awards and accolades

//Featured on AmbassadorsIN 's #PrideAtWattpad reading list//

// Featured on FreeThePOC's Young Adult reading list//

//Featured on ComeAndSitWithUs' #LGBTQIAP-I am who I am reading list//

//First place winner of the Grand Dame Awards-2019-General Fiction//

//First place winner of the Rose Awards- 2019-LGBTQ//

//First place winner of the Galaxy Awards-2019-LGBTQ+//

//First place winner of the Golden Awards-2020-General Fiction//

//Second place winner of the Jedi Awards-2019-Hearts & Daggers//

//Third place winner of the Astral Awards-2019-Teen Fiction//

//Third place winner of the Glinting Quartz Awards-2019-LGBTQ+//

//Third place winner of the Blossoming Story Awards-2019-Teen Fiction//

//Third place winner of the Sakura Awards-2020-Romance //
