Witch No More

At the Wicked Witch's castle, she was wondering how Axel wasn't scared of her. "How can that girl not be so scared of me?" she ranted. "I'm the scariest witch in all of Avalor."

Meanwhile, Axel, Toto, Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion were spying around the residence. They didn't know how to get that broomstick.

"This place is creepy," Lion gulped.

"It still doesn't scare me more than that tornado my mother died in," Axel declared. She noticed that there was a nearby pot of tulips, and she felt the urge to sneeze. Tin Man could see that Axel wasn't looking so good.

"What's wrong, Axel?" Tin Man asked.

"I'm allergic to tulips," Axel said, trying to hold in her sneeze. Her eyes were getting red and puffy.

"We'd better move to another hiding place," Lion whispered.

But it was too late—Axel let out a sneeze, giving away the hiding place. The Winkie Guards and the Wicked Witch heard the sneeze and saw the intruders. The Wicked Witch had the group right where she wanted them.

"Seize them!" the Wicked Witch demanded.

"I'll protect you, Axel!" Tin Man glared.

"I got Toto!" Lion said, holding Toto.

"You're going to regret protecting the girl and her little dog," the Wicked Witch smirked. She saw a nearby candle, and Axel knew exactly what was going to happen. The Witch put her broom over the candle, letting it catch flames. "How about a little fire, Scarecrow?"

But as the Witch barely touched the Scarecrow with the fire, Axel grabbed a nearby hose and doused it—but she also sprayed the Wicked Witch.

"You cursed brat! Look what you've done!" the Wicked Witch screamed. "I'm melting! Oh, what a world! Who'd have thought a good ordinary girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness? I'm going!" She completely melted before everyone's eyes.

"She's dead," the head Winkie Guard gasped. "You killed her."

Axel couldn't believe what she had done. "I didn't mean to kill her," she gulped. "I was only aiming for the broom—she was trying to kill Scarecrow."

But to Axel's surprise, the head guard happily cheered, "All hail to Axel—the Wicked Witch is dead!"

All the Winkie Guards knelt before their heroine, cheering, "Hail to Axel—the Wicked Witch is dead!"

Axel and her friends were happy with this. "The broom—may we have it please?" she asked.

"Please, and take it with you," the head guard smiled, giving her the broomstick.

"Oh, thank you," Axel beamed. "Now we can go back to the Wizard and tell him the Wicked Witch is dead!"

"The Wicked Witch is dead!" the Winkie Guards cheered.

Axel was happy that the Wicked Witch wasn't after her anymore, and she, Toto, and their friends went back to the Emerald City to see the Wizard.
