An Eggplant Dramatically Killed My Best Friend

I've never been an honest child. It's hard for me to face the truth sometimes, and I guess that's what got me into this mess.
Sooner or later I have to admit everything, I suppose, and I don't know, it feels therapeutic to finally tell someone the burden I've been carrying for so long. I guess remembering helps me relieve the stress that it causes.
I don't really know where to start. The beginning? Well, I want to say a lot of things. Maybe I should start with my house. Start there because it's pretty painful to recall something you grew up knowing,  but had to suddenly leave behind. We've all been there, but I suppose it's a different experience for each. Heh, look at me.  I'm rambling again.  I tend to do that.  I'm sorry.
I think I grew up in a fairly nice house. It was, arguably, the biggest in the neighborhood, yet that's not really saying much since all of the other houses around us were small and cramped.
The place always seemed dangerous and I felt like I was being choked by the endless horrors lurking in every dimly lit corner. Because of this, I wanted a garden to surround our house. Doesn't nature seem so free, unlike the suffocating feeling of the busy city life? Maybe it feels free because the only rules that applied to nature were the rules they've built themselves. I used to daydream frolicking and playing among the flowers and vegetables my mother said she would like to grow on it, if we ever got one... My mother.... Ugh,  I miss her too. My mother, she...  expected a lot because she wanted a lot. Things for herself to make her feel like she was complete. Things for her children so that she wouldn't feel like such a failure. She WANTED a lot, but I guess the thing we could all agree on is that we really wanted a new house.
If you ever look inside , you can see that the place is always cluttered, mostly because of me. Full of stacked papers, dirty dishes, unwashed clothes, leftover food, and, ironically, the cleanest things there were our trash cans, which were always empty because someone always misses the target. I never really bothered to clean my messes. I was a pretty lazy person, and so were my brothers.  I had 3 older brothers by the way. We were never really close. Whenever I asked them to play with me as a child, they would simply ignore me. It wasn't a bad thing though. It's nice playing by yourself, and I had other friends too.
I also recall... my dad. He left when I was 3. Technically, he's still out there, but he's just not... alive.
In all honesty, there's no specific reason why I'm telling you this. I just felt like it. You can skip this, honestly, useless information and go to the next scene, but I mean, you're almost done reading this useless exposition, so I guess it's kind of better if you finish it. Hmm... maybe I should've spent more time thinking about this. Well, it's too late now. It's not like I can edit it afterwards or anything. That's definitely not possible.
I don't know, I like remembering. It feels like you're time traveling without the consequences of your actions affecting the future, or your present.
It's like... Oh!  When I talk about our old neighbors, for example. I mean, we obviously had neighbors. When I try remembering,  it feels like I can see the past unfold even though it's just a memory. That's how I feel when I remember our neighbors, for example. Like when I try remembering one of our neighbors, my first best friend. I hate being reminded of her though.  She back stabbed me. That bitch. But after that, long and definitely boring incident that I'm sure you don't want to hear about because it's full of drama and knives, I met my current best friend who is pretty much the best dude to hang out with. We met after he felt bad about what my first best friend did. He's a great guy in my point of view. What can I say? He's been with me since I was 9 and I'm closer to him than I am with any of my brothers. He's Michael by the way. He's younger than me by 2 years, we go to the same school, and this is kind of embarrassing  to admit but we're on the same grade. I've never really enjoyed school so... yeah.... Anyway, let's finally,  and actually begin this story and let's fast forward to that one December day, the day when my world started falling apart.

