Chapter 1 ( I'm mad at you)

In this story Blanche is female and Candela is also female of course and Spark will be Spark himself

Meanwhile at the residence of Candela, Blanche and Spark. The three team leaders in the world of Pokemon. 

Blanche POV

Beep Beep

My Alarm woke me up instantly, then I do what other people were doing at this time of day. Then wake everybody else.But, oh boy Spark is such a pain.

It probably takes me and Candela 10-15 minutes to be exact.

"Spark, wake up" I said.

"SPARK!!!" Candela screamed. Probably damaged my ears.

We got frustrated and Candela had to kick the yellow door and there is where we encountered 

a messy room.

Spark POV

Ugh I was in the middle dreaming about Pokemon and memes. Yes memes, memes for life. All the "sparks" were ringing in my head . Special thanks to Blanche and Candela. I think Candela broke my door.

Hours of complete boredom later...

I feel like I wanted McDonald's or something ... but Blanche's in charge of the money we have.I'll go ask her.

"Blanche, can we go to McDonald's... please." I begged 

"No"  she replied. meanie butt..

"Why can't we go?" I begged again

"Spark, We went yesterday. It's not healthy to get McDonald everyday." she stated.

I got a bit mad and I quickly stole her egg that she were researching on.

" Hey give my research back"  

"Then he ran to his room. Great. Now what?"

Sorry for the short chapter, But also stay tuned for what's happing next 


Crystal Vampire :)
