Chapter 18



After Kayla and April left I turned to Josh and Chris who were shaking in fear. "Sit," I commanded. They did just that. Shawn and I sat on the other couch adjacent to them.

"L-Look," Chris said speaking. "W-We didn't do anything to them okay? They came to us."

"We tried telling Kayla to leave but she wouldn't listen," Josh said. "W-We were just talking. Seriously."

I looked at the both of them and started chuckling. "Y'all are really pussies man. You don't think I already know that? I heard it."

"H-How much?" Chris looked ready to piss himself.

I smirked. "Every word. But don't worry, I'm not going to kick your ass. Kayla says she doesn't want me fighting so I'm not going to fight. Unlike some people, I know how to keep a promise." He looked relieved while Josh looks constipated. "But just because I can't hit you doesn't mean I can't find other means of getting back." My glare got cold and unwavering. "I came here for me but I guess I can kill two birds with one stone. She deserves to know the truth." I leaned forward. "Why'd you do it Chris?"

"D-Do what?"

"Chris," Shawn got up and walked behind him making Chris tense up considerably. "We really do not have the patience with you right now. Answer the question or it's me you'll have to deal with. You know what he's talking about. Don't act dumber than you already are. We want the whole truth from beginning to end."

"I-It was a b-bet," he stammered. "You see, my friends and I were in this uh...competition with each other. It was dumb I know. It's been going on since high school and uh...followed us here? I guess. We were trying to see who could sleep with the girls. But it got boring because everyone was so easy so we changed it up. We saw she was on the scholarship list and figured we'd bet on her. It was hard enough getting one scholarship at this school and she got almost a complete full ride so we figured she'd be this big nerd who could be a challenge for us."

"Spit it out," Shawn said dangerously low while squeezing the hell out of his injured shoulder.

"Awe fuck! They wanted a part of my family business so that was the terms of the bet. If I slept with her within two months I get a chair in their business and if takes longer they get a percentage in my company. We all know this place is just a means to get connections and we used her as a way to build that connection. Kayla didn't give in so easily so I ended up losing."

"So how do your sick ass friends getting a turn fit in this bet?" I could see Shawn's grip getting tighter. Chris looked ready to cry from pain.

"Hey man-" Without missing a beat Shawn punched Josh in the mouth.

"Shut up," he spoke lowly. "Or I'll break your fucking jaw."

"T-That part w-was all m-my fault," Chris stuttered. "After everything I-I felt bad. Even though she was just a bet...I started liking her. S-She was different and d-didn't care about who my family was. I felt guilty for using her. After...after the sex she wanted to make sure she didn't lose me and that just made shit worse. The guilt ate me up inside and I wanted it to go away. I just...I thought if she would hate me it would go away. I did the only thing I could think of. I know it was dumb-"

"Dumb," I chuckled darkly. I remained quiet this whole time to keep myself calm. I thought I could handle the truth about what was behind his motive but honestly, I'm having doubts. The only thing keeping me from snapping his neck was the promise I made to Kayla. "You made the conscious decision to sell her out to try and ease your guilty conscious and you have the nerve to say it was just dumb? You had the nerve to claim you didn't have any part in raping her all because she said yes to you? I'm trying not to attack you so I suggest you shut the fuck up." I turned to Josh. "Did you know?"

"Well uh-"

"It's a yes or no question. Did you know the reason behind what he did?"

"Y-Yes," he mumbled.

"And you were fixing to have his back again?"

"H-He's m-my cousin," Josh stuttered.

"And? I don't give a fuck about that. You had a moral duty as her fuckin friend to kick his ass or at least have her back. Fuck a cousin, if his ass was in the wrong it's your job to speak that shit! You're supposed to be her fucking friend!" My voice rose in anger. "She was raped and you have the nerve to blame her?!"

"It's not my fault."

"Yes it is," I growled moving closer to him. He looked terrified. "Where were you when she needed you? When she was alone suffering in silence? Where the fuck were you when every day for the past three years she wanted to end her fucking life?!"

His eyes widened. "W-What? She...she didn't tell me that."

"How the fuck was she supposed to tell you anything if you kept choosing her rapist's side? And to think you had the nerve to criticize her friendship with April, her friendship with me. You're just as poisonous as this idiot."

"I-I'm not," he said looking ready to pass out in fear. "T-Things got crazy. It wasn't supposed to happen that way." I grabbed his collar and yanked him closer to me. He winced in pain but I didn't care.

"You're going to tell me the truth. All of it. Right now," I growled. "I want to know why you turned your back on the one person who fought for your dumb ass."