"Sam! We've been waiting for 15 minutes! Do you HAVE to be late all the time?" Michael said,  complaining while he waited in a waiting shed with another best friend of mine. I was kind of horrified by the fashion Michael was sporting that day. He wearing a green Christmas sweater that lights up, saying "Merry Crhistmas" (yes, it's misspelled), a headband with reindeer horns on his messy blonde hair which also has bells attached to it, and shoes that light up every time he takes a step. I swear he's an anthropomorphic Christmas tree. He's kind of a shy-but-crazy-once-you-get-to-know-him type so it's a bit surprising but also not surprising that he would wear that in public.
I took one look at his ensemble and said in a sarcastically snotty tone, "Well, I'm fashionably late."
"Sam, you have the fashion sense of a dollar store." he faced palmed as he looked at Uri who almost always backs him up, "Cheap and messy. But at least you're not like this bright display" she said, gesturing to Michael. Uri is my other best friend. A girl who with all of her money, looks like a girl in a teen movie where people would bully her a lot because she looks pretty worn down with her dirt brown hair, glasses, and freckles, usually wearing a long sleeved shirt with a scarf around her neck, hiding about half of her face.
The story with how we met was, Michael and I met her a few years ago as the new girl. We were crazy about Mean Girls back then, and not just Mean Girls, but a lot of mainstream teenage movies and based on observations, the main group  typically has a third new kid character who's usually the voice of reason as the gang get stuck in a series of wacky high jinks, so we thought, we need her in our friend group. We took her under our wings and it's actually surprising that we get along fairly well. Thank you, conveniently placed personality. After I exchanged pleasantries with my friends by means of insulting them and vice versa, we were finally ready to head to our destination. "So what are we doing here? Let's go eat!" I shouted as I ran towards school.

It was our class Christmas party today and you know, we had to go (our school decided to consider one school day as a class Christmas party for the class to bond or something). Even those who don't celebrate Christmas had to come. They didn't really complain since they get to receive free gifts from those who do celebrate Christmas.

As the cool December wind swept my hair and my other friends ran to catch up with me, I finally got to our classroom where the party was held. I opened the door and saw a slightly darkened room with blue and pink lights. You can still see some of the officers in our class covering the windows and lights with colored cellophane. The most important table, the snack table, was in one corner, filled to the brim with food brought by the rich kids in class. Different colored balloons were everywhere, remixes of popular Christmas songs were playing and of course, there were my classmates. I would like to say that everybody was getting their freak on the dance floor, but they just sat in chairs eating muffins. I can't really blame them, those muffins were seriously good. On an unrelated note, it was kind of disappointing since it looks more like prom than a Christmas party.

My friends and I went immediately to the snack table, took a plate full of muffins, sat down and started eating. After about 30 minutes of stuffing our faces with muffins, one brave soul, a guy named Alfonso, who is also the class secretary, walked to the middle of the room and started break dancing. He was soon followed by other people dancing to the beat of 12 Days of Christmas. The party was finally in full swing and people were dancing like they were trying to burn the muffin fat. I was having fun. It was a great year. Sure there were bumps along the way, but compared to the rest of the years of my life, it was tolerable.

