Chapter 4

Don't forget to live a vote

NEVER EVER ****************************
I waited patiently for him to explain his self but he was starring directly at my eyes, lost in thought but didn't alter a word.

"Earth to Mister"
I snap my fingers in the air, rolled my eyes and pucked out my tongue

"What's that? He asked grinning.

Nothing I replied Cully.

"Okay, he calmly replied.
"I'm LEONARD JACK, the upcoming artist and the son of..........(he took a pause), "Never mind" he said

"Leonard Jack, I repeated having a taste of each word". You've got a nice name Leo I said, "I'm HANNAH MORGAN, it nice getting to know you, I said stretching out my hand.

Why do I have to tell a lie, anyway my last name does not matter.

"Leonard Jack" she repeated slowly
Her pronunciation was smooth and lovely, hmmm I'm In love with the name on her lips

"It nice getting to know you, she said requesting for a hand shake.

I went closer a little and i shook her hand faintly and quickly withdraw mine, "you have a nice voice" I commented.

"Thanks...!", She replied coldly
Have a nice day Leo. She said and walk away.

I watch Leonard angrily walk out from me. "how could he, when did Leonard lost his manners, he has no right to walk out on me his father not even to my face, "How dare he".

I was galavanting in my office, feeling upset and embarrassed with what Leonard just did, I took my phone and dialed a number

Ring ring it rang "pick up you nonentity" I caused. "Hello, he finally picked up,

"Your present is needed" I said and end the call. "without wasting a second, Zelda was at my office.

"Sir he bow slightly, I'm at your service he humbly replied.

"Zelda" I called".

"Yes boss, he replied.

"Have you seen my son with any mistress before? even if it just by mistake I asked.

"No sir, he replied having a confused look.

Hmmm I signed.
From today upwards, I want you to monitor my son Leonard and find out if his in love with any mistress, and when you did, don't fail to investigate the lady and bring me the details.

Is that clear? I snorted

"Yes sir, as it pleases you sir he said bowing in respect.

Good Zelda, you may take your leave.

Thanks she muttered.
Have a nice day ahead Leo and she left.

Is that how she behaves? I mumbled
Can't she stay!!! Even if it's just for a second.

I hate myself for what I just deed, I should have being patient, I should have being quiet, I shouldn't have complimented her.

It's like I'm going nuts.

I'm suppose to be thinking about my predicament and not about her.

When did I become this stupid, I shouldn't have complimented her, instead, I should have got her punished.

She suppose to be punished for giving me that resounding bang on my head.

Today seems to be her lucky day anyway.

I stood up from where I was sitting, I need to make a plan, Dad is not a man to toil with, he must have had something going on in his mind, I can't be a sprey to Dad's trap. Zelda will be of good help I thought.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Zelda Dave, the most trusted personal assistant and the right hand man of Marcia Jeff company ltd.

I'm the unknown assassin which everyone seek to find and I have a secret daughter named MEGAN DAVE.

I get rid of anyone who dare step pass his or her Lane but let me give you a shock, "I serve my boss hole heatedly and I have been working with him for over 23years.

I was there when LEONARD was born and I watch him grow into a very handsome and brave boy.

Leonard is 21yrs old while Megan is 18, I have always wanted both kids to get along but don't know how to carry out my plans, Megan is still a secret to everyone.

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I want you to monitor my son as from today upwards and find out if he has any mistress.
dnt forget to investigate on her and bring me the details...

I don't really know the reason behind this orders but I'm over joyed to be blessed with this great opportunity 😋

Ooh!! Poor Leonard, my future son in-law.
You have no idea why your true lovers keep running away from you, you have no idea while your precious Susan left you...hehehe it's all because of me. "I grinch wickedly".

No one is to befriend or marry you except from my precious one and only daughter Megan...

I was still in deep thought when LEONARD walk up to me.

"Zelda" he called.

I snap out of my thoughts with a sheepish smile plaster on my face.

What can I do for you my dear child I asked slickly forming a cute smile.

"I need your help Zelda. He said fiercely.