"O-Okay," he stuttered. "I...I was jealous okay? I was mad that she gave herself to him. I knew she had feelings for me and I admit, I fell for her too and the thought of Chris having her disgusted me. I wanted her to myself even when I knew I couldn't. I felt a real connection with her. I told her so much about my life. Much more than I've told anyone. She was like my personal angel and to have her taken away like that pissed me off. I couldn't get the thought of them out of my head and I made a huge mistake. I know I couldn't have her the way she wanted but I didn't want to give up on her either. I played with her emotions so she would stay by my side. And that's the truth."

"So because you couldn't have her you didn't want anyone else to either?" Shawn asked. "You're a selfish sick piece of shit. Do you even have a legitimate reason for not being with her?"

"T-The proposal-"

"So you sacrificed her for a bullshit ass proposal?" I knew all about this stupid ass 'proposal'. Apparently their fathers are working on getting them married to some other successful business man's daughter to help boost their businesses relationship and revenue. The shit is stupid to me.

"We're not like you Andre," he stressed. "We can't have the freedom you do. We HAVE to do this."

"You don't have to do a damn thing. You want to believe you ain't got no choice in shit so you have an excuse." I looked at the both of them in disgust. "Both of y'all are pathetic. No backbone whatsoever. You sick pieces of shit sacrificed an innocent girl because you're weak."

"Now that we know the truth about Kayla," Shawn said. "It's time you start talking about Mickey." I almost forgot the reason I came here.

"We already said-"

"Oh I know for a fact you two wouldn't do nothing to her," I said. "I was mad at first and convinced you did. Considering you would do it to Kayla. It wasn't far-fetched. But looking at you now. You wouldn't do anything to risk your lives right?" Their eyes widened and they nodded. "Good. But you are the only ones who were with her that night. So what the fuck happened?"

"I-I wasn't with her," Chris mumbled. "My dad wanted me to meet a girl who was the daughter of another CEO. I was with her most of the night. I swear!"

"What about you?" I looked at Josh.

"I-I was with her," he mumbled. "For most of the night to make her feel a bit more at ease. B-But I had to leave her for a few minutes to use the restroom. I couldn't find her for an hour after that. I had Chris help look."

"She was in a room," Chris muttered. "W-We saw she was crying b-but we thought it was b-because she got lost."

"So you didn't know if she was raped or sexually assaulted?" My jaw clenched.

"You lying?" Shawn leaned down, now having a tight grip on Josh's shoulder.

"N-No!" they said shaking their heads. "W-We didn't know a-anything. I swear!" Josh pleaded. "We wouldn't do that to her. Mickey...was our friend."

"I've seen how you treat your friends," my eyes narrowed. I looked between the two of them. It doesn't seem like they're lying but who knows. "I'm going to find out what happened. And if I find out you two are lying, about anything, I'm going to make good on my promise."

"S-Seriously?" Chris asked in fright. "B-But Kayla-"

"Oh I won't put my hands on you," I stood up. I smirked deviously at them. "I can fuck your life up in many ways. You don't know how far out the loop you two really are. What you know about me is simply speculation and bullshit half ass lies told by your pussy ass dads. But what I got on you," I smirked wider. "Is all true."

"W-What do you know?" Josh squirmed.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I chuckled. "Don't worry about it. Worry about healing. Quickly. The team misses their captain and his lackey." We made our way to the door. I turned to them before leaving. "If you report anything else to your family, I'll break your jaw." I slammed the door behind me. I walked to the car where Shawn was already smoking a blunt. He passed it to me.

"You believe them?" he asked after I took a drag.

"I don't know," I said. "I don't think they did anything inappropriate to her. But I think they're hiding something. I'll find out though." I pulled out my phone and called a number. "What's up fam? I got something I want you to look into."

"What is it?" the person on the other end asked.

"It's a stretch so you got to do a hell of a lot of digging." I explained to them what I wanted and he was down with finding the info for me. "It's about time for that meeting. You going to sit in?"

"Yeah." We got in the car and headed to campus. We went to where I know the president was. The place was empty but I heard noises coming from her office. As I got closer, I knew it was groaning. "Bro who fuckin?" Shawn laughed. High ass.

"I can just guess," I chuckled. When I came to her office I walked in. Low and behold I saw the back of coach with his pants around his ankles as he rammed into the president. She was bent over her desk moaning. "Damn that's nasty."

"Ah!" the president screamed when she heard us. She pushed coach back and tried covering herself quickly. I really regret looking. Her coochie was hairy as fuck.

"Damn girl," Shawn covered up his mouth and nose. "You need to shave and clean that monkey."

"What the hell are you doing in my office?!" she screeched. "James get up!" Coach hopped up and began fixing himself.

"Coach you so dirty," I laughed. "How can you fuck a hairy coochie? That's just foul."

"Andre," he glared. "Why are you here?"

"Oh I got something to discuss with y'all."

