The next morning, the Slytherin common room was empty, light filtering through the black lake into the stained glass windows that held the common room.

The majority of the students having departed for breakfast. Francis sought solace in the rooftop corridor, her habitual spot for moments of quiet contemplation.

With a cigarette between her trembling fingers, she took a long drag, the wisps of smoke curling around her like a protective shroud.

The taste of the black coffee she sipped did little to dispel the knot of anxiety coiled in her stomach.

Today was different.

Today marked her first Potions class with Professor Slughorn, the same Potions Master who had extended an invitation to her to join his prestigious "Slug Club." It seemed the professor had an affinity for her family, having taught her father in his youth.  Such connections were coveted in the wizarding world, and Francis couldn't help but feel the weight of expectations resting on her shoulders.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she contemplated the prospect of encountering the Golden Trio—Harry, Ron, and Hermione—whom she had often sat with during Potions class in the past. Those days felt like a distant memory now, for the dynamics had shifted drastically. Draco and Blaise, fellow Slytherins, now joined her in that very class, and it was impossible to deny the rift that had grown between her and her former friends.

As she exhaled a cloud of smoke, her mind raced with anxious thoughts. Would Harry and the others hold any resentment towards her? After all, they had seen the light in her that was now extinguished, the light before the return of the Dark Lord .

The wizarding world outside was rife with turmoil, and Hogwarts itself felt like a battleground, with loyalties being tested at every turn.

Francis took another drag from her cigarette, attempting to find a semblance of calm amid the storm within her. It wasn't just the prospect of facing the Golden Trio that unsettled her; it was the constant uncertainty, the never-ending struggle to discern friend from foe.

The lines between right and wrong had blurred, and she was caught in the midst of it all.

She flicked the ash from her cigarette, watching it drift into the air and dissipate like her thoughts. With a heavy sigh, she realized that she couldn't remain in the rooftop corridor forever. Eventually, she would have to face the day, face her classmates, and face her choices.

Francis stubbed out her cigarette and finished her black coffee transfiguring her dirty coffee cup into a dove, it was easier than taking it back to the great hall.. She straightened her robes the sudden movements causing the dove to soar about the misty morning grounds. steeling herself for what lay ahead. Professor Slughorn's class awaited her.

Stepping out of the corridor and into the light of day, Francis knew that nothing would ever be the same again. Hogwarts, once a place of magical wonder and safety, had transformed into a battlefield of shifting alliances and hidden agendas. As she made her way to the Potions classroom, she held on to the hope that amidst the darkness, some fragments of true friendship and understanding could still endure.

As Francis approached the classroom, she scanned the hallway for any signs of Draco or Blaise, she rather not start her day off with arrogance and hostility, but they were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they were running late, caught up in their own distractions. However, her eyes fell upon Hermione, standing alone and engrossed in a book. A pang of nostalgia tugged at Francis's heart.

The question loomed before her: Was it worth the risk to say hello? Yet, Hermione had been her friend, someone she had relied on and confided in. There was a connection there, buried beneath the surface.

As uncertain as the times were, Francis couldn't shake off the longing for a semblance of normalcy, a fragment of what once was. The chance to exchange a greeting, to bridge the growing chasm between them, held a glimmer of hope.

With a deep breath, Francis summoned her courage. She approached Hermione, her footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. Hermione looked up from her book, surprise flickering across her features. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time stood still.

"Hello, Hermione," Francis spoke, her voice laced with a mixture of hesitance and yearning.

"It's been a while."

Hermione's expression softened, a flicker of recognition and emotion passing through her eyes.

"Francis," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of relief.

"I... I didn't expect to see you here."

Francis offered a small, uncertain smile.

"Things have changed, haven't they? But... I wanted to say hello, to let you know that... despite everything, I hope you stayed safe over the summer..", Francis paused to think making sure to choose her words carefully

" I'm sorry I didn't write, Father was so busy with work at the ministry I end up visiting my aunt in Paris" she lied.. hoping Hermione couldn't see through that. hoping she wouldn't think Francis was one of them.. a Death Eater.

Hermione's gaze held a mixture of wariness and understanding. She closed her book, tucking it under her arm.

"I appreciate that, Francis. It's been hard, I'm sure you can feel it too.. things are different now..", Francis had smile wearily at Hermione..

" Are you getting enough sleep Francis?", she asked her voice more of a whisper as students started to arrive.

"I wish I was getting more" francis left out a soft laugh

Francis knew it wasn't sleep Hermione was worried about. She had let myself go over the summer, she wished her body hadn't betrayed her showing how her mind had been tormenting me.

Francis saw Hermione's gaze shift past Francis, her face turn sour and her body tense.

Francis didn't need to turn around to know that meant the arrival of Draco Malfoy, she was hoping he would cause a scene.. she could handle him berating her behind closed doors.

As the classroom door creaked open, signaling the start of class, Francis and Hermione exchanged a knowing glance.. before making their way in.

