9.✧༺His Endeavour༻✧

Adrina : Yey... I had fun daddy thanks. Now I'm sleepy I want to sleep with mommy bye daddy
That stupid doll started climbing the wall like a lizard and went inside our bedroom through the window. There is no way I'm letting that creepy creature stay near my wife. I gather all my left strength and crawl towards the main door. My whole body is hurting my head is spinning. I know I'll collapse anytime but before that I need to throw this shit away from my Y/n. I don't know how but I managed to climb the stairs while crawling and went inside our room. I crawl towards the bed and saw that shit is laying beside my sleeping wife. I grabbed the doll by it's leg and throw it out from the window before closing my heavy eyes.

I woke up on the floor with heavy head. I look at the bed saw my Y/n was sleeping but I frown seeing that doll beside her.
Taehyung : What the fu-
Okay no cursing Taehyung. I grab the doll and again throw it from the window. I went inside the shower after place kiss on Y/n's forehead.
I looked at my reflection on the mirror and saw hand print on my neck. My wrist and ankles have the same marks. I saw dry blood on my nose.
Taehyung : Great now I have to clean these.
I went inside the bathroom and open the shower. Warm water started fall making me relaxed. But I'm feeling like the temperature of the water increasing and I was right it turned into boiling hot water. I quickly move from under the shower.
I heard laughing sound from behind me. I turn around and saw that stupid doll
Adrina : Did you like my surprise?
That doll's smile faded and she looked at me with guilty eyes
Adrina : Ops sorry daddy I'll come later.
She went outside from the bathroom window.

I wore a long sleeved turtle neck sweater to hide my brushes from Y/n. I need to go out for investigation but I can't leave Y/n alone so I made a plan
Taehyung : Y/n baby wake up look it's morning we have to go somewhere
Y/n : Where? *she asked in a sleepy tone*
Taehyung : Umm.. to my boss's house
Y/n open her eyes and looked at me
Y/n : Why?
Taehyung : He invited us for breakfast and lunch at his house. Now get up and get ready
Y/n slowly gets up and walk towards the bathroom. Wait what if that stupid doll went inside the bathroom and tried to harm her
Taehyung : Y/n wait I'll help you to take shower
Y/n : No need
Taehyung : Yes there is a need let's go I'll help you to shower
I was about to went inside the bathroom but Y/n stopped me
Y/n : But I have to pee Taehyung
Taehyung : Then I'll help you to pee also
I said and pulled her with me inside the bathroom

I press the doorbell and Mr Kim Seok Jin open the door by himself
Jin : Oh Taehyung what a present surprise what brings you here?
Taehyung : M-Mr Kim Thank you so much for inviting us for breakfast and lunch
Jin : Oh yeah yeah... you're welcome please come in
Me and Y/n went inside his house.
Jin was also about to go inside but stopped
Jin : Wait when did I invite them? *he said while scratching his head* Maybe I forgot.

After breakfast I looked at Mr Kim and spoke
Taehyung : Sir as you ordered I'm going to Mr Jeons place to handed him our next project file. I'll come back before lunchtime
Jin : What? When did I said that? Didn't I tell you not work until you're fully recovered?
Taehyung : You did but you also told me to handed the file to Mr Jeon maybe you forgot
Jin : Y-Yeah maybe. I'm forgetting things nowadays days.
Taehyung : Okay I'm going and don't leave my wife alone not even for a single moment.
Angela(Jin's wife) : Don't worry I'll stay with her
Y/n hold my hand and looked at me with puppy eyes. I know she'll feel uncomfortable here without me but I can't leave her alone with that doll.
Taehyung : Hey it's okay mam will accompany you till I come back
Angela : Yes Y/n we can be friends if you want
Y/n smile and started talking with Mrs Kim totally forgot about me.

I stand in front of the hut where Y/n said that Lily were lived. I went inside and it's not at all neat and beautiful like Y/n said. It's so old and it's clear that no one lived in this place for years. That witch must be do some magic so it looked clean when Y/n came. But in this dirty and old thing around the room a new thing caught my attention and it's that shawl. It can't be coincidence that this shawl which belongs to a witch and the shawl of that old lady of my nightmare are look alike. It's can't be coincidence. I remember I got into that accident cause an old lady come in front of my car out of nowhere I didn't saw her face but now I can tell they have some connections. I need to find out about witches.
I went the public library and went inside. There was an old librarian who welcomed me with a warm smile. I smile back and started searching for a book which is written about witches. But I couldn't find anything which can help me.

