
there he stood, Theseus Scamander. My boss. I know this is wrong and that i shouldn't have a crush on him but here we are. 

He was talking to one of my colleagues and I noticed he started to walk over. I quickly looked at the papers infront of me in hopes he hadn't caught me staring. I started to work on the paperwork again when somoene stood infront of my desk. i looked up and saw that it was Theseus. "hello Mister Scamander, what can I help you with?" i asked professionally. "hello Miss y/l/n, I have some paperwork that needs to be done and you know more about the case than i do, so I wanted to ask you if you could do it and i'll take some of your paperwork off of your hands.'' he gave me a gentle smile while talking. "Yes of course i'll do the paperwork. But you don't have to do any of the other paperwork, i can manage them myself, I'll just stay a little longer." I smiled, but he insisted on taking some so i could leave on time. 

When i was done with the paperwork Theseus gave me i started to work on the pile infront of me. "hey y/n " I heard one of my co-workers say. i looked up "hey Matt." i smiled. "i was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me sometime?" he asked. i have to admitt Matt is a good looking guy, not as good looking as Theseus, but good looking. "yeah sure i would love to!" i said and he breathed a sigh of relief. from the corner of my eye i saw theseus stading next to my desk. Had he been here the whole time? "how about tomorrow after work?" Matt asked and i nodded my head. He walked away with the biggest grin fist-bumping the air. 

"Thank you for the paperwork." he said blankly. "You're welcome, it really wasn't a problem." i said with a smile. he turned around and walked away. i was confused for a second but contineud working. 

(skip to the next day)

today was the date with Matt, i was looking forward to it. When i was almost done Theseus walked over to me with papers in hands. "hello Miss y/l/n i hate to ask this but could you please get these done as well?" He asked. Not wanting to let my boss down i agreed. Wich unfortunattly meant i had to cancel my date. I walked over to Matt to tell him. he got mad and started to yell at me in the middle of the office. I sat back down and got to work. When I was done everyone was gone except te cleaners, Theseus and I. I knocked on Theseus' door and heard a faint 'come in' i walked inside with the papers in hand. "here is the paperwork." i put them on his desk and he smiled. "thank you. You can go now I don't want to keep you from your date." he said. 

"The date is off actually" I said and he looked up from the paperwork. "oh how sad to hear. I hope it wasn't because of all the work." He said making eye contact. "I don't know why you would think that." I said chin up high. "just some observation." He said standing up. I backed up a little to the door. "were you watching me?" i asked. "a little bit maybe." He answered wich shocked me a little. "well i hope i'm an interesting subject then." i said with a slight smirk. "you are." He confirmed. He slowly started to approach me and out of instinct i walked backwards util my back hit the wall behind me. 

Slowly he leaned his head next to my ear. "Thank you for the work." he whispered and walked away. i was just stood there at a loss for words. 

I walked out of his office and started to pack my stuff when a hand grabbed mine. It was Theseus. "Is there anything I can do for you Mr Scamander?" I asked politely. "Go on a date with me." He asked. "Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean you are my boss." I asked. "Yes I am sure." He squeezed my hand a little. "Then Yes."