Francis consciously made the choice to sit away from the golden trio, Hermione's understanding gaze met hers once more as Francis took her seat at a table towards the back of the class.

As the students filed in Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini took the seats either side of her. Malfoy still didn't say anything. Francis studied his jaw, clenching and in clenching as if he had plenty to say but was biting his tongue.

He looked exhausted.

Professor Slughorn beckoned the students forward to the display of potions that were assembled on the table before him. A small vial of Felix felicis caught Francis's eye, she laughed to herself in her head about how she wished she had an endless supply.

Hermione ever so smart began to identify the potions

" veritisirum.. Polyjuice potion .." she paused on the last one taking a wiff

" I-it's Amortenia! It's rumoured to smell differently according to each person... "

she takes another whiff of the potion " for example I smell freshly mown grass, spearmint.. and toothpaste",

A pink hue crept onto Hermiones face, she was too clever not to realise who she was smelling. 

Slughorn was delighted, he praised Hermione for her knowledge.

Each student had a watchful turn smelling the Amortenia. Francis felt uneasy as she approached the small cauldron, she presumed it'd smell like nothing since her mind didn't even have a fraction of time to consider having feelings for anyone..  she couldn't be weak.. her father had beat that into her.

Francis held her long blonde curls in her hand behind her neck as she gently leaned over inhaling the potion.

Green apples, tobacco and mint

Francis scrunched her nose up offended by what  the cauldron had to offer as she made her way back to her table.

Professor Slughorns task for the class was simple: Brew a perfect Draught of Living Death in reward to the best student, the Vial of Felix Felicis

Francis had always found potions to be soothing; it demanded her full attention. Rhythmically cutting the ingredients, stirring and adding with precision.

The hour passed quickly- soon Professor Slughorn made his way around the dungeon testing each potion with a leaf. It seemed he was most impressed with Potters potion, that was until he came to Francis.

Unable to decide Slughorn split the vial awarding both Yaxley and Potter each liquid luck.

It offered Francis a moment of joy. Malfoy, agitated as always hastily packed away his things rushing out of the potions dungeon.

Blaise met her gaze holding some confusion as to Malfoys rush, only to be met with a shrug from Francis.

As Blaise walked out of Slughorn's potion dungeon Francis felt relief from the watchful gaze of the two Slytherin boys.

lingering for a moment, waiting for the golden trio to finish packing up  their eyes met once again, and Francis couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and regret. Gratitude for the flicker of understanding Hermione had shown, and regret for the walls that had formed between them.

"I'm glad we had a chance to talk, Hermione," Francis said softly, her voice laced with sincerity.

Francis stood nervously playing with the hem of her robe sleeve. There was so much more she wanted to say.

Hermione nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I hope so too, Francis. It's been hard for all of us",

She wearily smiled at Harry, who was shifting awkwardly from foot to foot as he examined his prized vial of liquid luck

"Good job Potter, " Francis smirked

" looks like I can't slack off anymore now that I've got competition ",

Harry chuckled, his tension momentarily eased.

"Competition is good," he replied, a hint of a playful glint in his eyes.

"But I have a feeling you'll give me a run for my money, Francis."

Ron, who had been standing beside Harry, chimed in, his voice filled with curiosity.

"What's Malfoys problem? He was a right fucking git to you on the Hogsmede platform last night",

Francis sighed softly, her gaze shifting between Harry and Ron.

"Malfoy being Malfoy I suppose," she admitted, her voice tinged with anxiety..

Francis hadn't expected any of them to actually confront her about it. It was easier that they all ignored it.

Hermione, who had been listening intently, spoke up. "We can help you Francis... j-just tell us and we can help", she looked at Francis with pleading eyes.  Francis balled her fists up with anxiety letting her fingernails dig sharply into her palm, she could feel the droplets of blood forming, seeping Under her nails.

Hermione reached out and placed a hand on Francis's arm, offering a reassuring squeeze.  Without a thought a wave of panic rushed over Francis she ripped her arm out of Hermione touch. Her dark mark although out of site felt so exposed.

" I-I'm sorry I need to go, I'll be late to Charms..", Francis voice broke barely above a whisper as she turned on her heel and hurried out.

Francis rushed through the halls of Hogwarts, her heart pounding in her chest, and her mind filled with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of anyone finding out about the Dark Mark on her arm.

It was a constant reminder of the choices she had made, and she feared the judgment and rejection from her former friends.

With each step she took, she felt the weight of her secrets pressing down on her, suffocating her. The burden of being a double agent for Voldemort was taking its toll, and the isolation was becoming unbearable.

As she approached the Charms classroom, she tried to collect herself, wiping away any traces of tears that might have escaped her eyes. She couldn't afford to show weakness. But her hands still trembled, betraying the facade of composure she was trying to maintain.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and entered the classroom. Fortunately, the lesson had not yet started, and the students were settling into their seats. Professor Flitwick greeted her with a warm smile, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil that was raging within her.

