Chapter 11

Reminder: Last chance to choose your first ally. Enjoy this chapter of the story. It will be interesting in a way.

      "Dreams are such strange things aren't they. Some you can understand, others you cannot. It's quite strange how the mind perceives them. Wouldn't you agree (y/n)?"

         A dream was all this had to be because never in her life had (y/n) seen a pokémon that inspired awe, fear, interest, and uneasiness all at the same time.

      (Y/n) found herself suspended in air. The scenery like that of a forbidden garden, and the sky above like the far off cosmos with residue of dead stars scattered here and there. It was breathtaking and scary all the while.

        "Who are you?" (y/n) asked. She had never seen such a pokémon before.

      "I am nothing in particular but I am a huge deal. I'm the reason that you are who you are. I am the reason that you can do what you can do. You of course don't know this yet, but you will soon know your origins" the regal pokemon said to her.

        "My origins? What are you talking about? I'm from Alola. I've lived there all my life. You still didn't answer my question though. Who are you?" (y/n) said to the pokemon.

      It laughed a laugh that one would hear from a king of times long past. "I am Arceus, my dearest. You haven't the slightest clue who I am? No worries. You will remember when the time comes."

         Arceus said as it turned and walked away. Yes, Arceus walked on thin air and made it seem like no big deal, but it really was because when (y/n) tried to follow him, she couldn't.

      "Hey, where are you going?" she called after Arceus.

         "This is a dream, is it not. I'm supposed to show you something that won't make sense to you right now, but will be like common knowledge to you later. Just follow me. You can walk on the ground if you'd like," Arceus told her.

        Walk on the ground? How? She was still stuck in mid air with no idea whatsoever on how she would get down.
      "All you need to do is imagine yourself on the ground, and you'll be there. You have complete control over this realm."

        She did as she was told and it worked. (Y/n) slowly began to reach the ground until she stood on the brilliant jade colored grass. She walked behind Arceus who had remained in the air. (Y/n) had been too busy admiring her surroundings so she almost didn't notice when Arceus stopped in a clearing.

         "Umm...Arceus. Where are we exactly. I know this is a dream and all, but I don't recall ever seeing or dreaming about a place like this one before which means that this place is actually real. You said you brought me here for a reason, but I don't know where here is." (y/n) explained.

      "Aren't you observant. You are right but you are also wrong. I can't tell you which part of what you said is right and I can't tell you what was wrong. That's for you to figure out. This place is a place of meeting for all of the pokémon that humans consider legendary or mythical. Although they don't come here physically, I can bring them here mentally." Arceus said.

        "So you mentally brought me here for what reason?" asked (y/n). She was growing impatient since her question hadn't completely been answered.

         "You'll see soon enough." Arceus lowered itself to the ground and stood there, waiting. For what? (Y/n) didn't know. That was until she saw a pokemon that's she'd seen before come out of nowhere. It was as if it was wished into her dream or something along those lines.

      Yveltal. The pokemon of death landed in front of Arceus. No words that (y/n) could hear were exchanged, but she could tell that they were having some sort of conversation. It was really odd in a way. Yveltal looked very disturbed too. It reminded her of when Lusamine would tell Lillie to do something, and Lillie didn't want to do it. Yveltal lifted itself on its wings of death and disappeared into the ever changing sky.

         "What the heck just happened? You were talking about me weren't you. Why did you bring Yveltal to my dream. I don't get it" she said to Arceus.

      "Yveltal will be helping you find Xerneas. The two pokemon know each other quite well. There are a few others that I would like you to meet here. They will help you on this 'mission' of yours as well." Arceus' eyes glowed a little, but the glow went away as soon as it had been there. Then one by one, four different pokemon appeared as if materialized from mist.

      "Allow me to introduce Mew, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres. They will be helping you achieve your goal. What you do with their help is up to you. My only purpose is to show you your resources," Arceus said to her. This was all very confusing to (y/n). She had never seen these pokemon before, yet they seemed to be familiar to her.

      Lillie had told her about Mew when she had returned from Kanto, but she had also told her that it's extremely rare to see Mew anywhere. As for Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres, Lillie had told her that they were responsible of certain weather occurrences or something like that. (Y/n) didn't quite remember everything Lillie had said since it had been so long ago.

     "Uh...hi?" (y/n) said. It was the only response she could think of at the moment. All four of the pokemon where flying around her. Circling her but not speaking.

        "Stop circling her you four. She doesn't understand right know, but when she finds out then you can tell her everything you want her to know." Arceus told them.

      "You'll meet others later, I giritina it!" Mew said stopping in front of her and snickering. Mew had just cracked a joke, but (y/n) didn't get it. It must not have been too funny because Mew was the only one laughing.

        Everyone, including Arceus, was giving Mew that one look of pure annoyance. When Mew was done the four pokemon flew into the sky, went around in a circle and disappeared into the air like vanishing fog.

      "So now what?" (y/n) said. She had been looking up at the sky and hadn't noticed that Arceus was no longer there.

        "Well how am I supposed to get out of here now? This dream really doesn't make sense at all and now I'm stuck here" (y/n) said to no one in particular once she noticed that Arceus was gone.

     She wandered around the clearing but dared not go into the forest beyond it. She wasn't entirety comfortable at the moment because her dreams usually ended as nightmares if one of her friends wasn't doing to well. This one didn't though.

        The forest around her started to fade away and so did her vision. She didn't fight the sudden urge to close her eyes because something just told her that it was how she would leave this 'realm' as Arceus put it.

      She reopen her eyes and found herself safe and sound in her apartment. Her and Gladion's pokémon scattered around them alseep. To her surprise,  she found that Gladion was leaning on her shoulder as he too slept.

        She didn't want to wake him since it might embarass him so she just slightly adjusted herself into a more comfortable position, careful not to wake Gladion, and went back to sleep. No more dreams came to her and she had a quite restful night.

It took me forever, but I finally updated a chapter that I hope was interesting and left you wanting to know more about (y/n)'s origins. After tomorrow, I will have to start the next chapter where you meet your first human ally so don't forget to comment on who that should be. Until next time my wonderful readers!
