Chapter 2

I stare at the large wooden doors with swirl engravings that embedded in them. The black metal handle was jetting out like a branch from a tree like I see in the garden. I gulp and hesitantly open the door. Inside is my parent's room. There was a large stone slab that was placed in the middle of old and torn curtains. A dresser isn't far from it, containing boxes of dragon-sized jewelry.  Another dresser that is a lot smaller sits by a body mirror. That contains human jewelry and clothes. Sometimes, and this is really rare, my parents mainly my father will go out to buy human food or find any news of what's going on. The reason I say it's rare and that there is a really important reason  is that we have Dragons for that job and my dad is usually busy. 

My father, standing on his light blue scaled four legs, stares at me. I slowly walk forward until I hear the loud slamming sound of the door. I would usually feel calm around my father, but something tells me that I'm in real trouble now. 

"Tetsuya, do you know why we have scouts in the village," he asked with his voice rough like sandpaper. I didn't answer to his question. Instead, I lowered my head and cast my eyes down, avoiding his sharped gaze on me.

"We have them for our safety. We need to know when they are going to attack. So we can be prepared. Not prance around like one of your daydreams! I thought this would give you experience to what you want to be. A leader, a scout, general. Somewhere in he military ranks at least. But you act like a lowly peasant. Do you know how embarrassing that is? To me? Your mother? The clan? I thought I raised you to be better."

"Father, you hardly raised me. You were too busy working to be able to teach me anything. I know what I want. I want to be a leader. Not some third wheel that will break over time."

"Do you do it for attention, Tetsuya? To gain my attention?"


"Somewhat? You were in enemy territory! If you were found out you would have been killed. Do you know how much that worries your mother?" I don't answer again until he delivers a big sigh. "When is your next birthday?"

"Next snowing season, father."

"I'll have you—"

"Your majesty!" A scout ran in through the doors. He had off-white scales with gray speckled feathers decorating his head all the way down to the end of his tail.

"What is it! I was clearly having an important talk with my son!"

"I'm sorry your highness but this is an emergency! There has been word that knights have been spotted at the eastern border! They're coming closer as we speak. " 

My father quickly turns to me and shoves my out the door with his head.

"Go! Find your mother and run! I'll be there soon! Run! Fly away Tetsuya," he yelled. I think the whole castle herd him, but I obeyed his orders and ran. 

I ran and ran until the adrenaline in my body told my instincts to start flying. I unfurled my bat-like wings and levitate off the ground. I flew into several dragons on my way to the front gates where I knew my mother resided. She probably heard from the scout that came through.

"Tetsuya!" The large light gray dragon flew towards me with some light things packed. 

"Come with me quickly. I packed your stuff when I heard the news. We have to get out of here."

"Where will we go," I asked hurriedly while catching up to my mother in flight.

"We'll stay somewhere north. Your aunt, my sister, lives near the area. We'll live in one of the properties she owns."

"You mean, as a human!" She turns her sad face towards me and nods to my  exclamation. 

I stare at the sunset sky as I fly beside my mother towards the north.
