Chapter 11

We had been walking for some time now. Amelia was still upset at me obviously but it was her fault for asking. And I don't just fall in love with someone instantly, I have to get to know them first. There's a process with me, we have to be friends first before we make a stride into a relationship. And Amelia right now was not even at friend level, I had no clue what she was to me. She was just kind of there. She occasionally would look at me and I'd put on a fake smile to make her feel a little better about herself but it didn't seem to be making a difference. All I could think about was getting back to the safety of the camp and being with my friends. But times were starting to look bleak. Every time we made progress forwards, something would stop us and we'd have to go back. It was a never ending cycle.
      Amelia tugged my arm gently trying to get my attention clearly, "Crosby, haven't you noticed something?"
       Dumbly, I looked around trying to spot something out of place but finding nothing. Then I looked back to her. She sighed, "It doesn't have to do with our surroundings idiot. It has to do with you. I noticed that every time you defeat some strong being or enemy, doesn't an even stronger threat arise? Like how after you defeated Kevin in New York, Tommy arose out of nowhere to take control of the camp."
       I began to think about what she was saying. It all started with defeating Ashton down here in the underworld. Then it went from Kevin in New York City to Tommy and Dan in the battle for the camp. She seemed to be right, every time I'd be victorious, a more costly and dangerous threat would arise soon after, "Okay, what about it Amelia?"
       She looked at me in the eyes, "Don't you realize what's going to happen?" I shook my head and she huffed to herself, "Sooner or later after you've defeated so many enemies, a being is going to arise that you won't be able to defeat. Then what will you do?" Another great point as each time the enemy seemed to grow stronger exponentially without any sign of growing weaker. This was a worrying fact as this meant she was right again, sooner or later I'd have to face something I won't be able to defeat. I didn't know what to say but she did, "It's an endless war Crosby. And the only way it's going to end, is with your permanent demise." I didn't like thinking about this, it made me worried to say the least. She suddenly grabbed my face, "Stop thinking about it too much. You look like you're going to faint." I tried to do what she said and place it at the back of my mind, but this brought up more questions. The main one being, who would be strong enough to the point that I won't be able to defeat them regardless of how much I try? No answer came to mind. I snapped out of my thoughts when bright black light emitted from behind me. It was nearly blinding and Amelia stopped walking because of it. I drew my sword without hesitation. She was covering her eyes with her arm, "What the hell is causing it to glow that much?!" I looked around trying to find out the answer but I was worried that whatever it was, could be very powerful. The ground began to rumble and shake under us briefly. I nearly lost my balance and Amelia ran over grabbing hold of my arm, "Crosby, What the hell is happening!?" I didn't have any more of an idea than she did. The ground began to crack and break under us. The glow of lava seeping out of the cracks as the floor fell. The ground we were standing on didn't move but chains began to fly out of the cracks in the ground. Amelia hid behind me as I got my sword ready. A being rose out of the ground with teal light beaming upwards around them. Black chains swirled around them. The chains lowered revealing the figure. I realized who it was instantly due to his dumb outfit and recognizable looks, "You decide to show your face now!?"
My dad looked at Amelia then me, "I can't watch another one of my sons be damned down here eternally. You have potential that still is waiting to be unlocked!"
       I wasn't buying it, my father only appeared when he needed something, just like the leech he was, "Yeah right. You're trying to get something out of me."
      He dropped the act, "I sense a greater threat on the horizon and when it comes, I don't want you down here. The people up on the surface will need your help, as a leader." He reached under his robe and grabbed something he hovered closer to me, chains still swirling around his feet, "I cannot help you escape directly, but I can provide you with a way how." He held out his hand and he seemed to be offering up a little black compass.
        I looked back at up at him, "What's the catch? Last time I required your help, you asked me to kill somebody."
       He sighed, "Just take it for gods sake. There's no strings attached this time. I already told you I'm not losing another son." I took the compass from him inspecting it more closely, "It will always point towards your current goal. May that be escape or something else." I put my sword away and Amelia just stared at my dad, obviously scared of him. He looked at her then back to me, "Made an ally with a succubus I see?"
      I turned to Amelia, who was cowering in fear, "I guess so." I looked back to my father to see his reaction.
        He smiled a bit, "At least it's not an incubus."
        Before I could ask him anything else, he vanished into a black cloud of smoke. The floor rose again and connected back together like puzzle pieces. I looked down at the compass, it was pointing towards the way we were going originally. I was confused why he mentioned an incubus. Amelia answered my question, "I think your father doesn't like that his previous son wasn't into ladies..." So my brother liked guys? I mean I don't have a problem with that but my brother must've been very different from me.
      I turned to Amelia, "Is there anything else I should know about him?"
     She moved the hair out of her face, "Well he was in love with the hottest incubus there is who is Tyrese. And he wasn't afraid to show it either. They were together when your brother was killed by your father. Tyrese tried everything in his power to bring your brother back, but obviously it didn't work." 
      I stayed quiet, unsure how to react. Amelia started walking and I followed, occasionally glancing at the compass to make sure we were still going the right way. I was starting to wonder what my dead brother looked like. I wondered if he even looked like me at all.
