
I sipped my coffee in the florian restraunt in Venice. I looked around as I set down my coffee. Leaving a few euros for the flirty waiter I left and pulled my jacket closer as I imagined New York and a second later I was there. I stood in Central Park on the edge of a lake as it snowed. I walked through the snow covered paths till I reached. The metropolitan museum of art. Walking down the street I took in the feel of New York it had been so long since he was this close to his family even if they were forty miles away. But he saw her across the street, his grandson's wife, Alda was a beauty, she rivaled my late wife for how pretty she was, my grandson was lucky. A second later I was I front of Versailles, as a tear ran down my cheek. I couldn't bear my family, the pain made my heart literally burst when I saw my son as my wife died. my son knew i needed time, something that one immortal can give to another in spades, but if he had learned anything in his long life it's that time just made it more bearable to deal with pain, like a natural human response.

Theresa walked off the plane and looked out the window as she paused it had begun to snow, so odd the  weather said it was going to be clear today. as we got out of the airport a car waited for us my mother and father got inone car as me and my brother got into another, we were headed to our hotel or possibly our new home and my parents to my dad's new office. we pulled up to a very nice apartment building. as we took the elevator up from the marble foyer we went to the penthouse and my brother brandished a key from his jacket pocket and opened the door. the penthouse was white, the floors the walls, the floor was made of blank white marble and paper white marble. The furniture was largely white with splashes of colors in the pillows or the occasional gray or tan pillow. i walked into one of the rooms and saw that it over looked the dark watered bay the walls and floor were whit the only instance of color was the navy comforter which was patterned with numerous white snowflakes.

walking into my new office my wife and i were suprised to see a woman standing in the corner office. she was tall, at least 6 feet and she was wearing an immaculate gray suit that didn't suit her pale scandinavian skin and her long pale blonde hair. she looked to me and my wife, her eyes were a shimering violet. "hello," she said her voice was calm and collected but crisp and sharp. "i'm Valhalla Nord the CEO of Nord Global Enterprise, i'm glad you took this position mr. Glace." she said though her voice was warm her eyes were distant. "i hope you find your new position fuffilling and that you enjoy your new life in oslo." she said as she walked out. 
