Chapter one

My heart is pumping, my legs are running, my breathing is fast. I turn the corner into my street, suddenly i bump into a hard tree or person or something, I look up and see an unfamiliar face. A boy around my age was standing infront of me, he was hot and new. He stared at me before smirking.

"Pervert" I muttered loud enough for him to hear before running to my place.

" hey wait up" I heard him yell, I just kept running.

I came to my door when I heard him snicker behind me, I turned around,

" what?" I asked

" nothing I just think we'll be seeing a lot more of each other" he smirked

" and why is that" I asked

" because, I just moved in next door to you" he smirked. I didn't really care so I just turned around walked into my house and then shut the door behind me.

That night when I went to bed I heard talking from outside my bedroom window.

I realised my window was open but didn't care so I went to sleep.

•Luke's pov•

I'm in my room playing truth or dare with Tom and Alex. I've told them about the girl next door, I saw that her room is directly opposite mine, they don't think they know her yet, I think.

"Luke, truth or dare" tom asked

" dare" I answered

" ok I dare you to..." He started and looked out of my window, I glanced over and noticed that that girl's window was open, I looked at Tom and he smirked.

•Samantha's POV•

I heard some shuffling but I kept my eyes closed.

" what are you doing in my room, and I would love it if you could put my bra down". I hear the guy jump and gets worried i open my eyes he stares. i sit up on my bed and pull on a string nearby, it turned the light off and shut the window, I turned the light back on when I was infront of him, i look into his room and smirk at the worried boys from my high school, probably old friends of my new neighbour.

"ok two things 1- Tom and Alex look really worried about you", i smirk, he smirks as well as he checks me out. Ew.

"the second thing is... I want my bra back" I say he smirks

" come and get it" he replies before putting it down his pants. My smirk grows as i reach for the bit of strap from my bra that's sticking out of his pants, I slowly take it out as his face turns from a smirk into shocked.

"I think you should go and ask your friends who I am" I smirk at his confused and shocked face

"um o-ok then" he stutters I open the window still holding my bra and he climbs out, his friends start yelling at him .

"omg dude, that was a huge mistake, shit, we should move away like, far away. She knows who we are too and she'll kill us" They both said.

"why would a girl kill you" he asked confused.

"You'll find out soon, go introduce yourself anyways" Tom says. He climbs back into my room,

"My name is Luke" He tells me," what's yours babe" he asks

" I'm Samantha Bailey but everyone calls me Sam" I answer, goes wide eyed, I smile. He climbs out, i then shut my window and draw the blinds before going to sleep with my signature smirk on my face.

-beep beep-

-beep beep-

-beep beep-

"Ugh" I groan when hearing my alarm, it's my first day back at school. I lazily push the covers off me and got changed into a white crop top, black high waisted shorts and a pair of combat boots when I was half way through I realised my blinds where open and Luke was staring at me.

"Pervert" I yelled this time before I closed the blind again, my older brother, Chase, must have opened them this morning. I ran down stairs and got breakfast, coco pops and chocolate milk. I got my bag, keys and helmet. I opened the door and walked out I walked over to my motorbike, that's when I noticed Luke infront of my motorbike. I sat down and revved my engine, I looked up and saw he was still standing there. I rode about 1 metre until I was face to face with him.

" can u move" I asked

" not unless you give me a ride" he smirked

" not gonna happen" I said

" oh sorry, but that wasn't a question, your mum said I could" he said still smirking.

"Ugh mum" I muttered before looking at him again" okay but I'm dropping you off before school" I said

"Why" he asked

"unless you wanna be crushed to the ground, and die by a bunch of rebels then I sugest you do as I say" I smirked he chuckled

"I'm the president of the rebel society" I smirked he gulped relising I was serious.

"Ok fine" he said as he stepped aside, i waited for him to climb on.

When I got onto the road I started going faster he held onto me like if he fell he would die. I smirked.

When I was only around the corner from school I stopped, he got off.

" thanks, oh and if you could ride me home that would be great" he said, I rolled my eyes and nodded.

" meet here" I said