I walked towards the leaving room with my ceo and saw Y/n laughing with my boss's wife. My heart become warm seeing her laughing like this after so many days. She noticed me and spoke
Y/n : Taehyung when did you come?
Taehyung : When you busy to make my day beautiful with your laugh.
I sit beside her and pulled her in my embrace
Y/n : Taehyung what are you doing? We're at your boss's place *she whisper yelled at me*
Mrs Kim cleared her throat awkwardly
Mrs Kim : I... I'll see if the food is ready? Jin come with me please
Jin : But what will I do to going there?
Mrs Kim : I said come with me
Jin : Okay fine

At evening we go back home.

Next day
Taehyung : Hello Mr Jeon thank you inviting us to play video game with you.
Jungkook : But when did I invite you?
He asked and I totally ignored his words
Taehyung : Well I'm not good at video games but my wife can play it very well. I'm sure she'll defeat you easily.
Jungkook : It's impossible to defeat me in video game. Come Mrs Kim I'll show you how much I'm pro in video games
Y/n : Let's see.
Y/n and Jungkook both take it as a challenge..such a kid.
Taehyung : Umm.. Y/n you can go inside I'll be back after doing some research.
Y/n : Research?
Taehyung : I mean work
Y/n nodded and went inside the house with Mr Jeon.
At evening we went back home but I noticed Mr Jeon started calling Y/n by her name and Y/n started calling him Kookie which is not acceptable but I'll deal with it later.

And Next Day
Taehyung : Hello Dr Park
Jimin : Hello Mr and Mrs Kim what brings you here anything serious?
Taehyung : Did you forget we have appointment with you today though my wife is absolutely fine now but did you remember you saying we'll do a barbecue party after the appointment. So we're come for the party.
Jimin : Barbecue party?
Taehyung : Let's go inside Y/n.
I hold her hand and take her inside with me leaving Dr Park dumbfounded. After sometimes I made an excuse and went out to continue my research.

Two weeks later
It's been two weeks I'm doing this but I can't even find a way to save our baby. In day I spent in library, at night on Internet. I just got to know that witches can do anything to look young and they look kinda young and beautiful but their real face is scary as hell and they were so old. So I'm guessing that Lily witch and that old woman of my nightmare are the same witch. Y/n told me she had a nightmare where she saw an creepy old woman handed her that doll instead of our baby. So guess they are same. Maybe I need to find that witch. But I have to do something fast Y/n's due date is coming and that doll also didn't stop it's torture. Every night Y/n hade to sing it lullaby. It is torturing her mentally.
Y/n : Taehyung I think you should sleep now it's already late.
My chain of thought breaks by her voice. I saw she placed the doll in the middle. I ignored her and kept looking at the laptop screen
Y/n : Taehyung why are you doing this? *I looked at her confusingly* I'm not a kid Taehyung I know you're up to something that's why you're not taking me to colleagues house every day and left from there with different excuses. What are you up to Taehyung tell me. I know you're afraid to let me alone cause this might doll harm me but what about you TELL ME WHAT ABOUT YOU. *Her voice cracked in this moment*
Taehyung : Y/n what are you talking about I didn't get it
Y/n : You're not getting it right then what is this *she hold my arms and pulled my long sleeves making my some cut marks displayed in front of her. I widen my eyes and quietly pulled down my sleeves. Yes that stupid doll hurt me physically every night but this won't stop me I'll save my princess at any cost and besides I know she can't kill me for now
Y/n : She did it r-right *Y/n started crying loudly while hugging me* Taehyung please stay away from this I can't see you getting hurt.
Taehyung : Shh...I'm not getting hurt I'm totally fine see
Y/n : No you're not fine I know.
Taehyung : Y/n I-
Suddenly all the lights trun off and heavy wind started blowing around the room as if a storm is happening inside our room.
Adrina : Did you heard it? *Y/n broke the hug and looked at the doll who's now sitting on the bed. Guess this time she's talking with both of us*
Adrina : It's my mother she's here to visit me.
And just then my gaze fall outside the window and saw that creepy old witch sitting on a tree branch outside the house.  Her white straight long heir is flying making that creepy face with lots of cracks displayed.
