Chapter 5

"We have to stay here for a bit, I'm having someone come pick him up," Din said, looking down at Moff. His parents nodded silently, still processing whatever they may have heard.

Grogu whined and reached for his father. His mother held Grogu out to him and Din wasted no time in closing the distance and picking up his son. His father spoke up.

"That man, who wanted your son. He mentioned a name, your name. He also mentioned a planet- our old one, where we lived with our son, Din Djarin, which is also your name" His father spoke slowly. "Is that a coincidence or, or it really you, our son?"

Everything was silent and Din tried to form some sort of comprehensible sentence. Then he spoke.

"When I was placed in that bunker, an explosion had happened immediately after that, I was sure that you had died, I was about to die myself but then a Mandalorian rescued me- I became a foundling and was raised by the Mandalorian, and eventually swore the creed when I came of age," Din spoke softly, confirming his parent's suspicions of who he was.

His mother approached him like he was glass. She gently placed a hand on his helmet, not trying to remove it. Din thought about it, he wasn't breaking his creed if he removed his mask in front of his family.

Slowly Din grabbed his helmet and slowly pulled it off, letting it drop to the ground. He had not lost eye contact with his mother the whole time. He watched as she tried to choke back a sob when his own watery brown eyes met hers. She held his face in between her hands.

"Din, my son," His mother spoke softly. His father walked up closer to them and placed a hand on Din's shoulders.

"Son," His father said through tears.

"Bah!" Grogu said, staring intensely at Din. Din lifted Grogu to his face so Grogu could examine his maskless face for the first time. After a few pats and a few hair pulls, Grogu let out an excited squeal and hugged his father's face.

Din's mother and father gave him a watery smile, Din knew there was going to be a lot of questions from all of them, and the path ahead was unknown and confusing but Din felt confident that they would make it somehow.

Din had his parents he had mourned for so long and then tried to forget. Din had his son that would go wherever he went and vise versa. Something in Din's life fell into place and Din realized that this is the way.



Are you wondering what Din's parents were thinking as they traveled with this mysterious Mandalorian? Uncovering the truth about Din?

Well, now you can find out tomorrow when I post Chapter one Part 2 tomorrow in Din's parent's POV!!

It will be the same amount of chapters as part one (which is five) but in their POV instead of Dins. I hope you are excited about it and I really hope you enjoyed part one of This Is The Way Of Parents!
