How you Meet * Negan

I went on vacation to Vilamoura, Portugal and then I spent a week at my granny's place so I actually ended up not having internet for longer than first anticipated but I'm back and I want to die because Game of Thrones got me fucked up.
Quick disclaimer before you start reading: the charcter portraid was, is or will not be from Rick's group.

Hope you like my first ever Negan preference/imagine/thing. Don't forget to vote, follow me on here and on twitter (@branberrypie) because I like to fangirl in there and say stupid shit and

Bye xoxo.


Season idk, before season 7 I guess: I had no group. I was alone, not since the beggining, but I had been alone for a while.
I was trying to go somewhere safe, but I ended up in the state of Georgia which is as safe as every other state I had been in.
I walked into a gas station on the side of the road to look for food. I opened the door and a little bell rang so I stepped outside right after, squeezing my eyes and furrowing my eyebrows as if that would stop the bell from making noise. I cleaned the glass door with my hand to see if any walkers would be coming, but they didn't, so I opened the door again. I walked inside with my gun in my hand and looked for anything. I grabbed a water bottle and drank it for I was thirsty and then I started opening every packet of chips and bagged food to look for one that didn't have mold and fungus growing on it. I ended up finding a bag of chips that hadn't been expired for a long time so I took them, sat on the counter and started to eat them. They were as good as I could remember, but the last time I had those had been such a long time before that so how could I remember their flavour.
I finished eating and put the bag in the trash and that's when I heard a truck stop by the side of the road. I got behind the counter with my gun in my hand and I peaked through the closed blinds of the window.
I saw a man with a black leather jacket and a bat getting out of the truck and some other people coming out of it. I let go of the blinds and I stay still, my gun in my hand and my knife in the other. The bell rang and they came inside of the store.
"Grab everything you can." A deep male voice said and I started hearing the ruffling of the bags being picked up and put inside of other bags. I also heard footsteps walking slowly around the room.
My heart was beating like crazy and I was so scared that I feared they would hear my heart beat and find me. The only thing that made me feel slightly safe was the fact that behind the counter there was no food, only lottery tickets and who needs those in the apocalyps.
Not much long after, I felt a shadow hovering me and my heart stopped. I looked up and there was no one there. You're just hallucinating with fear. My subcontious told me. It was probably right.
"I think we are alone, boys." I heard the male voice speak again and that sent relief through my whole body.
I heard the bell on the door ring again and that meant they had left. I waited for the truck doors to open but I didn't hear anything.
Out of nowhere, the glass behind me was broken, cutting my in some places. I let out a scream and feel two strong arms grab my two weak ones and drag me outside breaking the blinds too. I was shoved to the ground and a foot stepped on my wrist so I was unable to hurt anyone. My knife and gun were taken away from me and I fought with all my sttength to get my hand away from his boot.
"Look at what we have here." The same voice I had heard inside the store spoke. It came from the man with the leather jacket and the baseball bat.
"You're hurting my wrist!" I yelled at him, still fighting to get my hand away.
"Oh, sorry. How rude of me." He took his foot away from my wrist and I rubbed it with my other hand.
He gestured towards me with his head and one of his men grabbed me from the ground and held me by my arms so I was unable to escape or try anything.
"What a beauty we just found, right boys?" He asked his men.
They all agreed and looked at me like they hadn't touched a woman ever, which was probably accurate since they were all disgusting looking.
"Who the fuck are you?" I dared to speak.
"Oh, pardon my manners." He hit his head with his hand like it was the most obvious thing that he had forgotten. "I'm Negan, and you're my new wife."
I looked at him confuse and disgusted and then his men put me in the back of the truck and started driving. My hell of a life had become much worst.
