17. Do not Mess with a Creature called Mom

Kaiga's P.O.V

I ran towards Teiko Basketball gym as fast as I could which ended up for me to drop dead on the floor once I arrive. I was excited to go back to K.S.G since I never got to go there for like, 3 years! So my body is more hyper than usual.

"Oi, Kaiga. Stand up," Sei-kun said as my soul floats on top of my mouth. The red head called my name again and I look up at him. He was glaring a me, threatening that he would kill me if I won't obey him which I didn't.

"Oh, wassup, Sei-kun? You look taller than usual," I teased as he dropped two red scissors which I dodged easily.

"Don't disobey me, pea--"

"Yeah yeah! I heard that so many times yet I never listen!" I grinned irritating my cousin even more and just walk off. I really don't get why Daiki and the others are scared of him. He just uses his scissors to scare them. He can't kill them anyway. We'll lose if one of them died.

The whole GoM are already here as Dad and Mikka arrived after me. We wet here together so they arrived next to me. I fixed myself up and joined my father on the line.

"Okay, listen, it'll be an hour ride to the Gymnasium! So have you packed enough snacks and peed already?" Dad asked as we replied loudly with an 'osu'. Atsu-kun even brought up his big bag of snacks. Hehehe, time for blackmail!

"Hey! Atsu-kun! Do you have nerunerune?" I asked as he shook his head. Bingo. "Well, Atsu-kun--"

"Murasaki-kun, you can put all your snacks here," Mikka suddenly popped out of nowhere with a large container, scaring the hell out on me. Atsu-kun looked at the container as if he's worried about his snacks. Where the hell did that container came from?!

"Don't worry, it'll be safe from thieves," she looked at me as if I'm a thief but I just walked away. Damn, that girl is smart.

We all gone in front the gates of Teiko and there was waiting a bus with a mark of the Kudo Incorporated. And do not underestimate that name. This bus is way away the bus level! It's double decker bus painted in dark blue with red linings!

"Wooooohhoo! What a classy lookin' bus!" Daiki and Ryo-kun said and run inside the bus. I followed behind them with a with smile. I saw sparkles on the lemon and blueberry's eyes.

"Don't ever underestimate the Kudos. This bus have many functions. There's the karaoke section at the first floor with the food section and bathroom for boys and girls. It also have 5 beds for two people which can also be couches while watching on the 45-inch flat screen tv upstairs," I said proudly while showing them around, also, of course, earning a smack on the head by Mikka.

"Will you stop? Okay, we get it. Your family is rich so what? You don't look like it!" She said which ended with me sulking near the bathroom.

"Okay, so everyone! Ikuzo!" Dad said and we departed. The whole ride was loud, of course. Daiki and I kept on fighting who watch the TV first which ended up for the girls to watch instead. The two of us also fight over who will sing first in the karaoke which also ended up with Dad doing it. Man, I'm starting to think he want to be a teen again stealing our spots and fun.

Next thing that we fought about are the foods. We fought over a piece of ham which only ended up to be Atsu-kun's ham. So we just gave up and slept on separate beds on the second floor.


"YOSHA!! WE'RE HERE!" I shouted as I jumped down from the bus and ran towards the huge gymnasium just in front of us. I saw a brunette guard with tan skin and black eyes at the door and I waved at him. He's around his 30s if you ask.

"Oii! Itsumoto-san!" I greeted and he turned towards me and smiled. I stopped when I was in front of him. He's a six footer guy and I'm really annoyed about that fact.

"Kaiga-san! Been a while since I saw you. You were just this tall the last time," he said putting his hand under his chest, that was my former height. "I see you grew plenty of centimeters then."

"Well actually, about 10 centimeters since then," Mikka butt in with a poker face on and I pouted.

"Meanie, Mi--"

"Mikka-chan! Long time no see, little girl. You aren't so little now, beautiful" a proud smile crept on Mikka's lips and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, thank you, Itsumoto-san! I do notice the changes," Mikka said, flipping her hair and I glared at her but yet again, I can't be that mad at this girl, can I?

"Itsumoto-san, how's it going in the Gym?" Dad asked the guard and he bowed, acknowledging my dad as a superior.

"It's going smooth, Kudo-sama. And...your wife is here," Itsumoto-san said and Dad's eyes widened. The others are behind him.

"Aunt Miokia's here?" Sei-kun asked and the guard nodded. Just after that, Dad stated pushing us to the door.

"Alright. Itsumoto-san, please don't tell her we're here, ok--" Dad did not continue when he met a pair of red eyes and he stated sweating. Believe me, I am also sweating in horror.

"Don't tell who, honey?" Momzilla--uh I mean, Mom asked Dad and he took a step back.

"Umm, nothing, hun. Right, guys?" Dad asked and Satsuki shook her head. Oh shoot! No no no!!!

