too baby girl i love you dont forget that he said i love you too daddy and i driff off to sleep