"That's why you make an appointment," the president glared at me. Should I tell her that her wig is on crooked and backwards? Nah. She'll figure it out.

"Oh it won't be long."

"Well, come in and close the door."

"Hell nah," Shawn said. "It smells like ass, Fritos, and tuna. I ain't about to die." He picked up a random can of air freshener. "Why y'all got Airwick? This cheap shit. Should've gotten damn Febreeze. Airwick don't do shit."

"Who are you?" the president glared but was still checking him out.

"Nuh uh honey boo-boo," Shawn said. "I'm taken by a beautiful thick queen who knows the meaning of waxing and the power of Dove soap. So bad cougar." He sprayed her with the can. I laughed. This man is crazy.

"Look I just came here for the file one Kayla's sexual assault," I chuckled.

"What? Hell no."

"Hell yeah," I chuckled. "And you're going to give it to me. Oh and I'm quitting the football team-"

"You can't," the coach said. "Listen Andre it was the best-"

"Shut the fuck up," I laughed. "I don't care about that sorry ass bunch of niggas nor do I care for the sport. The only thing I'm worried about is getting my degree and getting the hell out of this fucked up place. Oh and making sure my girl gets the justice she deserves."

"Are you talking about your stupid street justice?" The president glared. "Is that how you're supposed to run your family's company? With you as the heir that company is sure to fall."

"Awe that hurts president," I smirked. "You have very little faith in me. I think the company will reach new heights with me in charge."

"You're nothing but a ghetto piece of trash who bullies his way to the top," she fumed.

I leaned forward in my seat and looked at her. "Now, now, you're getting way to emotional. We're just having a simple discussion. Don't say anything you would later regret."

"Are you threatening me?!"

I smirked. "I don't make threats sweetheart. I make promises."

"Andre," the coach said. "You can't just abandon your teammates like this."

"I was going to leave them anyway. What difference does it make if I graduate then or leave now?"

"The difference is you leave us with no one!"

"You should have more faith in your players coach," I chuckled. "This is what's going to happen. You're going to give me the file and names of everyone involved and we're going to let this matter go. Or, I dig up every piece of dirt in this place. I have the means to do it you know. Who cares for the nationals if they knew the president was stealing money from other programs to fund her little vacations with the very much MARRIED coach," I smirked at their fearful gazes. "The only thing I care about is graduating on time and making sure that my woman can finish her last year with no pain. Fuck everything else."

The president looked nervous and in thought. "W-We can't."

"Oh really?" I raised my brow.

"This matter had been handled and we're in a contract with the participating parties-" I slammed my fist on the desk making her jump in fear.

"Give me those files or I'll have this place shut down and you sitting behind bars for fraud and everything else you've been doing in 'secret' here," I said in a threatening matter.

"O-Okay," she said before rushing off to get it I guess.

"You're really quitting? You have so much potential," the coach said. Is he just going to ignore everything that just happened? This man is really more worried about his football team than anything else. That's crazy.

"I don't need the added stress." The president came back with the file I asked for. I smirked at them. "See you two love birds later."

"Dude you're something else," Shawn laughed as we walked back to his car. "I haven't seen this you since we were kids. The old you making an appearance?"

"Little bit," I admitted as I lit another blunt. "Everyone took the new me for a joke so I had to show them I'm really not the person to be fucked with. At this point, only four things on my mind. My money, Kayla, my degree, and finding out what happened with Mickey. Everything else can kick it."

"How'd you know she was stealing money though?"

"I had this place looked up before I decided to come here. And I've heard about the coach taking a bunch of around the world trips. He makes decent money but not enough to be going out of country six times a year. I wonder if his wife knows about his affair."

"Damn you petty," he laughed.

I laughed too. "I'm high. Let's go back to the apartment so I can wash up before going back to Kayla."

"Yeah me too."


"I can't believe what happened to him," April said. I finally told her the whole story with Andre and his sister. "I guess that kind of explains why he hates them so much."

"But he didn't find this out until after he found out what Chris did to me," I said.

"Which I'm still mad about. I mean, why didn't you tell me?"

I sighed. "I was ashamed of myself. I was scared you'd judge me and not want to be my friend anymore. And with the way my luck had been going with important people in my life...I didn't want to risk it."

"Dummy," she hit me. "You're my best friend and sister. When you hurt, I hurt. I'll ALWAYS have your back you hear me?" I nodded. "Don't forget that. Okay?"

"I won't," I promised.

"Anyways, I guess we should cook before our bae's come back."

"Who's bae?"

"Girl," she gave me a 'bitch please' look that made me laugh. "Why you fronting?"

I shrugged and giggled. "I like pushing his buttons and the more I deny it the more he fights it. I guess it's nice to finally have someone fight for ME rather than the other way around."

"You're so petty," she howled with laughter.