Everyone else was having fun, and everything seemed to be in order. But as it turns out, it's not. Five minutes went by, random thumping noises can be heard. People shrugged it off, but it kept persisting to the point it sounded deafening and a lot of us where very alarmed and some stopped dancing to listen to it.
Thump. Thump. Thump. The sound kept getting louder and it seemed to come from different places. Someone stopped the music to listen to it and people kept murmuring as they wondered where it came from. A few officers went outside to check where it's coming from, but they never came back. Someone eventually replayed the music again and people started dancing, trying to distract themselves from the noise. The whole time, I was thinking it was probably coming from a different party and how they're really partying hard. Ten minutes, and the thumping stopped, and for some unknown reason, so did the music. I was obviously confused and so were the others. This one classmate of mine, John, who was the resident electronics guy, tried playing the music again by looking for the source of the problem. The whole scenario didn't sit well with me. What if aliens came to abduct us? Suddenly, footsteps can be heard clearly coming from outside, down the hall. I looked over at Michael, who was eating very slowly at this point, looking around, while Uri was asleep on top of her empty plate of muffins. For people who don't know Uri very well, this would seem weird, but trust me. It's not remotely similar to the weirdest things she has done before. The footsteps went on for a minute then stopped. Everyone already felt spooked and John still hasn't fixed the music. Out of nowhere, all the doors and windows shut and about half of the people standing up flew across the room, including Alfonso and John. Everyone screamed. The screams were bloody with fear and pain.
Out of nowhere, a lanky figure was gliding across the room as we stared at it with horror. It didn't seem to take a step, and if it did, it never made a sound. It stopped in the middle of the room, and as I looked to inspect it, all I saw was a walking eggplant. No, it wasn't really an eggplant, but it did have a cloak which was purple on the outside and green on the inside and a hood covering its decaying, dry, gray skin, eyes that seemed to be pools of dark abysses, and a toothless, crooked smile. I don't know why that was what I saw. Maybe I was trying to comfort myself in this bizarre situation. Looking at this curious creature in the room, I've concluded that it looks like those typical villains you watch in movies and cartoons were he/she has disturbing features and slowly walks into the room, surrounded by lime green smoke.
It looked around the place and seemed to be surveying each of our faces. "WHERE IS SHE!?" it questioned in a booming, raspy voice that made some people jump from where they were. Some froze on the spot and some ran to the door and desperately tried to open it, but it won't budge. Some thought it was a lavish prank by the officers who went outside earlier and went closer to the creature, mocking it and its dramatic entrance and a few even asked who exactly it was looking for. "GIVE HER TO ME!!! YOU ARE ALL WORTHLESS AND SERVE NO PURPOSE. I ASK YOU ONE THING AND YOU EVEN SEEM TO FAIL ACCOMPLISHING THAT." With one stroke of its hand, it somehow pushed everything towards the wall, like it can control some kind of unknown force. A few coughed up  blood after getting slightly impaled by the different objects in the room. Some flew to the snack table and crashed with the drinks, writhing in pain afterwards. I, your brave and fearless hero, almost peed myself and flew straight into the wall. It hurt so much, all the while, my heart was beating too fast, I felt sweaty, my mind was racing, and I was convinced this creature is an alien coming to kill us all. It was not friendly. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed Michael, quivering in a corner after he flew into a row of chairs. A few followed his example and started screaming like their lives depended on it. It probably did. "FOOLS! SHE IS A REALER. THE GUARDIAN OF YOUR REALM. SHE. IS. URANIA!!!!" some kind of green lighting thing shot from the ceiling, and everyone was left pondering, frightened, and silenced. Urania? That's....

A girl wearing a crown with a blue gem on it shrieked, "NO!" Wearing a puffy, silky dress of sky blue, she appeared before our very eyes. She had long brown hair that reached up to the floor. She had plump pinkish lips, slightly dark skin and her eyes of blue pierced my heart. Oh my gosh, she's hot. Wait a minute... is this? "If you are after the Stone of Reality, just know it sucks for you 'cause I will never cooperate with you." she said in a cool, calm, collected, but stern voice. "OH. BUT I DON'T NEED YOU." it snickered. "You don't need me?! That's crazy and very insulting. Only I can control it, idiot. You have no real power." she said as she pointed to the creature, very insulted by what it said. The creature's smile grew wider and he flicked his wrist and a vine came up from the ground and stabbed the girl in the head, the chest, and her legs. Most of us screamed at the sight. With her final breath, she said, "Why...?"
This Urania girl... I looked around for Uri. She's gone.

'No, she's not really Uri, get a hold of yourself Sam.'
'This can't be happening'
'This isn't real'
'I'm dreaming'
'But they both look alike.'
'No, shut up.'
'No, you shut up.' these thoughts raced in my mind as fast as my heart was pumping. I looked over at Michael who seems to be unconscious on the floor.
I hid behind a nearby chair, shaking with fear, arguing with myself inside my head.
'This is a dream, this is just a dream'
'When will this nightmare end?' I feel tears streaming down my face.
'GOD! What do you want? I'll do anything, just wake me up from this nightmare!' I heard a thump as Urania finally fell to the floor. 'This is a dream...' I lied to myself. As thoughts sped through my brain, it came to a realization, 'If this was a dream I can do anything'
'This is a dream'
'This IS a dream'
'THIS is a dream'

Time seemed to slow down and without thinking, I ran towards her body. 'Dream...' My hand reached out to hers, desperately trying to get a hold of something real. "SAM! NO!" someone shouted. But it was too late. As soon as I touched her, I felt like I was being electrocuted. A surge of energy ran through my body. Suddenly, darkness.
