Chapter 14

What did Randell mean by that shadows were in his blood? Machate thought.
He was in a small hut. It had a small table and a pillow. This was not better much better than the prison cell.

" It was a success!"

Zayne came in and shouted. Her eyes glowed radiantly with a purple glow. Her old ragged white cloak was replaced with a fine black one with golden silk embroidered pictures.

He didn't want to tell her about his encounter with Randell. It might break her down into tears. Considering the good mood she was in he didn't want to ruin it.

" Briar should be healed. In a few days then be back hunting." She said in a cheerful tone. A bright smile lit her face. She sat on her pillow and smiled.

Machate's eyelids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds and started to droop.

He fell asleep. With a smile on his face.


A shrill scream filled the night sky.

Machate recognized it. He looked over Zayne wasn't at the other pillow.

Quickly he shot straight up. Then looked around.

The stars looked like milk drizzled in the sky. He grabbed the rough leather pouch with supplies. A clawbone knife. With a bit of sage to keep spirits out.

Machate ran out.


....absolute silence.

" Well we meet again Machate. " A voice murmured. He looked behind him.


There was a thick red liquid all over his suite.


" Did you hurt Zayne?" Machate yelled as he looked at Randell. The smile on Randell's face grew larger.
" Oh, no no no I would never .................................................. I hurt Briar."

" a lot."

Machate stared at him and Randell continued to speak despite knowing Machate's anger.
" You see these eyes. They aren't red. Same old same old. Blue as a ocean." He pointed to his own eyes with amusement. Then cackled with joy of Machate's anger.

Then Machate snapped.

He used all his strength then spirals of magic came. With anger drawn to a source he focused on his one target.
" You can't get away from me you foolish knight!" Yelled Machate. His voice deeper controlled by a force. His mind fought having battles, for hours were seconds in reality.

The magix came so easily so naturally. It wanted to flow in his blood. He used magix to create a stallion.
" attack." He whispered to the stallion.
It obeyed it's master. With a shrill snarl it charged straight into Randell. Charging him into a tree.

" Rucailo had descendants.
Machate you and Caspian are shadow blood." Then he disappeared in smoke.
