Chapter 7: Gone Missing

Two Weeks Later
At Mount Justice

Connor looked around at the League members on the beach and then made his way to Superman.

"How long will you be gone?" Connor asked.

"However long it takes to clear our names, Con-El. But we will be back." Clark answered, smiling and putting a comforting hand on Connor's shoulder.

Connor sighed.

"I have faith that you will do just fine." Clark assured him. "We will fix this intergalactic incident, find Madison, and everything will go back to normal."

"When has normal ever been normal?" Connor smiled.

"Time to go." Green Lantern announced.

"Good luck." Connor told Clar as the Leaguer moved away.

"And you as well."

They all gathered behind Green Lantern and the Crolotayean prisoner before a green spaceship formed around them. There was a moment of stillness before the ship took off and the most important members of the League left the planet behind.

Despite the fact that dozens of League members still remained on Earth, it was the Team that felt the most pressure by their absence.

They were now the most important protectors of Earth.

One by one, each of the people left on the beach walked away, a newfound responsibility burning on their shoulders.

Connor was the last to stand there, looking up into the sky that his mentor had disappeared into.

He was alone now.

Megan and him weren't on familiar speaking terms, Madison had been missing ever since the two of them were attacked in the Artic, and now Clark, Connor's father figure, had left to go partake in an intergalactic trial.

And Kaldur, the man whom Connor would have considered a brother, had joined the dark side.

So Connor pulled out his phone and sent out a single message. Above it were dozens more unanswered texts to a number that had only contacted him once.

Clark just left.

Connor didn't expect a response, but he did scroll through his countless messages all the way to the top, where the first message sat from a week ago.

Found a lead. In pursuit. Don't tell anyone. Keep me updated. -The taller sibling

Connor had no doubt the unknown number was Madison.

It made him slightly angry that she had escaped and didn't contact him until now. She didn't come see Clark or Lois either.

Connor was out of his mind with worry and Madison hadn't sent him any other sign that she was okay. Alive.

But he did it. Everything he knew was on this phone, even classified intel. Nightwing would have his head if he ever found out. But what did he expect Connor to do in a situation like this?

Connor trusted Madison. More than anyone else.

Besides, Connor had a sinking feeling that Nightwing knew something about Kaldur's disappearance.

After Kaldur and Madison broke up, every time Connor saw Kaldur, he was with Nightwing. Nightwing was his wingman for the three days that Kaldur stayed before he disappeared too.

By the end of that week, Nightwing provided evidence that Kaldur was working with Black Manta. Not everyone believed him.

Connor had a hard time believing that Kaldur would ever do such a thing, but then again, Connor never though that he would ever break up with Madison either.

They had been the perfect duo.


He turned around, slightly surprised to see Megan standing behind him.

She offered a small smile. "I noticed you were still out here. Is something wrong?"

Connor shook his head and looked away. "I'm fine."

Megan placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find her, Connor."

"I'm not worried that Madison is lost." Connor stated. "I'm worried about what she'll do now that she's free of League restrictions."

"What do you mean?" Megan frowned.

"Madison always tried to keep us together back when the Team was getting it's feet wet. She was the buffer." Connor sighed. "Madison didn't like to fight her friends. Imagine how she'll feel when she finds out Kaldur is working with Black Manta."

"You think she'll go after him?" Megan questioned worriedly.

"I think she'll do something."

Wraith would have agreed with that statement if she hasn't of been currently running for her life thousands of miles away from Mount Justice.

"Shark!" She cursed, turning the corner just as the men in black suits began to shoot.

She bit her lip and pulled an encrisma stick from beneath her cloak. Wraith glanced down at herself to ensure that she hadn't dropped the illusion of a skintight black suit like Nightwing's. Nope. She was unrecognizable.

Wraith heard their footsteps approach and she jumped out, feeling uncomfortably exposed without her usual invisibility. Despite that, she moved into her attack before they could initiate their own.

Wraith had never been one for hand to hand, so she snapped, letting loose the illusion that they were all surrounded by assassins.

In their panic, Wraith quickly knocked out the first two with her weapon before the others attacked.

Within minutes, they were all done.

Wraith let the illusions fade away before she walked past the bodies toward the chamber she was interested in.

Black Manta's communication hub.

She turned on a computer and frowned at the password screen. Since she didn't have any skills in hacking, Wraith didn't bother attempting to get there. Instead, she plugged in a flashdrive, automatically beginning a download of the systems.

Behind her, more footsteps began to approach and Wraith's eyes narrowed.

If she wanted them to be under the impression that she had been killed when their ship crashed, she'd have to maintain cover. And no doubt Kaldur would know who she was if she turned invisible in front of the cameras.

Usually she wouldn't be worried that villians were trying to kill her. That's what they always did.

But this time was different. This time she knew for certain that they were specifically targeting her. Playing dead was the only way she'd get around without anyone realizing all of her illusions.

No doubt if she went back to the Team, she'd be suspended from field activity again. That was unacceptable.

She knew she had to find out what was going on and Wraith did not plan on letting them stop her.

So Wraith snapped again, her assassins pressed a button and closed the door. In reality, it was open, but nobody needed to know that.

She pulled out a real bomb and put it on the wall. It began to beep and Wraith pulled out her flashdrive right before the wall exploded.

Water surged into the room and the doors "opened" just in time for it to flood through and wash the soldiers back.

She grabbed the edge of the hole and pushed herself out before she could be pushed further into the Mantaplya.

Pressure popped Wraith's ears, but she quickly swam to the surface. More of Black Manta's goons began to swim out, but she swam to the dock near them and pulled herseld ashore.

Finally out of sight, Wraith smirked and snapped her fingers once more. The illusions fell, revealing a very white and very wet White Wraith right before she turned invisible.

"Happy birthday."

Connor whirled around in surprise, his eyes widening as an unfamiliar woman walked up to him. But she used Madison's voice.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Big sis." The woman replied, sitting down on the bench he'd been on. "Thought I'd swing by to see you, Connor."

"Madison?!" He sat down. "Where have you been? And what's up with the thirty year old act?"

"Long story." She smiled. "I got you a birthday present."

Madison held out a flashdrive, which Connor reluctantly grabbed. Then she pulled out a small blue box. Connor grabbed it as well.

"I need to keep a low profile for a little while longer." Madison told him. "But I promise I'll be back soon."

"Okay." Connor sighed before holding up the flashdrive. "Where did you get this?"

"I snuck aboard Black Manta's ship. Have anyone other than one of Batman's protégés hack it for you." She instructed.

Connor frowned. "You need to come back. You're still not better from the visions. If you have one in the middle of a battle again-"

"I won't." She assured him. "Nothing has happened since I came back from Klarion."

"He did something to you? Again?" Connor growled.

"Good this time." Madison nodded. "But I've checked myself. All magical traces that don't belong to me are long gone."

He shook his head. "It's dangerous."

"Everything we do is." Madison agreed before giving Connor a small hug and standing up. "I have something else to take care of."

Connor looked down. "There's more news. I didn't want to break it out to you over text, but Artemis... Kaldur killed her."

Madison blinked before shaking her head. "No."

"I told you that he's working for Black Manta."

"I know. I saw him too, but Kaldur would never kill Artemis." Madison told him.

"I was there. Her heart stopped beating. There was blood." Connor said, growing angry. "He stabbed her, Madison. Artemis is dead."

Madison's eyes narrowed before she shook her head again and patted the blue box on the bench.

"Sorry I couldn't stay longer, Connor." She apologized. "But happy sixth birthday."
