
How it should have happened ^^^^

Peter's POV

I do a double take. That name sounds familiar... "Hydra? Isn't that the terrorist organisation?" Ms Romanoff nods. "And for your safety, you're going to be staying with me at a safehouse until we figure out why they're out to get you" 

My eyes widen "But-" 
"No but's, you're staying at the safehouse. You can come to school still, but you'll have to do all your work in my classroom so I can keep an eye on you" Okay, so this is DEFINITELY the weirdest thing that has happened to me. "Fine. I'll just ask May- oh" I shrug "Guess I'm coming then" Her green eyes are serious, hard. Not the eyes that I usually saw. I inhale. "Okay, but what about social services? They'll come to get me after a week or two?" She straightens up. "We'll deal with that when they come. For now, you're not leaving this classroom. We'll talk about this after school, and if you really trust MJ, you can tell her, too. But I advise against it, just incase they capture her for information" I nod, and walk down to the back of the classroom and sit next to MJ. This is not good.

"Are you okay? What did she say to you?" MJ is way too curious for her own good. "It's nothing, really, but I have to do all my work for school in here now. I guess I'm going into lockdown, sort of, just cause Miss Portman got an email from the social services" MJ raises an eyebrow "Well, actually it was to the school, but since this is my homeroom class..." I'm proud of myself for the lie, it's actually pretty convincing. "And I can't stay at your house anymore. I'm still going to this school, just going to a... Foster home" MJ doesn't look convinced, but she nods. I wish I could tell her the truth, but it would put her in danger, and I can't risk that, she already knows I'm Spiderman.

After lunch, we head to the gym, because Ms Romanoff has to teach PE classes until school ends. I end up playing the games with the other classes, and man, I am SO grateful that Ms Romanoff doesn't want to suffer through the PSA's like the rest of us. Finally, the bell rings and I get into Ms Romanoff's car, and we drive to my apartment. "Okay, Peter, I need to know some of the basics," Ms Romanoff says, as she turns at an intersection "Do you have any experience in self-defense" I think back to all the times I've protected someone/the avengers/myself from bad guys "Yeah, I've known some since I was 14" She nods "Good, I'll get you to show me some when we get home. Now, do you know basic first aid? CPR, what to do if you get shot etc.?" I shudder as I flash back to 5th grade, where we were made to do CPR on dummies. "Yes" Ms Romanoff nods "And lastly, do you have any reason why Hydra might want to come after you?" Ah. "Maybe" I say, reluctant to tell her about Spiderman, but I'm saved as we pull up to my apartment.

"How do you even know where I live?" Ms Romanoff rolls her eyes "I traced your phone, it finished hacking last night" "Oh" I go in, and take a shaky breath. Oh god, oh god, I stare at the stained blood on the carpet, the crime scene tape and numbers for evidence (There's only one around the pool of blood). I stealth my way to my room, pack up as fast as I can, and then run down and jump into the car, without being seen. "Not bad" Ms Romanoff says, but I'm not really paying attention, just staring at the block getting smaller and smaller, where the last of my relatives died.

The safe house is a nice house, not too far from the school, and it's basically just a regular house. Except for the fact it has a training room in the basement and a bomb-proof shelter. Ms Romanoff shows me to my room, a suite, and I quickly have a shower and get changed. I lie down on my bed, and wonder how I'm going to Spiderman. This place has cameras everywhere, and Ms Romanoff would immediately be notified if I tried to sneak out. Maybe I can take a break from being Spiderman... No, Queens needs me. I worry for a few minutes, but eventually, I always come back to the same answer. Tell Ms Romanoff.

I mean, she's trustworthy, right? She's a superhero herself, and she understands what a secret identity is. I inhale, and tell myself firmly I'm going to do it. No backs. I smirk, this is going to be funny.