"No I'm not," I laughed. We moved about the kitchen making dinner and laughing. "I'm not ready for classes tomorrow," I sighed.

"Me neither. Those two weeks were well-deserved rest. Well I didn't do much resting since me and Shawn were fucking like rabbits."

"I miss my mommy," I pouted.


"Shut up."

"Yo!" Shawn's loud mouth could be heard as he walked in. "Damn it smells good as hell in here." We made baked spaghetti, garlic bread and fried chicken.

"Thanks," we said. Andre came in and I immediately noticed his red eyes and goofy grin. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he laughed hugging me.

"My man's gone," Shawn laughed.

"You two high?" April crossed her arms.

"Hell yeah," Shawn grinned. "You sexy ma. You got a man?"

She tried looking serious but I can see the smile threatening to break out on her face. "Just go in my room. I'll bring your plate."

"Wife material," he said to Andre pointing at April. They were so cute.

"You want me to make yours?" I asked Andre.

"Yeah thanks." I watched how much food April gave Shawn and decided to give Andre the same amount. She said weed makes them hungry so I had to make sure he was good. Andre was lying on the bed giggling at the ceiling.

"Here's your plate," I handed it over. Let me tell you, he savaged the entire plate in minutes. AND wanted seconds. And here I thought I'd have lunch tomorrow. Afterwards he took a shower. I washed dishes and then lied in bed, since I took a shower before we cooked. Andre came out the bathroom dressed, mostly, and climbed on top of me.

"Pillows," he mumbled squeezing my boobs.

"Really?" I laughed pushing his hand away. "I don't even have that much to be considered pillows anyway asshat."

"Still my pillows," I could feel him smirking. "I found something out."


"Why he did it. Why Chris did what he did to you." I tensed up a bit. "I'll tell you only because you deserve to know but if you don't want to then I understand."

"Tell me," I whispered. He explained Chris setting me up purely because he thought I was this super mega nerd that would've held out for a long time and the only reason he let his friends do that to me was because he ended up liking me for real and the guilt of betting on me was too much. I didn't know what to feel at the end of it. I already lost every bit of respect for Chris. Even though I have every right to hate him I don't. I just don't care for him. "Did he tell you why he kept harassing me?"

"Probably the same reason Josh had. He ended up liking you and didn't want to let you go. Fucking idiots."

"Is there...something wrong with me?"

He lifted his eyes to look at me. "Why you ask that?"

"I mean...Chris said he did all those things because he liked me. Josh liked me too but he turned his back on me. Is there something about me that just turns people away?"

"No you were just dealing with fuck boys. I like you and you don't see me going a damn place."

"You're right," I said. "But you're crazy." He smacked my thigh and I squealed. "I was playing. Anyways, how did things go with Chris and Josh?"

"I don't think they did it," he said. "But I'm going to find out what happened. I promise that."

"You didn't fight did you?"

"Nah. Although I did want to break Chris's face for his reasoning for doing that to you. All for a fucking bet and because he KNEW he was wrong."

"Yeah," I murmured.

"Are you going to be okay?" He glanced up at me. "If you want I can go and break his face right now."

"Really?" I giggled. "I'm going to be fine. Just letting everything sink in. You don't need to go fight crazy."

"Mhmm. You make my crazy. With these eyes, nose, lips, chest, stomach, ass." He kissed each area but gripped my booty. I giggled. "These thighs especially," he disappeared under the covers and felt his mouth make contact with my thigh. I felt a shiver go up and down my body. "I think these thighs are the culprit for all the craziness. Thick thighs are a way of life most can't handle." He was kissing up and down my thighs.

"A-Andre," I stuttered and moaned. I felt him rub me through my shorts.

"He may have parted these thighs but he didn't treat them right."

"Ah," I moaned while arching my back. He moved my shorts to side and stuck his finger inside me.

"I'm still hungry babe," he said hoarsely. "And you look good enough to eat." His mouth latched to my throbbing center.

"Oh god," I groaned while my eyes rolled to the back of my head. His finger moved in and out of me at an even pace as he sucked and licked me. His tongue showing my clit all of his attention. I felt my legs shaking uncontrollably. "Andre," I cried. I pulled on his dreads as he had me seeing stars and colors. I've never felt so good in my entire life. His head was the best sexual experience I've had by far. As I felt myself nearing a climax I tried running since the sensation was so good but he wouldn't let me go. "Ah!" I squealed loudly as I came all over him. I fell limp against the bed as he drank up all of my juices. He came up from under the covers with a grin. "" I breathed in between each word.

"It was," he chuckled. He pecked my lips lightly. "Get some sleep babe. You look spent." He grinned at me.

"Okay," I said sleepily. I snuggled into him and allowed myself to fall asleep.
