Chapter Four: Powers

        Sena walked to the training den the next day with her father. Wench saw them coming and ran towards them.

"Oh My Lupi! Shes ok!" Wench Said excitedly

"Yes, Shes alright...but...the healer healed her with magic, and as he always says 'All magic comes with a price' and in Sena's case..." Nix said with a sigh before being cut off.

"Oh I understand, Jox told me about the magic he used to heal Sena, I got a place for her to train where the fire inside can't hurt her. When all the pups get in for training I'll tell them her condition." Wench said with a smile "Now cmon Sena, lets get inside. I have some rules you need to follow for your safety."

"Thanks Wench" Nix said as he padded outside to hunt.

Wench walked into the den with Sena close behind.


"Now Sena, I'm sure your father has told you many times not to go near any source of heat, but with the blizzard coming, we have to keep the fire on for the other pups. You need to stay here and not go near it, this is your special spot! I'll tell the others not to get you to go near the fire, and for thoose with fire magic not to use it near you, understood?" Wench ask.

Sena nodded her head and the last few pups entered the den, one of them being Tim.

"Look! The Vii is back!" Tim shouted

Ever since the pup found her to be a Vii, he would make fun of her, Sena was about feed up with it.

"I'm Not a-" Sena stopped her sentence and sighed.

"Not a what? Because we all know you have no powers, your a Vii, deal with it, Your weak!" Tim Said.

Sena growled. Her fur standing up.

"Aww looks like I got the Vii upset, say whats with your new blue scar, huh?" Tim asked.

Before Sena could say anything Wench yelled "ENOUGH! Pups to your places!"

The pups scrambled to their places, seeing Wench upset surprised them, she never got upset.

"Now class, We all noticed that Sena has been gone for a few days. Well she was found three days ago under a pile of snow-" Wench was cut off

"And couldnt get out because she has no powers." Tim said with a slight grin.

"TIM! Time out!" Wench yelled. Tim walked to the corner and sat letting out a annoyed sigh.

"Yeah you try to get out of a pile of snow with plant powers" Sena mumbled.

Wench sighed and continued "When she was found she do i put this....D-dead"

The class gasped, and they all looked to Sena as she looked at the dirt.

"The healer, Jox, healed her to where-" She was cut off by a freezing wind entering the den and putting out the fire. All the pups shook from the cold, but Sena sat there and said "Its not even cold guys." Snow soon fell heavily from the sky, entering the den, the blizzard came early.

The pups looked at Sena, She wasnt fazed by the snow at all.

"What The?! Shes a demon!" Tim shouted.

"IM NOT A DEMON TIM! I'm Not a Vii anymore!" Sena yelled.

"B-but you have no powers!" Tim said looking confused. 

"Well I do now! Cold can't faze me, I'd call that a power...wouldn't you?" Sena said with a hint of a growl.

"You died and then got brought back to life and suddenly have powers?! How does that work!" Tim yelled, shaking from the cold.

"All magic comes with a price." Said Wench as she started the fire again. "The only way to heal Sena was to make her be able to stand any cold, but heat will harm her."

"Well then...Ignis how about some flames near Sena huh?" Tim chuckled

(Ignis should have a footnote for his name meaning but Eh footnotes don't wanna be a thing on here ;-;)

Sena's eyes widden in shock. "NO DON'T-" Before she could say more the Reddish wolf named Ignis shot flames near Sena

Sena started to cough and quickly ran out from the den into the blizzard.

"IGNIS! YOU COULD HAVE KILLED HER!" Wench yelled putting out the flames Ignis made.

The pups watch as Sena stood in the blizzard, wind blowing in her fur, so strong that she almost fell. The clouds covered the sun, making it very dark outside. But with all the snow, senas fur was almost unseeable. Her eyes were filled with tears as they flew from her face.

Sena's power had shown itself, but was it a Blessing or a curse?

                                                                                                 End of Chapter Four

1.Ignis: Ignis is a reddish wolf, though his name isn't an English one, Its Latin for Fire.
