HA. HA. Trickery.

So I was talking to my friend (for once it wasn't SofiaSama723) and she said (A/N dis before the hospital vlog) Jess might have had a seizure. I told her Jess was dying and she said she wasn't and I said she wasn't. So that went on for about 15 minutes..

If you didn't understand:
Friend=F             SB=S

S: Dying
F: Not Dying
S: Not dying
F: Thank you!
S: Dying
F: Not dying

And that went on for around 15 minutes. Yea I was bored and she is NEVER online on Skype. (A/N I'm the only non-Apple friend-I personally hate Samsung)

Stupid Samsung. My mom says she doesn't want to waste money on apple products. WHYYYYYYYYYyyyyYyyyyyyyyYyyyyyyyyyyYYYYY!!?????


- SB
