Love Is One Hell Of A Ride.




"Roxanne, I'm in love with you....." I stared at him blushing. Did he just say that? Part of me was excited and wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him, but another part of me was confused. He was a good guy but did I really want to get in a relationship with him?

"Patrick . . . I . . . I don't know what to say." He stared at me with a hopeful face. "I think . . . I think I may love you too. But my feelings are . . . a little all over the place right now, so please don't get the wrong idea if I say something because I'm really confused right now."

He stared at me nodding. He smiled a little. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I smiled. "I love your smile," he said. I giggled. He stood up and I stared at him. He offered me his hand. I took it and stood up. "Come," he said as we walked to a small pond. Little ducks swam around. We sat down. Our hands accidentally touched. "Oops, sorry." I said. He grabbed my hand and in shock i looked up at me. ".... I um...." He had sweat coming down his head, and was becoming nervous. "I like it," I said as I squeezed his hand a little. He smiled but still had a nervous smile. "So Patrick, " I said. I was still upset about everything. My Dad. My stepmom. My stepsisters. Everything. But Patrick made it seem alright. "Roxanne," he said. I lifted up my eyebrow he seemed to be trying to say something but he looked extremely nervous. "I um I," he stuttered. I smiled. He looked cute when he was nervous.

He opened his mouth and I heard, "HEY YOU GUYS!" I turned to see Joe and Andy walking our way. "Hi!" I said waving at them. They came over and gave me a hug. They sat next to me and Patrick. "Whatcha guys doing here?" Andy was throwing pieces of wheat bread to the little ducklings. "Well we were bored so we came over here!" "YAY!" I said. Patrick stared at the pond, mumbling something I didn't understand. "Hey there's a carnival right across the street. You guys wanna go?" Andy said. "Hell yeah, Let's go!" Joe and I said. Patrick nodded and sighed with relief. I didn't understand why he was nervous.

We walked to the fair and paid for some tickets. "Where do you wanna go first?" Joe looked around and pointed to one of those classic games where you grabbed a giant hammer and hit the bell. "Let's go on that one. I haven't tried one of those in forever." I shrugged amd we walked over to the game. "Do you wanna play too?" Asked Joe to Andy. Andy just shrugged and nodded. "How about you Patrick?" "Yeah," Patrick said fixing his hat. Joe went first.

He picked up the hammer and hit the bell. I rang high and he got a teddy bear. "Aww he's so cute," I said as Joe showed me his prize. Andy went next and he hit it with less force than Joe. He got a comic book, hut to him it was enough. He started reading it immediately not even looking up at us. Then it was Patrick's turn. He grabbed the hammer and hit the bell with surprising force. He also got a teddy bear. "Aww he's cute too," I said as I looked at Patrick's prize. "Do you want it?" He asked. "I can have it?" I asked. "Sure," he said with a small smile. "THANKS PATRICK." I gave him a hug and cuddled with the cute teddy bear.

After that, I asked," So what else?" "Um . . . how about we go on the roller coaster?" I turned to see the roller coaster. It did not look fun. It had three giant loops and it was big. "Yeah!" The guys said. I looked and saw there were two per cart. "Holy Smokes" I said to my self. "Scared?" asked Joe. "A little, its got three loops on the ride for Christ Saks!" I said while cuddling the stuffed bear that Patrick had gave me. "Good thing Patrick gave you that bear haha" Andy said while looking at Patrick who was once again mumbling about something.

After waiting what seemed like forever we were next "FINALLY!" Joe said. i giggled a bit. we put our stuff down and got in the ride. "PATRICK!" i yelled and pat the sit next to me. He smiled and walked to me and sat down. Joe and Andy sat behind us. "Patrick, if i hug you on accident, i blame the ride haha" He smiled a little and looked away. i hold his hand and he looked at me with a surprised look. i gave him a devilish smile.

What?" "Oh, nothing.... I'll tell you later." I said. Finally, The ride started. It was pretty fun. The loops were scary but also fun. We came out and grabbed our stuff and got off the ride. "Well, i have to go, I'm super tired. You guys coming?" Said Andy yawning "I'm going too. how about you guys?" Said Joe "I'm gonna stay here for a lil bit, i want to go on the ferries wheel."i said "I'll stay with Roxsi, just to be on the safe side. well see you at the bus." Said Patrick "Okay, see yeah!" said Andy. Joe didn't say anything, he just walked away.

"So what do you wanna do?" Patrick asked." I grabbed his hand and it interlocked with his. "OH! THE TUNNEL OF LOVE!!!!! I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO IN THERE!!!!" I said he looked down at me and smiled "okay then tunnel of love it is then" He said. We walked hand in hand to the ride. the guy put our seat belt on and boom were off! I was excited. Still hand in hand we were looking around. "Hey Roxsi, ummm, have you yeah know thought about what i told you?" he asked. I smiled, i did actually have been thinking. and in DO wanna go out or something like that i dont know.

"Yeah, i have ugh..... OH FUCK IT COME HERE!" I said. I grabbed his collar his eyes grew big, he licked my lips for an entrance and i accepted. his hands were on my waist holding on tightly, we were their which seems like forever and yes I enjoyed it. A flash came and we broke the kiss to see what it was we were at the end of the ride and Rachael and Pete took a picture of us "OMG I AM TOTALLY POSTING THIS!!!!!! AND YOU SAID YOU WEREN'T LOOKING FOR A RELATIONSHIP!!!!!" She said while taking another photo."Told you they would make a good couple." said Pete while taking a drink of what seemed like coffee.

"Gosh, Rach, ever herd of privacy? and how did you know we were here?" I said while trying to get my vision back."Joe said you were here and saw you hold hands so i forced Pete to come with me and we had to see if you were, ya know,....'A Thing'" she said " Well, ummmmm, Patrick are we 'A Thing'?" i asked as i was getting out of the boat. "Well, i believe we are, so..... yes we are 'A Thing'". He said with a smile. "Good" Pete said "Now can we go?!?!? I already missed half of 'the walking dead' and its all because of you wanting to stalk Roxsi and Patrick, now come on women!"he said with a grumble "OH SHUT UP PETE, YOU SOUND LIKE YOUR ON YOUR PERIOD!" she said trying to meet up to Pete.

we started to walking, holing hands. "You know, you surprised me with that kiss. and you kind of hit me in the head with your hat haha" He said while rubbing his head. "I was surprised about that to, and sorry haha. Do you want me to surprise you again?" i said while stopping holding both of are hands together." I think i would like that too." He said with a smirk. Our heads came closer and we bumped heads (well hats) and we laughed while rubbing our heads. We took off our hats and kissed. i heard "BOOMS" in the background and i saw flashing colors of pink, blue, read, and orange. They were fire works, and i felt like i was gonna explode any moment. I love him, and he loves me. I finally felt love, not alone. My life isn't sad anymore, he made me feel good inside, God do i love him.

