Roxis-chapter one


Iggy's name is echoing throughout the dark room that is outside the large dog crate that me and my brother Fang are sharing. As I take a deep breath preparing myself for another round of screaming Fang clamps a hand over my mouth shutting me up. "Rox, stop you don't want them to sedate you again do you?" Fang whispers. In response to his question a whimper rises up my throat. With a sigh Fang moves his hand away from my mouth. For what feels like hours we sit there glaring at each other. Brother and sister reflecting the same dark eyes. A loud buzz  from outside the door draws my attention away from Fang. Seeing the bottom of a lab coat my body  goes rigid. Without a word  Fang moves me behind him. I know it's the wrong place and wrong time to do so but I roll my eyes at his protectiveness even though I feel slightly better. The lab assistant crouches down, a syringe with sea green liquid in his hand. A whimper escapes from me making the lab assistant smirk." Don't worry this aint for you, its for him." He says jerking his head in Fangs direction. It is then that more lab assistants stream into the room and then everything blurrs together. The last thing I remember  before I lose sight of my brother is him slouching forward with his black hair falling like a curtain in his face