Natasha's POV

Peter's gone to have a shower, so I take this time to call the avengers and notify them. I bring up the hologram-ish screen, and call the mission room. It calls for a bit, before Tony picks up. "Hey Nat! How's teaching going? You better not teach them to do assassin moves" I roll my eyes "No, but I've got important news, go get everyone else. Soon enough, Tony returns with the rest of the avengers. "What's the tea, Nat?" Clint asks. I mentally facepalm. "I am 90% sure there is a Hydra agent at Midtown. And he or she is targeting one of the students. The student's best friend, parents, aunt and uncle, every living relative has been killed by Hydra. The same bullets that I got shot by in Odessa, the same bullets that Fury got shot with" Everyone frowns "Why would Hydra be targeting a kid?" Steve asks, thoughtful. I share an uneasy look with James. Maybe they aren't out to kill him, but to take him. "Alright" James speaks up first "I'll go to the safe house and interrogate the kid. I'll know if Hydra's after him. Be there in 10" The rest of the teams nods, and I hang up, just as I sense someone watching me.

I look around the room, but no one is there. I look up, and almost have a heart attack "Jesus CHRIST Peter!" Peter is just standing on the roof, barefoot, just standing there. How is that possible? Unless- Oh. "Ms Romanoff-" He starts, but I interrupt him "Nat" I say "Ms Nat," He starts again. I sigh. This kid is too nice for his own good. "So, I may or may not be a bit inhuman... Just a little bit, I'm 25% spider" This digs into my memories of my past, before I worked for SHIELD. I brush it off. "YOU'RE Spiderman? You're a kid!" He pouts "A kid that can lift an aeroplane if he wants to!" I cock my head. Fair point. "Fine, get off the ceiling" 

He smirks and flips off the ceiling. "I figured I'd have to tell you, either way. If I hit you, you would be unprepared for how much strength I have, and I can't sneak out to go on patrol, anyway. Plus, it might help you find out why they're after me" I shake my head "They might be after you BECAUSE you're Spiderman" His face it thoughtful, but blank, and I can't read it. "Well, it's impossible to know, because I've only been inside my apartment... Unless... Remember when I helped you with that Hydra base down south?" I nod "They could've slapped a tracker or something on me then. But that still doesn't explain why they killed my parents, that was 11 years ago" I nod. 

"Right, well Ja-Bucky's gonna be here in about 5 minutes to talk to you about Hydra" He nods "I know. I could hear you talking to them" I frown, but remember about Peter's super hearing, and brush it off. "Huh. I always wondered why you weren't star-struck about me, you've known us through your mask for at least 2 years" he chuckles "You didn't try and figure out who I was?" I laugh "You should've seen Stark's face when he found out he couldn't hack into your suit! He said the technology was too advanced, and he'd have to develop a code, but that would take hours. It was priceless!" He snickers "Well, you can tell him that 'Thanks for the heads up! I'll be upgrading my suit again'" I smirk "I will. You must be really smart if you can out-Tony the Tony" He blushes a little "Yeah, well. I try my hardest. Is it okay if I upload my AI to the house? If I can't go out on patrol anymore?" I smile "Sure", and he's about to go, but there's a knock on the door.

I go over and open it, and can't stop myself from smiling. "Barnes. Prepare to be shocked" I sigh behind his back. I can tell he heard it, because his eyes flickered to me briefly. Damn, why can't feelings go away? He made me feel human while I was at the Red Room and KGB, and I want so badly for him to know it's me, his little red ballerina, but he doesn't remember me. Emotions still flow through me, though, and I sigh in defeat. I still love him.

Bucky's POV

I hear Nat sigh behind me, and I quickly let my eyes flicker, but her face is blank. Maybe I misheard her. But she sighs again. I let it go, though. Best not to pry. I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch, tying my hair back "Where is he?" I ask, but I have a feeling he's already here, I just haven't seen him. "I'm a person, and my name is Peter" says a voice behind me. (Anyone else get that reference?) I whip around, and there is a brown haired boy, with slightly darker brown eyes, sitting upside down on the ceiling behind me. Nat laughs in the background. I don't realize I'm holding a knife until he lowers it from his throat. "Woah, Mr Bucky. You don't have to do Hydra's job for them" I slide my knife back into my pocket. Why does he look so familiar? "So," I ask, calmly "You're the Spiderman? More like the Spiderkid" He pouts "Hey!" And I will never admit this to anyone, but it's the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Get down here" I say, and flip him onto the couch. "Nice to meet you too, Mr Bucky" I sigh. "So, it hasn't occurred to you that they might be after him cause he has powers?" Nat nods "It's possible, but it still doesn't explain his parents" I nod, and I continue to ask Peter questions, like, have you ever seen any strange people before your relative's deaths? Did you know anyone briefly before they disappeared? All the basic stranger danger questions. I know Hydra's strategy, so I ask some really random questions at times. But he looks so DAMN familiar... Maybe it's just the fact that he's the guy who helped us take down the last of Hydra... Or so we thought at the time.

