Chapter 22 - Honeymoon in Venice

Recap: Manan in jungle . Nandini hugs Manik and sleeps .

It's morning . The sun rays disturb their peaceful sleep. They both wake up .

N: I'm starving

M: ya so let's start walking .

N: but how long will we keep walking ?

M: till we see someone ..... Come instead of asking ur stupid questions .


M: Ur leg was paining right ? So should I pick u up ?

N: no it's ok . Even u must be tired . So I'll walk by myself

M: r u serious ? No like its for the first time u r caring for me . God what a miracle !

N: It's just that my leg was paining in the beginning and then I thought Instaed of walking so much u could pick me up so that I can save my energy .....( just then Manik interrupts )

M:..... To fight with me ....right? !!

They walk and walk and suddenly hears some sound .

N: Manik can u hear a sound ?

M: yeah ! It sounds like some scooter .

They walk more and the sound nears them . They see someone coming in scooter . Manik signs him to stop . The man stops .

M: can u pls tell me the way to the city ?

Man: city is very far from here .

N: bhaiyya can u pls show us the way to ur village atleast ?

The man guides him ..... They reach the village . They have food at a dhabba.

N: Manik , why don't u call from the telephone-booth ?  My phone is dead

M: yeah my phone is also dead . I'll make a call to my P.A.

N: P.A.? I'm ur P.A. No ?

M: I meant anand ... After all he was my ex- P.A. And was Much better than u


Manik goes there to the telephone booth And then stops .

N: Kya hua ?

M: no I was just trying to remember his number🤔🤔.... Ya got it

Manik takes the phone and looks at Nandini . He keeps the phone back .

N: ab Kya hua ?

M: u need to put coin and I don't have coins


M: if u knew y didn't u tell me? And now u r going to say ' I thought u had coins' right ?

N: aiyappa now what will we do ? 

Just then Nandini turns around and sees ppl staring at them both .

N: Manik look , everyone's staring at us

Manik also notices that and then Nandini points out at something to Manik , it's the newspapers hanged infront of the shop. Manik's and Nandini's photo is there in it .

M: what are our photos doing there ?

They go and read the news and comes to know that his dad gave it bcz they were missing since yesterday .

One man comes and asks them : is this u both ?

M: yeah

Man: then come with me , I'll drop u to the highway .

M: Thank u so much.

They both go and the man asks them To get inside the auto-rickshaw .

M: in this ?

N: Manik , then what did u think ? Someone will bring a Lamborghini for u here ? Chalo

Nandini gets inside followed by Manik . They reach city and then reaches MALHOTRA company. Manik pays the man .

M: thank u so much once again .

Man: u r wlcm . Sir , here balance .

N: u keep it bhaiyya . Bcz Manik MALHOTRA doesn't take balances . Right manik ?

M: 🙄 goddddd!!!

Manik gets inside and the security guard gets shocked seeing Manik coming out of rickshaw .

M: what r u staring at me for ?

Guard: nothing sir ( stammers) good morning sir

Just then anant comes and sees this .

A: sir good morning .

M: hm morning .

Manik gets inside a car and asks Nandini to also get in .

They drive off to MALHOTRA mansion .

The duo enters MALHOTRA mansion only to find a tensed Kuber and a relaxing nyonika . As they enter Kuber and nyonika see them .

K: Manik and Nandini where were both ?

He goes towards them and Manik hugs Kuber .

M: dad wo it is a long story short we were stuck in the jungle as our car broke down and we went in search of some help ( he looks at Nandini ).....but got lost there as it was getting dark .

K: I was really tensed for u both . Thank god u both are safe . Now go take rest and today u have ur honeymoon trip , if u r tired then we can cancel it .

N: no dad it's ok . We will go today itself.

Manik looks at Nandini surprised as she didn't want to go in the beginning . They go their room and nyonika gets angry .

In manan's bedroom

M: Nandini , what happened to u ? U changed all of a sudden ?

N: it's not that I changed or something . It's because uk I want to see Venice ....I've heard it's a very beautiful place so...that's y .

M: hmmm ... I see ....

N: we couldn't do shopping also .

M: all because of u right

N: now don't fight with me .

Nandini goes to washroom and takes bath . She comes out after about half an hour later .

Nandu comes out and Manik stands behind her infront of the mirror . He gives her something .

N: what is this ?

M: open it and check .

Nandini opens it and it's some dresses for her .

N: wow it's really beautiful.

M: Obvio if I choose . I ordered it online . Wear this one.

She comes out wearing  a white skinny jeans with grey chiffon top and dark blue coat . She was looking mesmerizing . Manik was carried away by her beauty .

N: how am I looking ?

M: stunning !

N: thanks !

Manik was dressed in a light blue shirt with dark blue coat and white jeans .

N: u r  also looking gorgeous !

M: that I already am !

N: 😠

M: acha fyn now let's go or else we will be late for flight .

The come downstairs . Kuber and nyonika was present there . They both take blessings from Kuber . Nyonika fumes seeing Nandini happy .

They leave . They reach airport and board EMIRATES FLIGHT which takes off at  4pm . It goes via Dubai . They reach Venice at 4:35 Am ...

They take a cab and reaches a five star hotel .

They go to their room and nandu changes her dress and comes . She wears a knee- length night gown and comes .manik looks surprised at this .

N: what r u staring at me for ? Come and sleep if u want .

M: u seriously thought I was adoring ur beautiful face? Stupid u r ...

N: when did I say like that ? Hmmmphhh!!!

Manik lies down on the bed looking at Nandini . Nandini turns to the other side and sleeps . She smiles thinking that soon Manik will say that he still loves her.......

So all my lovely reader , my Friend is writing an ff on Manan .... So pls do read her story and vote and comment for her ... I would be grateful to u all ... U will love it as u read it ... Story name is ' a new life 'by ashna24902

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