As Francis found an empty seat, she felt the gaze of her fellow Slytherins on her. Draco and Blaise, who had arrived before her, were looking at her curiously. She averted her eyes, not wanting to engage with them at the moment. She needed time to compose herself, to gather her thoughts and emotions.

The class began, but Francis struggled to focus. Her mind kept drifting back to the encounter with Hermione, Harry, and Ron. The way they had reached out to her, trying to help, made her heart ache.

She missed them.

But that seemed like a lifetime ago.

As the lesson continued, Francis found herself making small mistakes in her wand movements, causing her spells to misfire. Professor Flitwick noticed her lapses in concentration and approached her desk, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Is everything alright, Miss Yaxley?" he asked kindly.

Francis forced a smile, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"Yes, Professor, I'm just a bit tired. It won't happen again."

Professor Flitwick nodded understandingly.

"Alright, but do let me know if you need any help or if something is bothering you. Remember, I'm here for my students."

"Thank you, Professor," she replied softly, feeling a pang of guilt for not being entirely honest with him. But she couldn't risk revealing her true struggles.

Francis could feel Malfoy's eyes burning into her as he watched the interaction, he was disgusted by the vulnerability Francis was showing, she was drawing too much attention. A liability.

The class proceeded, and Francis did her best to concentrate on the spells and charms they were learning. Yet, her mind kept wandering back to the encounter with the Golden Trio. She couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to confide in someone, to share the burden she carried. She was childish to think they could truely help her, the fear of the consequences was too great.

When the class finally ended, Francis quickly gathered her belongings and made her way out, avoiding any prolonged interactions with her classmates. She needed solitude, a moment to clear her head, and regain her composure.

As she wandered through the castle grounds, she found herself drawn to the Black Lake. The water was calm, reflecting the sun above. It was a place she often sought solace, a sanctuary away from the chaos of the world.

Sitting by the edge of the lake, Francis allowed her emotions to surface. It was an impossible situation, and she didn't know how much longer she could keep up the facade.

How the fuck was she supposed to keep her mask up, it's the first day and she can't keep it together.

With trembling fingers Francis started to dig in her leather satchel fro her cigarettes, placing one in her mouth she lit it swiftly with her wand.

The sound of footsteps approaching snapped her out of her reverie. She turned to see Draco walking toward her,

Francis, with haste inhaled and exhaled the cigarette with urgency as his pace picked up. She could see the anger dripping off of him.

"Get the fuck up Yaxley", he sneered as he approached. Francis remained seated on the grass looking up at him as he towered over her inhaling and exhaling the toxic smoke.

Without hesitate his hand shot down grabbing a fistful of her hair pulling her up to her feet.

Her cigarette hanging loosely from her mouth as a sharp gasp escaped it.

Exchanging hands, letting go of her hair, his other hand gripped her jaw, tightly grasping it in his hand. He ripped the cigarette out of her mouth tossing it to his foot before crushing its red embers out.

Francis could feel the anger pulsing in his finger tips digging into her jaw and cheeks as he held her face in his grasp. Malfoy lowered his face to hers

" I told you Yaxley I don't have time to baby sit you", he spat at her, his voice seething.

" you just can't fucking help yourself can you, talking to that Mudblood",

Francis couldn't respond, his hand blocking her airway ever so slightly causing her to let out a choked sob.

He edged his face closer to hers, his eyes seeping with darkness as his grip on her face didn't waver, pulling her towards his face till their noses almost touched. his breath was cool wafting with mint 

"you're fucking pathetic you know, I don't understand why the dark lord has any use for you.. ",

Francis's hand now wrapped itself around Malfoy's her fingers digging in pleadingly for release.

"don't make me repeat myself again to you, you're going to fuck this up and we'll both be dead", 

for a moment as Francis began to feel light headed from the lack of oxygen black spots appearing across Malfoys face in her vision she let herself be deluded by the thought that he was going to kiss her. 

Draco Malfoy's face contorted with disgust as he threw Francis to the ground, a vile chuckle leaving his throat. He brushed off his robes, regaining his composure, and ran his hand through his hair, slicking it out of his eyes.

Gazing down at Francis, Draco's voice dripped with contempt.

"7th floor corridor at 10pm, don't make me wait, Yaxley," he coldly commanded.

Francis heard his words but dared not look at him or his direction until the sound of his heavy footsteps faded into the distance.

Exhausted and shaken, Francis propped herself up on her elbows, struggling to lift her back off the grass. Her body heaved with deep breaths, and tears welled up in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks uncontrollably.

After the echoes of Draco's voice dissipated, Francis remained on the ground, disoriented. Her hand stretched out blindly, rummaging through her leather satchel for her pack of cigarettes and wand.

With trembling fingers, she placed a cigarette between her lips, using her wand to light it. Letting her hands fall to her sides, she lay there, inhaling and exhaling deeply, allowing the smoke to whirl around her

AN: Any feedback would be amazing.