"Umm, I thought you said not to tell her that we are here? Is that it?" Satsuki said and I was starting to walk away when Mikka caught me by the collar,

"Oh, is that so? Well, I already know yesterday that you are coming with the whole team! So, I made some preparations! Satsuki-chan, Mikka-chan! Can you please help me up?" Mikka let go of me and gone somewhere with Satsuki and mom.

"Hey, what's wrong with having your mom here?" Daiki asked me as I fixed my shirt.

"Well, let's just summarize all of this into, Women are scary," I said crossing my arms and Dad sighed.

"And what do Mrs. Kudo have to do with Satuki and Mikka, nanodayo?" Shin-kun asked but before I could respond, Mom's voice boomed through the speakers.

"Generations of Miracles and my lovely husband, please go to the Basketball court immediately. Hurry, boys! Don't want the ladies waiting!"

"And hell is coming," I muttered.


"Woah! This gym is huge," Ryo-kun said as he look around seeing different kinds of courts.

"Yeah, KSG is designed to have a capacity of 6 gyms and Courts. There's the tennis court, basetball and Volleyball court. And for the gyms, there's Judo and Taekwando. And there's also an olypic size swimming pool here," I said as we pass through the Judo Gym with the players practicing.

"Woah. Amazing, Kai-chin," Atsu-kun said, eating his pocky.

"2 years ago, there were only tennis, Volleyball and Basketball here," Sei-kun said and Tetsu-kun nodded in agreement.

"There's still 3 more KSGs around Japan and the other two have boxing and wrestle in it," Dad said and Daiki smirked.

"If I'm not playing basketball right now, I'd be a wrestler! I'll take the name, the Blue Smasher!" He said and I laughed at him.

"Hahaha! Maybe you're the one who'll got smashed instead! Just with Atsu-kun, you'll already flattened like a Piaya flat!" Wait! What's a Piaya flat?

Author's fun fact: Piaya flat is a Filipino alternate of a Chinese Moon cake. Just by the name, it's flat but it's really delicious! If you want to try it, go to the Ilocos, Philippines!

Oh so that's Piaya flat! Thanks for the fact Author!

"So you run this Gym, Kudo-san, nanodayo?" Shin-kun asked and Dad shook his head.

"Nope, my wife runs this. I do the Industry job, she do the sports job. She likes doing those stuff than staying at home, watching over Kaiga's siblings," I sweatdropped. Why do I get the feeling that someday, Kyle and Kyla will be a big problem to this family?

"But Aunt Miokia is irresponsible like Kaiga but he's way worst," Sei-kun said and I flinched at his words.

"Meanie, Sei-kun!" I complained as we arrived in the basketball court. "We're here!"

I pushed open the doors with a bright smile. I miss this court and I'm looking forward to have new good memories here but, like I said earlier, Hell is coming and it came.

"What took you so long?" Mom asked in her red basketball jersey and black shorts, her hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. Beside her are Mikka and Satsuki with their deceiving innocent smile. But that's not it, the whole court is surrounded with black cloud-like stuff and it creeps me out.

I look back at the others and I can see terrified expressions on their faces. Tetsu-kun's eyes are wide open and same goes with Sei-kun.

Dad gulped, "Umm, we took a little tour around the Gym?"

An irk mark appeared on Mom's head and she pick up a basketball and dribbled it as she walked towards us.

"Oh is that it? Haven't I told you to come immediately? It's not good to make ladies wait, boys. And I never knew that you are coaching the Generation of Miracles," Mom said and poked Dad on his chest "So selfish keeping all the fun on your own. Girls?"

"Hai!" Mikka and Satsuki said as they look at their clipboards.

"We arrange a good training menu for you, guys! Make 400 shot through the hoop from the three-points line," Mikka said with a smile. She's a sadist!

"But, Tetsu-kun will be practicing his passes with these dummies. Put them all down with a pass in exactly...1 minute!" Satsuki said as dummies appeared from the floor but Tetsu-kun is emotionless as usual, but I know what he is thinking.

Monster! I thought.

"And after all of those, a hundred push-ups! 50 laps around the whole gym and a hundred sit-ups!" Mom said with a glare and back to a sweet-looking smile which I know has something behind, a demon!

"Huh? What was that, Kaiga?" I stiffened when Mom said my name, not in a motherly way "A demon you say?"

'Oh crap! I'm going to Oblivion!' I thought as Mom walked towards me. My mom is a few inches taller than me but not that tall enough to tower over me.

"Oh, I'm a demon you say? Well, I'm worst than Naraku and Seshomaru combined with Levi and Impurities multiplied by Zeref, Gaea and Kronos, with the square root of Voldemort. Now, solve what I am," Mom said with an evil sole on her face. Why do she have to put up badasses characters with Titans and You-know-who?!

"Y-You're M-Mom?" I stuttered and her smile widened.

"Partially correct but I forgot an important factor! All that and multiply by Jeff the Killer! Answer! I'm RSE! The Red Swaging Empress and no one--I repeat! NO ONE DISOBEY AN EMPRESS," why do I got the feeling that Sei-kun is not my cousin but my long lost brother?