By the time we're done, It's 6 o'clock, and Peter decides he wants to make dinner. I may as well stay for dinner, cause I don't really feel like driving back to the tower. I lay back as Nat fills me in on how she and Peter met. I laugh when she finishes "Wow, you got really attached! It took you months to warm up to me, and I've seen how cold you are around the new agents!" she looks away, but doesn't say anything. Every inch of my being screams She's not okay! You said something wrong! like an instinct. "Yeah" she mumbles, averting her gaze, before looking back up at me again. Alarm bell blare in my head. She's a spy and a skilled assassin. She shows no emotion, only another extremely good one could see the sadness, pain, wistfulness behind her blank stare. 

"Well, Peter's different," she says "There are no words to describe how sweet he is, he's just the best kid in the world" I snicker "More than Nathaniel?" She scowls "The traitor? excuse me??" she breaks her scowl though into a smile "Just kidding. I love Clint's kids, but he is something different" I think back to all the times he's helped us, and notice how sweet he really is. "I'm glad you've found a great kid, Nat. His relatives are dead? Maybe you should adopt him" she stares away, thoughtfully "Maybe..." we continue to talk about random stuff until Peter brings dinner in. Spaghetti bolognese. That's funny, it tastes like the same recipe we had at Hydra... When we GOT hot dinners maybe once every 3 months. 

Peter announces he's going to bed, so we turn on the TV and decide to watch Supernatural (I just started season 2 of this show and it's really good, you should go check it out) It's actually quite good, but after it ended I spent half an hour arguing about which is better, Sam or Dean? I was team Dean (I like his sense of humor) But Nat chose Sam, cause he 'practically did all the work' I sigh. My sister would've loved the car in this show, but she's dead now, taken by polio back in the '40s. (btw I like Dean better if you were wondering) I go to check on Peter while Nat cleans up, and I can't help feeling like we're a family... It's weird. I force myself to stop thinking of that, because I hear the screaming as soon as I get halfway up the stairs.

I race into his room, to see Peter rolling and thrashing, shouting and screaming incoherently. I shake him, and he wakes up sweating, just about ready to punch me in the face before I catch his fist with my metal arm. "Hey, it's okay, it's just me. What was your nightmare about?" Peter looks reluctant. "Scoot over" I say, and he does, so I lie down next to him, on top of the covers "You can tell me" I say "I have them too. About Hydra, what they did to me." He exhales, a delicate little breath so quiet I could barely hear it. "I was imprisoned in the dark, I don't know where, and they were beating me, like they used to" Peter's words bear a striking resemblance to what Steve used to say to me.

 "You know, you sound like Steve now. He used to try and fight other guys in alleys, when they were catcalling girls, and he was always pounded cause his only weapon was 90 pounds of asthma" Peter laughs quietly. I groan "I used to have to drag him out of there, he wouldn't stop, so I had to beat up the guy for him. Steve always said he could've handled it himself, but, JESUS Steve, not with a broken arm and fractured ribs" I continue to tell Peter stories about Steve until he's asleep again. I sigh in relief and get off the bed, quietly shutting the door behind me. "He's fine, Natalia, just a nightmare" Now it's her time to breathe a sigh of relief before looking utterly shocked. "What?" I ask, confused. "You called me Natalia" she says, "You remember?"

And it all comes rushing back.

Kraft Mac 'n' Cheese has nothing else to add
